Was rock music too white to survive in today's culture?

Was rock music too white to survive in today's culture?

A critic once negatively commented on Posy Malone's "white boy bitching" after all

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>Was rock music too white to survive in today's culture?

pitchfork wrote an article called "The unbearable whiteness of indie" shortly before they started promoting rap over indie music

yeah...it's a factor, as much as you dont want to say it, it affects the marketing because diversity is "in" right now and indie is just a bunch of nerdy college aged white boys singing about heartbreak

Dude that article came out in 2015, rap promoting was happening before that, too.
Nah, Rock was too boring to survive in today's culture. Nobody wants to listen to another goddamn blues based rock band after those kind of bands dominated the charts for so long. Like, if you play even like 90s stuff for most people today, they won't like it as much.

Its cute how this board thinks there is just pop/rock or rap

The harmless, directionless rock of yesteryear won't survive. But we know whites are getting woke at an increasing rate, it's inevitable music will come along that will reflect that in the near future, probably in the form of rock, or something else

>implying rock is too boring and generic to be popular
>every single trap song sounds EXACTLY the same

>bunch of nerdy college aged white boys singing about heartbreak
This. It's one thing if it's someone like Drake (who sings about relationships, but from a realistic and modern point of view) but hearing some indie faggot sing about how he misses his ex or some nonsense is just nails on a chalkboard to me. I tried to give alt/indie another chance with Brand New after hearing about them on Sup Forums, but then they decided to go full soy and destroy their band over some #MeToo garbage. That's the last chance indie is ever getting from me. I can't root for a genre pathetic enough to let its biggest act of the year get taken down by feminists.

Being racist against whites is the worst thing you can be.

Trap has this visceral feel to it that rock music doesn't.

dont worry, they're tryna make indie cool again

how many of you yanks get home in the evening, turn on your computer, go to Sup Forums and start a thread about how unfairly white people are being treated.

stop whining and make better tunes.

>Trap has this visceral feel to it that rock music doesn't.
good one user

>Trap has this visceral feel to it that rock music doesn't.
ok fantano. listen to this youtube.com/watch?v=7gFKGplzgCE (or any punk/metal/aggressive rock music) and tell me it isnt viceral

>stop whining and make better tunes.
imagine being this ignorant. it's not my fault you're too dumb to enjoy any music that isn't a repetitive 4/4 beat with someone talking about hedonism on top

>rockmonkey being elitist about anything

if you feel so good and superior with your music taste why u have to always be crying about it?

shouldn't you be paying attention in school right now, kid?

I'd argue you are seeing the effects of the trend for critics to review things based on the 'social impact' or 'progressiveness' of music.

The result has been many artists who received attention for being politically convenient to critics own perceptions have released bad albums as follow ups or just don't maintain the luster they once had. I think fans are getting tired of critics basing musical opinions around image as opposed to the music itself.

Example #1 Cardi B winning SOTY over Kendrick Lamar.

>the trend for critics to review things based on the 'social impact' or 'progressiveness' of music
i actually agree with you for once montie. people don't care about music anymore. they only care about social narratives. that's why all these modern rappers can get away with the absolute bare minimum in terms of music as long as they say something people like to hear

i bet you could play every song on your top 10 favorite albums on top of each other and it would sound okay

What do you give the new Ministry, Montie?

It was too generic to survive. Post-Rock itself isn't that enticing. Unless multiple instruments are used to enhance the pseudo-elegance of a work, any band can easily attempt a "Post-Rock" atmosphere to invoke authenticity in their otherwise mediocre personalities. Heck, I'd argue that rock music in and of itself has lost its luster. To be honest, there's only so many ways to play some heavy, distorted lick and protrude to the world your inner "anger" using as much cryptic clichés as possible before it just gets all muddled and repetitive. That's the whole problem; rock in general has now exhausted its course. Screamo bands aren't an exception. They only fall in its stereotypes instead of relinquishing them, like a druid corrupting a soul only to be vanquished by the razor of centaurs.

Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance at least made emo/post-hardcore more interesting, by combining it with pop and Alt. Rock, sustaining Rock's longevity in the 2000s. Could the same be said for City of Crass Pariahs or Stay-Away-etia? No.

This sounds dated as shit. Would have guessed it was made in the 70s or 80s.

shouldn't your mum be blah blah fuck off

i bet your mum blah blah

are we really resorting to this shit?

a. what are you even fucking upset about? that the music you like isn't more popular? that music you don't like is more popular? that the music you like isn't covered enough by critics? that the music you like doesn't have space you feel it deserves in the cultural zeitgeist?

seriously? why do you give a fuck.

b. rock is dead because there has been no significant, forward thinking popular movement within it for fucking decades now. what, you want to go back to shit heap pop-punk, hxc and nu-metal? let's all reminisce about the days when papa fucking roach was all the kids wanted to hear.

Metal is the only good thing that ever came from rock.

>i bet your mum blah blah
wtf are you talking about? learn to read. i said that because every modern trap song sounds exactly the same

i don't even listen to hip-hop you halfwit.