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did you heard that song from a
dog meme video

my east European grandma loves this shit
I love it too

did you know that pushkin's grandfather was black

and that clap
in the chorus

is killer time

Are you mental? Because Sup Forums is all about the neo-post punk emo proto gothcore metal doesn't mean you can't look into the history of famous older bands and nothing is even wrong with enjoying cheesy 80s pop, it's fucking great.
Go back to the bandcamp thread amigo.

Fun fact about Rasputin, most "facts" about him are lies.

with a clap I meant

that this is an awesome disco hit. the clap in the chorus comes in a little bit before the actual hit in the rhythm, or maybe is something else
a drummer can explain it better than me this trick
The choice of the lyrics - the way the bring the cold war santimento to live with that funky, sexy, mystic madman - вcecъщият Paзпyтин!

The fact that the band toured in the block also bring a twist to it, since in the context of soviet history, cтapият Гpигopий is just an old crow to be dealt with. The way the lyrics depict his hunting down and killing reminds the (block) listener more of Bolshevik poetry than of disco,
even if the beat doesn't stop

so is this song the tragic death of the mystic funk in the world of soviet power?
or is it just mumbo-jambo? the use of вyндepбa (wunderbar) is really interesting since it present an absurd use of language that can be read as nonsense-as-exclamation or as yet another reference
to the wall
that split a nation

who KNOWS>?

My b-day is on Dec. 30th

Nigger was a slavaboo. What of it?

I thought you were being ironic by saying that your grandmother loved it like "haha this is so old".

I used to sing her
money, money, money by abba as
mommy, mommy, mommy
on the beach when I was a little child

now she is dying of cancer a floor below me
and I twist and turn between forgetting about that
or trying to think what is time like for her

anyway, I love anonymous boards
its just nice to get this shit off your chest

F for babushka.

Also, my own grandmother had been diagnosed with cancer not more than 3 years ago, but successfully went through chemotherapy (God bless spanish healthcare).
I'm afraid I suposse you probably live in eastern europe so I don't know how you would go on about treating an elderly person with something as awful as cancer, but I hope everything goes as good as it possibly can for you Volya Vova Aklesandrovich.


Do you like 5'nizza by the way?
You said you liked the mix of russian folk with other genres. This is like russian guitar + ska/reggae.

Actual Russian here.
This song is cancer.

I personally don't. The folk sound sounds really tired over the steady rhythm in most of their songs, even if they have a number of bangers.

most people here love them, and they have fans here who are well into their 30's. Russian language was common as a foreign one in schools was popular for political reasons.

the band itself is great and will sure be a pleasant twist for every fan of the genre, or anyone who likes drinking I guess.

it doesn't hold well on
back to back listens really

Isn't sounding tired the point of this song?

>the guy behind Boney M was the guy behind the infamous Milli Vanilli
>basically did the same thing, where they "performers" seen on TV weren't the people singing on the record


I thought it was about sex

It's about a soldier )=

Does that include this one?