New Power Rangers Trailer

What went wrong?

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>What went wrong?

>That's a strong as hologram


oh I get it because POWER rangers

Is this Michael Bay's Neon Genesis Evangelion live action?

Holy shit this is fucking shit

I dont know why but the black funny guy meme always works with me

It looks even shittier than the originals

>literally turned into gold


>Power Rangers movie
>"No one man should have all that power" starts playing

is that guy one of the failed prototypes from the zac efron project

When will Linkara review it?
I would really like to know!

>pee in that cup

boycott all movies without asian girls

What did he mean?

That one tall stack of golden shit, and Goldar looks dumb to.

"You know who the kids like nowadays, that Kanye guy"

At least the Pink Ranger is pretty

>what went wrong?

it's a fucking kids show that's being touted as a micheal bay big flick, of course it's gonna be awful

Why put shitty rap music in the trailer?

>watch Logan trailer, oh its shit...
>watch Power Rangers trailer, get hype

I hope this movie tanks so that the manchildren cry themselves to sleep and that greedy prick Saban loses out on his dreams of having a Cinematic Universe like Marvel.

Rap and Power Rangers goes together like gas and water. I'm still mad Ron Wasserman's intro for Mystic force was canned just because of a Disney exec.
His version:

What we got:


What is this nigger music?
Where is the fucking electric guitar?

Every time a "new" movie comes out I hope it's actually decent but it is all just the same generic shit with a different name and characters.

They made a God Of Egypt vs Bayformers movie?!

Looks better than the last trailer did.

This movie is going to be shilled by Saban marketing drones and Sup Forumsmblr trash until release.

Design went wrong. Every single one of the rangers have this blue energy power stripe going through their already over-designed suits. The zords in dino mode is alright, but the megazord is bayformers-tier trash. Del Toro literally showed the world how to create nice looking robots and these retards still went with bayformers style

Its no different than children's comics being marketed to adults. In fact its exactly the same.


There is a bigger problem than being out of touch if they thought him being melted gold was a good idea. Part of the plot involves the bad guy's stealing old for him, that would ever be a good idea for a big bad in any era.

Unless she has a history of drug problems you have to wonder why anyone has that ready. I expected a line about thinking the girl was sarcastic or hit her head.

>AYO Mr White! Yeah power up!
>pls call me Lionsgate

>my kids listen to that rapper all the time
>yeah mine too, lets go with that

fuk them

It makes perfect sense if her mom is strict and has caught her smoking weed before. I've known multiple people that had parents buy piss cups to test if their kids were on drugs.

>forced humor
>nigger music
Into le bin.

Haim Saban s the main Hillary donor, he is the live-action Happy Merchant.

>Asian guy is the black ranger
>Mexican chick is the yellow ranger


And in other news, the tv show has a new season

>Yellow is a girl

What happened to the GIGANTIC zords we saw in this teaser poster? I mean they look huge standing on a mountain. Now seeing them here they look smaller than a house.

Does anyone have that picture from a thread a while back where someone said the new rangers looked like a mid-2000s graphics card box?

You can literally see the Ranger in the cock pit and see the scale was way the fuck off you dolt.

>I was kind of expecting a little more.

Sums it up.

>I've known multiple people that had parents buy piss cups to test if their kids were on drugs.

holy shit what the fuck is wrong with people

Everything that could have went wrong did.

What the fuck were they thinking

so which one is more racist?

>making black guy the black ranger
>intentionally avoiding making black guy the black ranger

>we could have had a super detailed almost photorealistic version of this fighting giant monsters to heavy metal guitar riffs


>it's a hollywood ruins another franchise episode

>Its morphin time

what did he mean by this?

nothing, looks like a great kid's movie

Why does Hollywood continue to create remakes that spit on the source material? They always flop because they are play it safe, middle of the road shitpiles that appeal to no one.

Because she is?

In the TV show the black dude was black power ranger.

Trini is A CUTE.

>becomes a movie property
>costumes go from simple and iconic to crazy super-detailed clusterfucks

why does this happen every single time?

Neither. It simply is coloration of their armor, not their ethnic group.

There, is, no, set, schedule!

>Edgy gritty Power Rangers movie with rap music

I honestly cannot believe how miserable this looks.

Why not just embrace the campiness of the original series and make a fun movie for kids and nostalgic manchildren instead of something no one in their right minds will like.

Can't wait for those human husks in China to eat this putrid shit up so we get an expended Power Rangers movie universe to plague mankind for the next 20 years.

You answered your own question.

Ok seriously they need to stop using Kaynes shitty songs already. Hes an overrated fuck who only got traction with Daft Punks help

Making the black guy the black ranger and making his character a thief

>people in my friend circle are unironically excited for this and say it looks "hype"
>user, shut up, you don't like anything

>In the TV show the black dude was black power ranger.

No shit genius, you must have the only one to watch the fucking show. tell us more

There's nothing gritty or edgy on this trailer aside from the color grading.

>what's wrong, Sup Forums? Not good enough for ya?

>she is pure evil

>Saban's Power Rangers

That dude even still alive? How does he still have enough control over the property to put his name on it?

Everything about that not-Alpha is horrid.

looks amazing

Oh cmon! They couldnt put one guitar riff in this train wreck of a fucking movie trailer? Its better than listening to this overplayed shit. Its like when the Superbowl cant find a performer and they just get The Who

Looks like it might be as entertaining as Gods of Egypt. Just some good campy fun.

I'll take it at this point since there's nothing good coming out in March anyway. At least the story doesn't seem like horseshit.

Nothing, it was destined to be 100% pure garbage from its inception.

Sooner or later Sup Forums is going to have to accept that this is the new normal. Ghostbusters 2016, Suicide Squad, this; the age of halfway decent big budget blockbusters is over. You've just got to cut all emotional ties to the whole industry and only watch smaller budget dramas and the like. It sucks if you're a genre fan but it's better than watching an endless stream of diarrhea.

Honestly, this one is a lot better. Now if they could just do something about the suits and the Bayformer Zords.

Kong and Logan come out. Logan looks ok but Kong is tied to Godzilla and has the fat guy

nothing GOOD user, learn to read


Which will be better, this or Ninja Steel?

Why does everything look so gross? Why are their suits covered in some kind of thin layer of slime? Why did Optimus Prime show up at the end to fight the Great Mighty Poo?

I know someone who had to do a breathalyzer every time he came home


I found it. Didn't think I saved it during that thread.


What was the best series and why was it SPD?

Did he ever fail it?

I agree, just a knock off MC Ride.




not dark or gritty enough

>I'm guessing we're some kind of Power Rangers?

Only hyped for this character desu. I hope they keep him pre-soccermum-esque...

>pee in that cup


>No one man should have all that power rangers
/directorname/, really?

You have absolute shit taste if you believe that.

Anyone else think the suits are surprisingly good? Especially since they look like shit on paper

I guarantee he'll appear in a post-credit scene


If the soundtrack is just gonna be rap shit then this movie is as good as dead to me.

I'm actually excited for this, that trailer was fun. I'm a huge MMPR fan so I can't wait. Do you think that this has stunt people who actually know martial arts in it, or will it be all stylized and fast cuts?


Zordon looks awful