Tfw based mods dont ban you for exposing soyboy music

>tfw based mods dont ban you for exposing soyboy music

music for this feel?

Other urls found in this thread:

i unironically support Sup Forums posters being executed


you will never claim this board nazis

le soy xdsxd

It still music related faggot, mods only ban posts that had nothing to see with music like... idk you faggots calling somebody soy and don't give a fuck about actual music

froot loops are the shit fag


>want soyposters to go away
>get buttblasted in every soy thread, thus giving them what they want
the absolute state of Sup Forums



I made a post making fun of all the soy meme and 69 spam and I got ban.
While there were like 10 post of 69 memes in the top page.

Just a reminder that mods are aware of the daily shit post on here but they don't give a fuck. They aprove all that 69 spamming that are obviously not serious music discussion.

They are part of the problem.

alt-right go back to le reddit you fucking autistic virgins.




soyposters: "Cucks watch"
also soyposters: "Look at these images I got from to prove how bad cuckholdry has become."

based soyposters

believe me, if i left this board, it'd lose half its activity. mark my words, this place is a ghost town and only a few are keeping it propped up

i made this post

i make every post

soyboy posters are the kind of people that are so unoriginal they can't create any new content for their own fucking board, so all they do is continue repurposing memes from 2014 over and over again.

They also have no taste in music

if you left this place it would be like removing a brain tumor.
You are worthless piece of shit that brings value to nothing

You literally post the same shitty album cover again and again. If anyone is unoriginal it's you.

you dont know what i post, believe me my friend. i stop posting here, this board will be slower than /3/

Do it faggot

At least the serious music discussion thread would last a bit longer

because I am doing the same thing you fucks are doing to prove a point, idiot.

Get. New. Content.

do it then, i'd like to see the difference

soy memes arent even funny. its just numale, cuck, and bugman rebranded.

you literally listen to oasis, soyboy

This board is horrid. It is a shithole and it will only get shittier. Trying to fix it is a fruitless effort, just revel in it and go down with the ship, or abandon hope. There's nothing we can do, we are long past the point of no return.


Neck yourself faggot, pretending to be retarded makes you retarded. If this place is so bad then stop tripping and get the fuck out.

montie actually made funny memes that were related to music. soy is just dumb spam that doesnt even make sense

put your trip back on faggot nobody ever thought you were funny

I do


im not montie

Sup Forums unironically thinks about interracial porn and black people more than liberals it's honestly funny

The trick to no get your thread delete for shit post is just post "music for this feel" at the end

So no matter what stupid shit you post, that text at the end will automaticaly make it music related for the mods

oh by far

fuck off montie

>being this omega

this a fucking user board. Threatening to leave is fucking laughable.
No one would notice.

You and everyone who makes shitposts on here are worthless. If you died no one would notice or care besides a slight improvement in board quality because they guy who keeps spamming the word soyboy is dead

soyboy and bugman are the same fucking thing

bugman's funnier and sounds more biting and insulting, i wish that one caught on not the soy meme that stopped being funny months ago

thnk you Sup Forums for mking me realize that these artists are garbage

Bugman is some stupid esoteric MDE meme. Soyboy had more mass appeal and staying power because it's so fitting

reddit soyboy detected

Do you think you are being cool and subversive?

Everyone can see right through you pol. You are just an insecure faggot projecting your own lack of masculinity onto others and ruining every board on Sup Forums. No one likes you. Youre a fucking cancer. I come here to talk about music. Not read shitposts from a 12 year old who thinks he is a man

Do you think we are idiots?

Its obvious someone keeps raiding mu to push an agenda.

Accusing someone of being less of a man is the oldest trick in the marketing handbook.


You people are fucking disgusting

t. montie