What was the point of this scene?

What was the point of this scene?

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fap mat for moi

to show that she became fat

1. To show her discomfort with the state of her body/age, especially compared to how she looked back when she was still a superhero.
2. To make the audience cheer her on/symphatize with her. She is in a lower/more depressed state of mind and therefore has the potential to evolve through the movie to get out of that depression. This is visualized through disliking her disliking her body. However, most audience members will inevitably find her attractive due to the waist to hips ratio and will cheer her on.
3. Animating can get boring sometimes.

To please the dad's who had to take their kids to cinema to watch this movie


was it rape?

This is the correct answer.

it was different times man

To satisfy the fans of T H I C C.


What at insatiable woman

It inspired Shadman.

Why the fuck has no one made a hardcore sex scene inbetween the cut of him leaving the first time and the second?

>be elastic and can make your body into any shape
>gets fat

Bitch just make yourself skinny again

Could we potentially crowdfund a hitman to kill Shad?

being this much of a fukin pleb

But she isn't a STD-ridden prostitute with piercings in every hole and tattoo's everywhere while being disformed anatomically.


look in a mirror retard


Now why would you want to do that?

being this much of a fukin pleb



Fucking sauce. Please


wtf i love helen now

wew gib gib gib




>can't watch this without thinking "nerf this!"

Jesus Christ I love braaaaaaaaap now!

Why is google reverse image such shit nowadays

Hey, mediocre art doesn't hurt anyone and he has a decent idea once in a while.

thoughts on this hiney?

Imagine if Sup Forums was unironically like this.

>o show her discomfort with the state of her body/age, especially compared to how she looked back when she was still a superhero
She went from disgusting skeleton to top class thicc, it's an improvement.

To make boys into men.



>that little girl

kek, everytime

>She went from sleek athletic to disgust slop
Fixed that for you, fatfuck.


Nerf this

chel is the best animated woman in human history
fucking fight me


>search her name on bingimages
>have to zero out my HDD now

Well, fuck me sideways.

Fucking bing.

>his left arm just clips through the fucking doorframe

5 star post

Keep up the good work


What's her name?

chellhellbunny. She posts lewds on her tumblr. her tits are ugly, she's on the fat side of chubby and she's a shadman enabler. Have fun though.

It's a reminder that the male patriarchy can still get to a woman even if she has superpowers. She should be proud of her body but societal norms dictated by males have convinced her otherwise.

Why what were the results?

Why would I fight a man with such sophisticated taste.


if you have to just use magnets m8

>Using Bing in 2017

The fuck?


Did Raimi work on this too??

I used it ever since google started censoring their image results.


You'll know when you see it.

>check the comment from her and the response of the video creator

If Sup Forums was unironically it would be called r/movies

>Not knowing Bing video is the best porn search in existence

come on man

>Touching your wife's ass is rape

I still don't know so elaborate please. Is Chris going to get me?

She sucks Spanish cock



Why is there so little good porn of her and of Violeta?

I think Shad is doing quite the fine job.


Mmm I don't quite like Shad's stuff. It's not bad and I've fapped to it a few times, but it's not what I would like.

No it doesn't. Look at it again frame by frame

Reckon Violet was a voyeur?


Never even noticed the tit jiggle when I watched the movie

God bless the horny animator who added boob jiggle

You mean when she sighs?

Just the other day I was at the pool and wishing I could turn invisible.


that jerky eyebrow animation

i want to fuck helen parr

It was different times.


It doesn't, but in Monsters Inc theres an extremely obvious mistake when Sully's horn clips through the roof of his apartment

This is a good post.

She's an older woman and a mother. They tend to get insecure about their bodies. The scene is supposed to show how very domestic she is, even in the middle of infiltrating an enemy base.

Are you all so fucking RETARDED that you couldn't figure this out for yourselves. This is Sup Forums. We don't want the serious, obvious answer. We want something funny.


LIBERALS better not fuck this one up
with all the women in power they will try to censor shit and make everything gay
fucking women

Let's play a game of spot the samefag shall we?

le normal mom being superhero again

I am this guy

That's the problem, you saw Sup Forums on one of your epic screenshot compilations somewhere and just assumed it was a place to come and shit things up. You didnt lurk moar or try to learn the culture, you just post shitty one liners from your phone and never contribute anything meaningful.

>that feel when gf doesn't do this

oh sweet lord forgive a brother for wanting that T H I C C booty in my life


Memes and comedy are the staple of Sup Forums, newfag. You want meaningful then fuck off back to rebbit.

>friend used to say elastigirl was hot
>used to think he was some weird deviant for being attracted to a computer animation
>see this thread
>he was right