Well I'll be goddamn

well I'll be goddamn

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I really liked this one, one of the only movies where the twist ending actually caught my off guard. Good stylish directing too, and the girl is cute.

one thing I couldn't figure out, how does she not recognize his name?

I like it but I feel it gets overrated because it's usually the first foreign film people watch

That boy sure was old

well I'm Bulgarian so pretty much everything I ever watched has been foreign

Why did they have a floor full of secret torture rooms when he was only doing it to the main guy because he had exposed his wincest? Did he have enough money and time to perform decades-long psychological torture schemes on anyone who wronged him?

I don't think the prison was his originally, I think he bought it later to give it to golden tooth boy

I personally loved Memories of Murder (2003)

anyone seen pic related? best korean film i've seen in a while

but then again park chan wook always delivers

>Train to Busan
what is it with Koreans and ultra violence? I don't think I've ever hated anybody enough to do the Oldboy treatment on them

this film is fucking fantastic

I still haven't seen this version, when I wanted to watch old boy I was pretty drunk and really didn't want to read subtitles so I just watched the English one. Does anything happen differently? I only settled on it because I read it was pretty much a 1:1 remake.

always watch the original

>t. saw both versions of Funny games and even though Naomi Watts is 100x hotter than the kraut the villains are much worse

watch "I Saw the Devil" senpai, it'll knock your fucking socks off

My favorite film. Ive seen it plenty of times and its not just a "muh first korean movie", its a great movie.

Score is excellent, acting is very good. The plot twist is very very good, but unlike many other twist movies Oldboy is still extremely rewatchable. The theme of revenge is dealt with in a very interesting way, not just Tarantino-esque "me wronged, me kill bad guys".

The villain just hires a room from the guy who owns the building and runs the kidnap operation.

I normally do, just really didn't want to have to go back every few minutes when I missed a line. Not a problem when you're not drunk but when you are you tend to zone out or get distracted.

Is the rest of PCW's stuff as good? Some of them looked interesting but I'm not sure where to start

Oldboy is overated because is the only korean film pleb normies watch its not bad but not that great either

I'm not afraid to admit I went back to the sex scene and fapped when I found out the twist

Ive been planning to watch the other films in Park's vengeance-trilogy and watched "Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance" a few days ago. Some pretty brutal over the top violence there as well... not nearly as good as Oldboy but worth a watch I guess.

Mr. Vengeance is pretty great.


Movie about vampire priest is garbage. Stoker is pure kino

Fair enough
Yeah that one was great. Anyone here who's looking to get into asian cinema should definitely give it a go

>Memories of murder
>J.S.A. Joint Security Area
>New World
>A Bittersweet Life
You are welcome

I never seen the SPike Lee version
Was it equal to this or very terrible?

Has anyone seen Madeo? I thought it was really good at the end

>movie cinema ?
Memories of murder is pure K I N O easily in top 3 modern korean kino

check out movies in the early 2000s it was a good time for Korean movies.

From what I remember it's a nearly identical remake but with weak acting and ADHD Hollywood directing
I caught half of it on TV once

the remake is pure shit but i love the sex scene to

how do you think ? did you ever watched a good foreign movie remaked in hollywood to turn out good?

>what is amelie

the departed
12 monkeys
reservoir dogs

we talk about korean movies retardo

i'm a native german and the original of funny games just seems goofy to me. and i live close to austria, so i'm used to the accent. i just vastly prefer the german dub with the american actors.
and naomi watts always gets my dick hard

they were both brainwashed by the psychic

What about this incestkino?

i want to add the man from nowhere to this list.
pretty fun movie that i greatly enjoyed. it doesn't have any crazy plottwists or anything, but it's still a very good korean revenge movie.

called the twist surprise w/e super early on lmao

infernal affairs is infinitely better than the departed

Its better than babbies first foreign flick.


A familial bond reveal hasn't shocked me that much since Empire

Good show lads thanks for the rec lived up2daHipe

it's not identical, it's pretty terrible.

can you guys recommend more korean/jap movies, i have a feeling i've watched everything worth watching

you get to see Elizabeth Olsen's tidds

my sassy girl
lake house

I always suggest the same movies but just in case .

