Thoughts on today is the day?

thoughts on today is the day?

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outstanding band. Willpower is my favorite. what about you, OP?

Ive only listened to that album but i liked it. what should i listen to next in their discography?

Exceptional band, especially during the 90s. Their run of records from Willpower up to and including Sadness Will Prevail is unbelievable.
Steve Austin should be as widely respected as Justin Broadrick and Stephen O'Malley.

wonderful album. temple, eyes of god, and sadness are my personal favorites

i haven't heard eyes of god but i should give it a go

i say Willpower

Very very underrated album/band era.
I wish Austin would have retained that bizarre drums/keyboards/guitar setup for at least one more album.


I also wish he would have kept this lineup around for long enough to record an album with them. They were fantastic, the best lineup he put together since the ITEOG era.

Never really understood why he constantly has people going in and out of the band. I figured he just enjoyed keeping the band's sound in constant flux but considering that the Mastodon guys apparently quit the band mid-tour in 1999, I dunno...

Steve Austin is a genius who doesn't get enough credit for how much he did for multiple genres and towards the development of more popular bands like Converge. Their streak up to Sadness is one of the best runs in history.

I fucking love this band. One of the best.
Everyone post their sickest songs

fuck off, weenieboy

>Everyone post their sickest songs

they released a superb 7" single around the same time as willpower and almost nobody seems to know about it

that fucking drummer...

Arguably the cringiest hardcore band ever.

Why's that? I think Austin tries too hard sometimes and his vocals aren't but I'm content with just ignoring it.

One of the few extreme rock/metal bands I've heard which manages to convey an atmosphere of completely genuine and unsimulated psychosis.
Willpower and In The Eyes Of God are the best albums AmRep and Relapse ever released.

>Austin tries too hard sometimes and his vocals aren't

The blunt vulgarity of the lyrics and the vocals is what makes this band though.

Listen to the second song in The vocals are what takes it way above the average noise rock/post-hardcore song. It sounds completely fucking deranged.

You answered your own question.
Yeah, nothing says deranged and psychotic quite like a homeless man wailing into a distortion filter over Linkin Park riffs, movie audio snippet interludes that you could find on a lowbrow slam album, and *holds up spork* genre-hopping.

>quite like a homeless man wailing into a distortion filter over Linkin Park riffs

This sort of reductionist disparaging can be applied to a shitload of left-field metal bands that take influence from more than just hard rock and its subgenres, not just TITD. Godflesh is the first one that comes to mind right now.

>movie audio snippet interludes that you could find on a lowbrow slam album

Another element which contributes to the nightmarish and pornographic atmospheres that this band generally works with.

>and *holds up spork* genre-hopping.

There's no genre-hopping with TITD, if there was I wouldn't even be able to listen to them. They play around with weird song structures and time signatures a lot but they always remain tonally consistent throughout on a song-by-song/album-by-album basis.

>This sort of reductionist disparaging can be applied to a shitload of left-field metal bands that take influence from more than just hard rock and its subgenres, not just TITD. Godflesh is the first one that comes to mind right now.
Justin Broadrick doesn't distort his vocals and his riffs don't sound remotely like Linkin Park so uh...
>Another element which contributes to the nightmarish and pornographic atmospheres that this band generally works with.
How is it "nightmarish" if it's queued in as a segue between the meat of each track like some sort of novelty? They don't actually incorporate it into the music whatsoever.
>There's no genre-hopping with TITD, if there was I wouldn't even be able to listen to them. They play around with weird song structures and time signatures a lot but they always remain tonally consistent throughout on a song-by-song/album-by-album basis.
So you're telling me that you haven't listened to anything past the self-titled? You'd be factually incorrect to claim that there's no genre-hopping on Sadness Will Prevail.

>hardcore band

How are they not hardcore? They sure as fuck aren't metal.

>Justin Broadrick doesn't distort his vocals

Yes he does.

>and his riffs don't sound remotely like Linkin Park so uh...

