I've started watching DS9. It is horrible. I love TNG, and I know this shit came out while TNG was still on air...

I've started watching DS9. It is horrible. I love TNG, and I know this shit came out while TNG was still on air, so what gives? Was DS9 just a way to hand off all the retards on the TNG crew? Is that why O'Brian is there?

The only times I'm not miserable watching this shit is when Quark is on screen, and even that is pretty mediocre compared to Next Gen.

I'm giving it a chance because people say it's good, but I'm beginning to think that is just the overblown nerdgasms from neckbeards who want Trek to be about ship combat and war crap.

Also, Bajorans are the worst. Cardassians should have wiped them out.

Have you finished the first season? The last two episodes of season one are much better than the rest of season one, and they should give you an indication of what the rest of the series will be like.

I should have stated where I was. I'm on episode 15 of the first season. There is SO MUCH OF THIS DAMN SHOW. I can see it stretching on ahead of me and it makes me nauseous.

I had the opposite feeling with TNG, where I saw the episodes running out and got increasingly sad that I knew it would end.

I feel like DS9 suffers the same problem as Voyager, which is that it has few good characters, a lot of meh characters, and some characters that ruin every scene they're in, and those happen to be in a lot of scenes. Unlike Voyager, however, DS9 can't even fall back on the exploration/starfleet purpose to make things interesting. They've got this awful connection to Bajor, and I burn with the desire to see the surface of Bajor turned into glowing radioactive glass.

Don't believe the hype, DS9 is shit. Quark , Odo, and Dukat are the only redeeming qualities.

Skip to the episode "Duet" at the tail-end of the first season. If you don't enjoy it, then the show isn't for you.

>I should have stated where I was. I'm on episode 15 of the first season. There is SO MUCH OF THIS DAMN SHOW. I can see it stretching on ahead of me and it makes me nauseous.

I felt the exact same way when I was st that point the first time I watched ds9, and I've since rewatched the show at least twice all the way through.

>i want to give this show a chance
>i've seen tng and loved it
>only seen up to episode 15 of season 1

Looks like you certainly are giving it a chance, especially when the first two seasons of TNG were trash compared to the rest of the series :^)

I'll hold out until then.

Does anyone have a good episode guide so I can skip the dregs?

Pretty solid advice really.

DS9 starts to focus less and less on it's admittedly rather weak main cast in favour of it's overwhelmingly strong supporting cast sometime around the 4th season.

I think Jake is in fewer episodes than Garak in Season 7, which says a lot.

DS9 starts crappy, gets better, but then ends shitty.

Once you learn to love the characters, you had better go back and watch everything you skipped.

"Meridian" and "profit and lace" and T"he Muse" are the only absolutely must skip episodes I can think of. There are a few shitty episodes that you kind of need to watch for important character/plot developments.

NOT Dramatis Personae and Wishes were Horses...

I get what you're saying, but fifteen hours is no trivial investment, despite the fact that it is merely 10% of the full show's run.

The thing about TNG sucking at the beginning isn't quite a fair comparison (and I don't think it sucked, it just wasn't nearly as good as the latter seasons). TNG had to start up from a standing start. New worldbuilding, new vision, no ongoing Trek momentum. DS9 had a running start, imported old characters, and piggybacks heavily on what TNG started. It also had a bigger investment from Paramount. It has no excuse for being this bad.

Thank you, kind user!

>not liking Double Dax sandwich
>not liking the magic baseball
Once you learn to appreciate the characters, the first season transforms from "miserable shit" to "goofy fun".

That's not really fair. DS9 was an entirely new format of show. It was stagnant, not exploratory, and based around a space station, not a ship. Plus, there was new worldbuilding based on the Cardassians and Bajorans, which wasn't explored as much in TNG.

This. Every episode I remember hating from season one was fucking awesome on second viewing.

>It has no excuse for being this bad.
I'll give two excuses.

1, TNG started with a full writing staff. DS9 started with half a writing staff (they were split between the two shows).

2, TNG started with unused Phase II scripts and it worked because the characters were mostly the same (e.g. Spock's dialogue became Data's, Decker/Ilia dialogue became Riker/Troi), whereas DS9 started with unused TNG scripts, but the scripts didn't work because the characters were completely different.

Daily reminder

>The Muse
Only the A-plot was terrible. Everything related to the B-plot was Top Tier 10/10.

>it's a ds9 writers have to come up with a horrible contrived reason to be exploring some random unknown planet because they're using a rejected TNG script episode

Please do not post flags falsely.

It's certainly different, but it's differences aren't related to my problems. The characters (besides Doctor Hilarious, Space Jew, and Odo Ehrmantraut) are lame, especially the ones with vaginas.

grape bape mape

The characters you don't like will start to grow on you. except jadzia

That's true, I grow around Jadzia if you know what I mean

unlike ezri worst dax

>based Archer below Janeway

Should have watched B5 instead

fucking trekkies

DS9 doesn't start properly until the writers decided that the Dominion was going to be the main point of the show

The first season is bad and has no direction, but it's still better than TNG's first season which is totally unwatchable garbage.

OP just watch the 5-10 highest rated episodes for each of the first two seasons, then watch most episodes from S3 onwards while skipping the turds.

S4 onwards is the best Trek ever made.

Dump it while you can. Despite what these DS9 fags here will say, it does not get better.

You will find a handful (literally only a handful in 8 years of the show) of good episodes. It is shit, it is only Star Trek by name. Voyager was far superior, and that is really saying something because Voyager was also very shit.

At least we had Neelix.

Started watching Voyager last night, it was great. Neelix is boss

Christ I'm only 3 episodes into season 1 and I'm bored shitless

Huge letdown after TNG and the faggot Sup Forums hype

TNG was just a bit cringy and Roddenberryesque the first two seasons, it still had it's moments

It really doesn't find its own step until the second season, much like TNG. The quality of the episodes improves dramatically.

Jadzia was attractive but couldn't they have hired an actress to play the part? Whoever she was, she provides one of the finest examples of bad acting ever witnessed on a TV screen.

>google "fuck neelix"
>hundreds of results

I'm near the end of season 4, people only say it's the best to be different

Honestly it takes til like season 3. It does get good.

its like swiss cheese

>ezri was worst dax


DS9 isn't the best ever. But it does have some really good characters (some of which start off shit and get much better later on in the show).

It's a character drama. If you hate the single-character-focus "filler" episodes from TNG you will hate DS9 because it's 80% filler episodes.