Yes. The twist at the end is really an oh shit moment. Really plays the audience.

Normie taste.


I don't see how it's normie taste when I saw them before normies but okay. also ask any Korean person what their fav movies are and these will appear.

Is this any good?

meme trash for plebs

there's a ton of much better korean films such as bedevilled, the yellow sea, 3-iron, sympathy for mr vengeance, the chaser, mother, castaway on the moon etc etc

It's not a horror more like a confusing Lynch movie. Great soundtrack though

watched it with friends years back we stop it 30min in........ BUT we where weed lmao as fuck and just wanted to watch some horror flick
have to rewatch it solo its probably good

>J.S.A. Joint Security Area

man, that photo in the end hit me right in the feels

Rate my Korean Kino list.
White = seen
Yellow = not

what to watch next, any recommendations


It's not a bad movie but at this point it has become the Fight Club of Korean Movies

>imdb Sup Forumsabbie the list
Is this supposed to be impressive?

the first half is really slow but it has some of my all time favourite jump scares and horror sequences. i think it's definitely worth a watch. it sure isn't normie compatible though, it's way too slow for that.

the chaser

I'm a cyborg but that's okay is amazingly fun and full of feels.

It's all the good korean movies from korean directors, what are you trying to say with your reply

eh nwm, i guess i can't read

I've seen it, that's why it's white, one of my favourites


You have shit entry level Sup Forums taste. What you're watching is essentially hollywood trash in a different language and I won't be giving you recs because its clear your eyes are not adjusted for anymore yet.

nvm i can't read either.
i think there's nothing wrong with your selection. ignore the memer.

I've seen it, that's why it's white,

Quiet Family a solid black comedy. Bachikwang comfy and sweet. Two Sisters is kinda confusing and long. Good bad and weird is fun and had great action scenes but too long. Last one impossible to find, i would be grateful if you give a link to download
> Kim Jee Woon fag

Well name me 2 more korean directors who aren't on this list then, so I can fill in their names and movies, or are you too austistic for that

I've searched for a Age of Shadows torrent 1 month ago but couldnt find anythin, should search again. But thanks for replay senpai

I think I said earlier but browse movies from early 2000s. imo that's around when k-movies were great.

New World was fucking amazing will highly recommend it!
Watched Hell Or High Water then 4 hours later New World and the only thing i can think off was New World, Hell Or High Water seemed like meh compare to it good story good feels good characters goat soundtrack

Is this the greatest OST ever produced?

One late autumn night, the disciple awoke crying. So the master asked the disciple,
>"Did you have a nightmare?"
>"Did you have a sad dream?"
>"No," said the disciple.
>"I had a sweet dream."
>"Then why are you crying so sadly?"
The disciple wiped his tears away and quietly answered,
>"Because the dream I had can't come true."


my fav kino

yep sick kino imo

legit beautiful film. loved every second of it

was really sad when it ended, like not about the ending, but the fact like everyone pretty much went on a goose-hunt, came up empty handed and it also ended.

i watched joint security area, oldboy and nameless gangster, any other top notch korean movies?

felt like crying my eyes out when i saw this picture

they just wanted to be friends man ,_,

If ya have not seen it check out Mother


>watching so few movies that he expects twists in the ones he watches

Lel @ sympathy for mr vengeance better than oldboy. Which aspects are better exactly?

What a shit movie

Should have been the live action version with train to trash as the cartoon.

What a shit movie.

So I accidentally spoiled myself the ending of JSA some time ago. I keep delaying the movie hoping that I forget but I just can't get it out of my head. Should I watch it anyway?

the animation was ugly as fuck, so yeah, whatever budget that shit had would've been better spent for a camera and some actors

this finally online?

nope, it was obvious my mang, that there would be a ''''''''''huge''''''''' reveal

how's the The Handmaiden?

yeah, but don't bother

overrated yeah but its still fucking great

i have a real soft spot for the good the bad and the weird

>Lel @ sympathy for mr vengeance better than oldboy.

But it is.

what is it with koreans and zombie films lately?
is this one also the US military's fault?