/asoue/ General Thread

So what does Sup Forums think of this show? What went right or wrong in your opinion?

NPH was decent but JC was the best Count Olaf.

Also please try to keep this thread PG-13.

Jim Carrey sucked desu and he killed his girlfriend

I was surprised how much she resembles the prior actress. I actually liked them both. They obviously had very different direction in how to go about their roles, but they both handled them effectively.

I prefer the movies' costuming and sets, and the actor playing the Count in the movie, but I prefer the Netflix series' approach otherwise, in terms of how it tackled the material. The aunt's part was also handled better in the movie. I much preferred Monty in the series, however. Klaus is easily better in the series as well.

I'm unsure of which version of Sunny I prefer.

Overall I'm happier with how the series in tackling the books, the movie shoved too much into too little, and the great performances, costuming and other positive aspects of the movie could not make up for that rather mislead decision.

I think the big difference is the part of the count. The new version is giving his all, you can tell he's into it, but who in their right mind wants to be measured up to Jim back when he could still go full throttle like he did with the movie's version of the count?

Mostly I'm just happy both versions exist.

good goy

Patrick Warburton was unexpectedly great casting. Him and Olaf's troupe were the best parts.
Definitely less sinister and more cartoonish in tone than the movie but generally the humor works well.

thread is slow while the pedos reset their routers

There are children on this board, faggot. Watch the motherfucking language!

I was a kid a good 15 years before the books came out, so I wasn't familiar with this story and watched the show because I like the cast.
I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. I actually might read the books now, they seem like something I would have loved as a child.

>says to have a pg 13 discussion
>posts that pic

What did OP mean by this?

The whole story exists to pander to people like the John Podesta types that steal kids from orphanages

they even mention this in the first movie, hurrr orphans, so grimdark muh seekrit societees

Jews really arent subtle when you know what to look for.

only sets of 1s and 0s
rule 2 prevents the presence of anyone below 18

what dem lips do gurl?

brown eyes are truly patrician and high-test

stop spamming this 7/10 bitch

>they mentioned orphans in a movie about orphans
wow...rly makes u think...

the point is why the movie itself is about orphans

I never understood the appeal of these books as a kid. They were all the same shit.
>someone has to look after the kids
>count Olaf appears in some ridiculous disguise
>the kids recognise him, but noone believes them
>count Olaf kills their current guardian
>back to square 1
There were like 10 books, did it ever amount to anything? Is the netflix series better?

>purposefully missing the point

the only reason the movie was produced is because rich jews steal ophans to fuck you silly goose.

But as a jidf you will always protect your pedo friends.

no it was all just typical YA trash like harry potter

only the first 4 books follow that formula

Not jidf, you're just barking up the wrong tree here.

>I was surprised how much she resembles the prior actress
I haven't read the books but I plan on reading them, while I wait for season 2.
Do the books describe the way characters look in detail?
or was it just good casting?

I like Potter as a kid though. This was just... bad
maybe, I probably dropped it in the middle of 4th book

I never read the books or saw the movie,but was Count Olaf always this creepy towards Violet?

he tried to marry her

In terms of her hair style and such? It's pretty similar, but in terms of facial features, body type and all that? The book's illustration of Violet and Klaus is extremely deformed. I don't mean that they're meant to be deformed, just that it's a highly deformed style. They got that she's a fair skinned brunette., wears a dress and puts up her hair to help her think.

i just kissed my monitor

Him Marrying her was right out of the books, also being creepy. I mean, you were warned that everything would be terrible and that you shouldn't want to watch it if you're a normal person.

it wasn't as bad. the "i can touch anything i want" line was added, pretty sure

woah, should i be seeing this shillflix flick?

If I had kids they would be one of the first chapter books I gave them. Along with being clever and not being afraid to show the shitty parts of the world they have a really good message about being smart than the generation before you, learning new words, phrases and ideas and generally just encouraging learning but not in an afterschool special type of way. It was always in a "Do your reading kids and one day it may help you join a secret organization and foil villains".

stop parroting that damn line over and over again
every damn asoue thread and some fag has to mention it

someone asked whether olaf was as creepy in the books. that line was relevant. go sperg somewhere else

i can touch anything i want


fuck you i laughed

>Born: March 12, 2003 (age 13)

Thirteen-year-olds aren't allowed to be beautiful, baka. Why do you have to give me these feels.

why do people like jim carrey's olaf? it did not feel right in any way to me, count olaf wasn't meant to be zany or wacky in that regard.

he didn't fit the role at all

Nice trips, btw

What's wrong with it?

this is 1080 quality on netflix?

yeah, those moments are bad as well. i'm not saying that NPH is perfect by any means, but i think his general demeanor on the series is a lot better than JC's was in the movie.

film violet > show violet
film sunny > show sunny (seriously wtf she's cgi 3/4 of the time and she's they got tara strong to voice her making baby noises WTF)
show klaus > film klaus
show olaf > film olaf
film monty > show monty
film stefano > show stefano
film sham > show sham
film josephine >>> show josephine
film hook handed man > show hook handed man
show bald man/man nor woman/pale women > film bald man/man nor woman/pale women

Wtf why are some posts getting deleted?

