Twin Peaks Season 3 comes out

>Twin Peaks Season 3 comes out
>all these normie hipsters start flooding Sup Forums who only just watched TP on plebflix to fit in

Are you ready for this?

I couldn't even finish the first episode of Twin Peaks on Netflix before I shitcanned it and haven't looked back since. I think you're gonna be fine.

I am one of these normies.

Liked S1, S2 is boring as fuck (I am at episode 9)

I bet you love Game of Thrones, stephanie.

they won't get through season two, maybe even one.

Over the past 10 years, I've picked it up and dropped it three times during the post-Leland shitfest at the end of season 2.

First season, then it's been getting worse and worse the farther it departs from the books, family.

>normies watching Lynch
naw, we're safe

>Uhhh I liked Twin Peaks first, these guys are just hipsters! - You (Hipster)

S02E09 is one of the best though

Lol this pretentious shit always sucked, I'm glad that this nostalgic erase we're in is fucking up so many franchises that people blindly love when in fact they are shit, it's like people are being forced to realize the shit they like is awful

The only good thing about twin peaks is the sweet fucking theme song, so fucking good

I know the type.

>tell my brother (and his gf) to watch twin peaks for years stating it is one of my favorite shows
>no interest
>they find out season 3 is coming out
>it's on netflix!
>he then comes to me recommending the show, oblivious of the fact that I had been trying to get him to watch it for a long time

I seriously don't understand these people.

twin peaks is cool but like wild at heart it's david lynch for normies

You act like you're a hardcore fan who watched the original run as it aired but that's impossible because that would mean you're a late thirties man on Sup Forums bragging about how he's better than others because he enjoyed something first and no one would ever be that sad and desperate.

Wow, punch him 2bh

eh, can't speak for all, but it's more like:
>Twin Peaks is great, check it out!
>uhm no looks gay
>some time later
>Dude, do you know what twin peaks is?!

It's somewhat infuriating, but nothing to get your panties in wad over.

I'm 29 actually
But I think it's funny that you don't even get what i'm really whining about.
You're welcome to continue bitching in the thread, though.

A more important topic: Are we gonna get Lynched?

This is just youthful whineyness.
>WHaaa you have to give me credit! I'm a patrician! Give me credit for watching this first! I am the tastemaster! You're not allowed to enjoy that without first acknowledging that I watched it before you!

we could use a flood of normie hipsters honestly to counter the flood of autistic Sup Forumstard trump fellating posters that have ruined this board.

>autistic Sup Forumstard trump fellating posters
Or losers like you that keep going on and on about it.

spotted the Sup Forumstard

>complaining about normies, when Twin Peaks has had a normie audience from the very start.

Twin Peaks is awful. David Lynch cannot comprehend pacing.

>If you don't agree with my whining you're one of them!
Boo hoo hoo

Redpill me on what episode I should skip to in season 2 where things stop sucking.

Last thing I remember was some old fucks were going into some Canadian bimbo casino and that gay Billy the Biker boy was going to cuck some milf.

I discovered this show and bong rips at the same time long time ago, then my lady discovered bong rips, and I watched it with her. Debating whether to go for round 3 before the new season comes out. I will definitely skip from the Laura murderer reveal to the final episode, I just can't give a fuck about the chess match or the mill or James or any of that crap between.

damn you guys are more easily butthurt than the sjw ever were. Ease up there buddy

There's only 3 or 4 bad episodes, you're probably almost already passed them.

>any of that crap between.
Did you just call Civil-war Ben Horne crap?

First season is trash, get good taste

Yeah, I put this show down when all I was doing was watching a sawmill and a couple shots of water for a prolonged ninety seconds.

the good thing about being an idiot is that no one can ever accuse you of being pretentious

i like lynch things and could listen to the opening theme all day but at the same time i fucking hate them

they are so full of themselfs

you could have told the whole story in like one season

this guy just loves to wank himself off

does anyone else feel this way?

its like what happens when someone discovers dark souls

dark souls is a near perfect game but it has many flaws

have you considered the show could be about more than the story?

Well what are you whining about then?

what do you mean by that? more atmosphere?
my instict is to tell you to suck my cock but i want you to elaberate on your point

Now I see why they call the show TWIN PEAKS ;)

Do you know who I am? I am the arm, and I sound like this...


oh, pardon me for offending your fragile sensitivity and excuse me for gently trying to coax your mind open. enjoy your life or whatever you call your existence.

ok but like i wanted you to explain your point

my argument still stands

i can't wait to see them upset when s3 is vastly different from the rest of the show

you're asking me to explain a hypothetical question.

You really have to be in the right mood to enjoy TP and even then I find it hard to recommend to other people with S2 being all over the place in terms of quality.