Neither do TITD's. Did you ever even hear either of these two bands?

>How is it "nightmarish" if it's queued in as a segue between the meat of each track like some sort of novelty? They don't actually incorporate it into the music whatsoever.

It sets a tone for the music that is to follow and adds a sound collage element to the whole thing. They don't even use samples that often, I'm not sure what you're on about desu.

>So you're telling me that you haven't listened to anything past the self-titled? You'd be factually incorrect to claim that there's no genre-hopping on Sadness Will Prevail.

Sadness Will Prevail plays out like a simultaneous retrospective and evolution of all the elements which have been present in their sound from day one. The only difference is that the more electronic/experimental pieces have a much larger presence than they do on the average TITD album.
The general mood of the album is consistent and maintained throughout the album regardless of what's going on on that particular track, nothing on it feels out of place or detracts from the overall experience.

Frankly, the more I read your posts the more I think you're some mong deliberately taking the piss.

Austin doesn't use a distortion pedal, he uses a mixer with the gain turned all the way up. Dummy.
>Linkin Park riffs
you know literally nothing about metal/noise/punk. no wonder you have Sunbather in your top albums.
not a bad thing, dummy

Noise rock, grindcore, jazz, noise, prog, sludge/doom. All elements of their sound. So are you actually retarded, or just trolling?

I doubt he wants to list all of those. Hardcore is a fine enough descriptor.

just call them "noise metal" like everyone else. They aint a fucking hardcore band.

well noise metal isn't a term. they're sludge metal/noise rock and share almost nothing with contemporary hardcore acts

>Yes he does.
Literally when?
>Neither do TITD's. Did you ever even hear either of these two bands?
Plenty of Linkin Park riffs on Temple of the Morning Star.
>It sets a tone for the music that is to follow and adds a sound collage element to the whole thing.
No, it doesn't. It takes no effort or stroke of genius to phone in an audio snippet before a track and plenty of bands do it.
>They don't even use samples that often, I'm not sure what you're on about desu.
>Sadness Will Prevail plays out like a simultaneous retrospective and evolution of all the elements which have been present in their sound from day one. The only difference is that the more electronic/experimental pieces have a much larger presence than they do on the average TITD album.
What does this have to do with anything?
>The general mood of the album is consistent and maintained throughout the album regardless of what's going on on that particular track, nothing on it feels out of place or detracts from the overall experience.
Just because random keyboard mashing and guitar chugging are both expressions of angst doesn't mean they don't haphazardly throw shit together.
>caring this much about genres
>Austin doesn't use a distortion pedal, he uses a mixer with the gain turned all the way up. Dummy.
He's still distorting his vocals. I couldn't give two shits about what equipment he jerks off with.
>you know literally nothing about metal/noise/punk. no wonder you have Sunbather in your top albums.
Nice strawman.
>not a bad thing, dummy
It is in the case of a band that take themselves seriously.

Noise metal is a term, not a fixed subgenre. Usually refers to bands like TitD, Unsane, Endon. Basically, noise rock + metal

What the fuck does a Linkin Park riff even sound like? You must be new to metal. Chugging riffs does not equal nu-metal.
Are you actually retarded? I'm genuinely curious.

Broadrick distorts his vocals ALL THE GODDAMN TIME. Did you even hear Post Self? The first track has distorted vocals.

Pain is a Warning

>Literally when?

The first thing that comes to mind are several tracks on Us And Them but it's not rare in their discography at all.

>Plenty of Linkin Park riffs on Temple of the Morning Star.


>No, it doesn't. It takes no effort or stroke of genius to phone in an audio snippet before a track and plenty of bands do it.

I didn't say it took genius to do it and it's done pretty frequently in some genres. It still serves its function, especially in TITD's case where the samples taken from schlocky gore films and weird religious sermons make the experience even uglier and more warped than it would have been with music alone. And again, samples are used pretty sporadically on TITD albums. Even if you hated them they're pretty easy to ignore.