A show based off a kids book? PASS

The show stars a 12 year old girl who did child modeling. Let's just say some fans are more count olaf than others

she did THAT kind of child modeling?

They were naming the jew

U wish, olaf

>barking up the wrong tree

Sup Forums isnt a very difficult forest to navigate kiddo

where do you think we are?

there's cheese pizza of this girl?

What the fuck? More like clothing catalogs. Normal shit. Some people, man. Some people are just degenerate.

Don't you have a pizza place to shoot up, retard? Sorry, there's no more news to break. If you weren't involved in the leaks in the first place there's really not much else to contribute, sorry you missed the boat and now are grasping at straws to remain relevant in your head.

next time exclude "child" from "modeling" to avoid confusion

Listen man I'm sorry if we disturbed your baby-burning but if you spent less time working out what new colour to dye your hair or self-flagellating over being an instersectional shitlord cishet colonial you'll have more free time for things like shitposting on Sup Forums and crying for no reason

Jude Law >>> Patrick Warburton

he's a better actor no doubt
but they cut a lot of him from the movie



>ywn protect her


Books 2-4 are exactly that, but it gets much better from book 5.

The netflix series tried to fix this by introducing some continuity in these first books and they did it really well. Book 4 is easily the worst one, but it had the best episodes in the season.


Why cant women dress like this these days?
Modest and cute.

I see a lot of women wear shit like this.. you need to go outside more

because it's not the '60s anymore
and they still dress modest and cute, you've been looking only at sluts you dumb jerk

The moon will rise


NPH is a terrible actor

What year is this supposed to be set in?

>tfw when you find out the actress is 13

>stares at camera
>it's so much more convenient to consume entertainment from the comfort of your own home

how old did you expect? legal?

all those butthurt americans lamenting about age restrictions, while i'll spend my golden years in the eurocaliphate

There's really no official year. It looks like it's in the 50s but then they start talking about the Internet.

I watched the first episode and wasn't very impressed.

The kids either can't act or were told not to. Either way I don't like them. The girl's beady little eyes kind of creep me out too.

I'm not sure how I feel about NPH. He constantly feels like someone who's "acting" but maybe that's the point.

I like Snicket and the overall presentation.


Do they keep casting Violets with big lips for the pedo audience?

I think NPH makes a good comedic Olaf, but he's really not scary enough. He's too goofy, you never feel the children in actual danger of being killed even when he says he'll kill them, or when he slaps Klaus around

Not him but I thought she was 17

NPH does better in disguise i think.

it's alluded that most people saw through his disguise in 4 and just didn't give a shit

>film monty > show monty
did you hurt your head?

he's a better actor but he really didn't do much in the movie.

also i was singing the song when i read this

Klaus gets a lot better and Violet gets a little better as the show continues

X Files had the same plot in every episode of Scully acting skeptical about the existence of aliens until she's proven wrong but then the evidence gets destroyed and she's back to square one, and that was wildly successful.

I still have some difficulty with Kronk/Steve Barkin being Lemony Snicket. Otherwise it's great. I just really hope we get all of the books this time. Just need two more seasons. Hope it does well enough.

The real plot kicks in in about book five and then it gets way better. Series is bringing those elements in a lot earlier though.


Which MILF actress would be the best Esmmé Squalor?

Having engaged in a relationship with someone with psychotic depression who has attempted suicide I find your comment poorly thought out and I hope you don't go around saying things like that in real life.

Demi Moore

They know their audience.

You don't top Billy Bones.

PG-13 obviously means pretty girl 13 years old.

Was it just me or did some of their scenes felt a bit too awkward?

It's a pretty good read. It had the same feels as the show with a ton of extra content. A few things change though, it's less humourous in the book yet at the same time Sunny is funnierm

I want to sniff Violet's neck

What's the chances she goes the same path as those girls from Disney/Nickelodeon?

delete this

She won't because she's with Netflix and not with them.

>Malina is a Jew

She'll be fine.