>best film since Signs

Literally what? Everything is so predictable about this movie, exposition is so strong you can guess the ending 10 minutes beforehand. There is no twist, but a stinger at the end like in the Marvel movies. Kinda. The only thing Cuckmann was right about was McAvoy, boy was he good. Anyways, how did you like the Split user?

whatever. i'm just seeing it for the qt brown girl

>Chris Stuckmann is counted on RT

I did not know this. I think this is the final straw for me.

Why the fuck is this hack on RT?

Why do people still follow RT?


Have you seen it?


Yes I have, it premiered today in Yurop

Spoil it for me, user.

McAvoy was abused as a child and developed split personalities, which actually alter his body chemistry. At one point, he survives a gunshot wound because of this.

He kidnaps three girls, kills two, the last one is the vvitch. She was also abused as a child, McAvoy feels they're connected, and it bids her enough time to escape. McAvoy gets away.

The police calls in David Dunn from UNBREAKABLE to help capture McAvoy, who has been dubbed "The Horde" by the media and has for all intents and purposes become a supervillain. Dunn still has superpowers and vows to take him down.


This, but

1. 24th one

2. He has no interest in her because of that.

3. That wasn't even implied, he appears in a cafe at the end.

>Stuckmann is an actual critic according to RT

why does anyone take shamalamadingdong seriously as a director anymore? The marketing team puts his name on it like he has directed good movies lately.

how long before it says 'Top Critic' next to his name?

I'm surprised it doesn't already

I hate thats probably bullshit...but i would get hard as fuck if that happens.

It is true. All of it. OP here

Then this is the Dawn of the Shyamalandingdong Cinematic Universe.

Shamalon needs to make a movie and iterate to the media that there's no twist, only to have there be a twist.

Theres nothing "good" about playing 24 different wacky characters. Good acting is creating a believable range of emotions for a single, coherent character.

I watched the trailer for this - how come the main girl in literally every shot is making that same stupid dazed face with the tears in her eyes? Even when he's in their car abducting them she's just staring at him dazed with tears in her eyes instead of screaming or trying to escape. Makes me not want to watch this shit.

Holy shit are we really getting Unbreakable 2?

>There is no twist


thats the tweest

Literally the only thing you need to be an official critic on RT is to have your reviews published somewhere

They better have JNH doing the music again. Even then, my hopes aren't high MNS can catch lightning a second time.