Wow, the greatest metal album ever

Wow, the greatest metal album ever

the best track is the 3 minute interlude of corey taking a shit


unironically one of the best metal albums of all time actually, yeah.

Too bad that their sound and then their career started shitting the bed. Their last good album for me was Vol 3. The Gray Chapter was just such a cold fart of dadrock trying to be hardcore I can't listen to it. All Hope is gone had some good tracks but otherwise was not great.


You’re wrong, best track is Surfacing

custer is the only good song on that shit album


this but unironically

The whole thing I think is sic

Fuck it all! Fuck this world!
Fuck everything that you stand for!
Don't belong! Don't exist!
Don't give a shit!
Don't ever judge me!

Wow correcting myself I meant tattered and torn is the best.
Sorry for the confusion.

unironically love this album


Is Ten Thousand Fists a bad album? I don't get how NME could rate it 1/10. Do I have shit music tastes Sup Forums?

>Thus Slipknot (Roadrunner, 1999) leverages turntables, samples and percussions, not just guitars, to achieve maximum ferocity, in a manner that makes Slayer and Sepultura pale.
The music is excessive and furious, with frequent changes of pace, and a wealth of sonic detours. The grotesque panzer dance of Sic lets the vocalist scream his vulgar outrage over tribal drums and mad guitars. A similar farcical posture, conjuring images of a witches cancan, underlies Surfacing, while the turntables hark back to the industrial devastation of Cop Shoot Cop. The limping pace and the agonizing guitar riffs of Eyel E SS sound like a vaudeville sketch in hell. The epic rap of Spit It Out indulges in wild dynamics, for example repeating the refrain in two completely opposite tones, that demonstrate the difference with, say, Kid Rock. This style that straddles the line between tragic and comic reveals its desperate face in Liberate, not a song but an act of vomiting, and No Life, not a song but a schizophrenic duet between an evil and a wise selves.
In the middle of this uncontrolled havoc, the bands suddenly turns into Nirvana copycats with the relatively catchy refrain of Wait And Bleed, while Tattered And Torn is an avantgarde piece masquerading as a personal exorcism. And the album closes with the total chaos of Scissors (nine minute), a Freudian descent into a damned soul. There is enough variety to engage the listener in a re-examination of her metal stereotypes.

what did scaruffi mean by this

I think you posted the wrong image.
In all seriousness, how well do Slipknot/Iowa/Vol3 hold up after all these years?
Self-titled was better, Toxicity afterward play it safe in comparison.

>listening to leprosy
>get to track 8

how do you manage to hear "chocolate" from Choke on It?

i had some shitty 192kbps mp3 back in the day with shitty skullcandy headphones


>Self-titled was better, Toxicity afterward play it safe in comparison.
This guy gets it.

did you fucks even listen to Eyeless? Only good song off the album and the best Slipknot song ever.

>Only good song off the album


why did this image crack me up so damn much

because you're a fucking homo

this album is almost oppressively bad. It's like every teen angst trope wrapped in the ugliest butt metal you could imagine.

I was 10 when this came out. Korn and Limp Bizkit were at their peak. Not even MTV would touch Slipknot. Not even Wait and Bleed. People make fun of them, but on the mainstream level, they were so far beyond what people were used to at the time.

No, they weren't. MTV not touching something means absolutely nothing. Bands like Converge and Today is the Day were around at the same time and doing stuff far beyond slipknot without corny mask gimmicks

And in 1999 neither Converge nor Today is the Day were at the mainstream level. Nor have they ever been. I'm not impressed.

They weren't on a mainstream level but that is pointless. Kanye was doing things "on the mainstream level" that was never done before with Yeezus but it just looks sad in comparison to something like Death Grips, which is my point.

You're both gay

I don't know what channel I saw it on but I first heard about Slipknot when I saw the music video for Wait and Bleed on the TV and they showed it regularly. This was definitely before Iowa was released because I remember me and my older sister staying up late to watch the music video debut for Left Behind (I think that was on Kerrang).

Now that's what I call advanced shitposting