>What does this have to do with anything?

It negates your claim that the album is revolving around some zany genre-hopping for the sake of it. All of the tracks on Sadness... can be traced back to territory that the band has already explored and has experience with across their previous albums.

>Just because random keyboard mashing and guitar chugging are both expressions of angst doesn't mean they don't haphazardly throw shit together.

There's nothing haphazard about the album, it flows very well considering its diversity and length. I could almost compare it to Soundtracks For The Blind as something that juggles a lot of stuff at once while having all of it serving to benefit the whole experience rather than to distract or irritate.
If you don't think the chorus riffs are basically the same, you're an idiot. You can feel free to peruse my 2000+ metal ratings on RYM if you think I'm "new" as well.
There's no vocal distortion to my knowledge on the first three Godflesh LPs and that's the era I think of when I think Godflesh. It was a stupid comparison the other user made to begin with.

>Did you even hear Post Self?

I think this guy has heard one Godflesh album(obviously Streetcleaner, like most dilettantes) and maybe two TITD albums. I'm not even sure why I'm replying to him.

This man gets it. God bless you, user. What is your favorite track on Sadness?

>uses RYM ratings to prove his "trueness"
>once again insists that having a chuggy riff is somehow unique to Linkin Park
my dude, you are a fucking joke

He's honestly entertaining me. I enjoy getting mad online, and a dummy shittalking Steve Austin (TitD or Stone Cold, I will defend both) is the quickest way to get me there

>I didn't say it took genius to do it and it's done pretty frequently in some genres. It still serves its function, especially in TITD's case where the samples taken from schlocky gore films and weird religious sermons make the experience even uglier and more warped than it would have been with music alone. And again, samples are used pretty sporadically on TITD albums. Even if you hated them they're pretty easy to ignore.
And that's where differing opinions come into play, innit? I hate them, you don't. They're a notable detraction from my ability to enjoy their music.
>It negates your claim that the album is revolving around some zany genre-hopping for the sake of it. All of the tracks on Sadness... can be traced back to territory that the band has already explored and has experience with across their previous albums.
You didn't negate shit. lmao
>There's nothing haphazard about the album, it flows very well considering its diversity and length. I could almost compare it to Soundtracks For The Blind as something that juggles a lot of stuff at once while having all of it serving to benefit the whole experience rather than to distract or irritate.
Now this may be hard for you to swallow, but uh... I disagree. Wow. Almost like everyone experiences albums in a different way. I felt it was haphazardly thrown together and you didn't. Congratulations, you just learned what subjectivity means.

I do admire how adamant you are in convincing me to enjoy something that I've already justified my disdain for though.
You were the one making the initial claim that I was new, my man. Don't go pointing that shit back at me.
Keep riding that dick a little harder and he might be able to afford a place to live.

but you are fucking clueless about metal. Your fucking RYM ratings don't change that, mister "first three Godflesh albums". So you might not be new, but you have shit taste.

>You don't like what I like so you have pea brain! >:(
You need to be 18 to post here.

its not that you don't like it. it was really the dumbass Linkin Park comparison that triggered me, user.

>Now this may be hard for you to swallow, but uh... I disagree. Wow.
>I do admire how adamant you are in convincing me to enjoy something that I've already justified my disdain for though.

Then what was the point in engaging in this discussion? What was the point in posting in this thread at all?
I'm still not sure if you're trying to play some retarded tripfag character or what. Sheesh.

Start an argument, then when you start to lose, just say "whoa man just agree to disagree dude lmao like people have different opinions"


>Then what was the point in engaging in this discussion? What was the point in posting in this thread at all?
The OP said "thoughts on today is the day?" and I shared my thoughts. You determined that I was being objective and took my opinion to heart, deciding to "ackshually" me because not all is right in the world until anyone who calls your favourite band "cringe" is proven wrong with c o l d h a r d f a c t s. I didn't engage anyone. You engaged me.