ITT: albums that made you go 'meh'

ITT: albums that made you go 'meh'


ITT: opinions that made you go 'meh'

Disco Inferno’s D.I. Go Pop was very eh

Damn, that's one of my favorite hip hop albums ever.

we must be the opposite. Imperial fucking slaps IMO

What do you think of any other Denzel Curry albums, like Nostalgic 64 or the 13 EP? I actually really like him, but Imperial just seemed really generic in comparison to some of the more psychedelic or grimy stuff he's done.

My hot take is that 13 is going to be one of the more important trap rap releases of the decade just because of how different and dark it is in comparison with the majority of other southern trap rap artists. I see trap going in that direction so I am a big fan of 13.

Good stuff. I loved 13 as well, and I really hope Taboo continues in that direction. I feel like it'll be his magnum opus.

ITT: tripfags that made you go 'meh"




You disappoint me Montie. Imperial is fantastic tho I agree

Holy trash opinion. I pray this is bait

holy trash opinion [2]

literally never heard a more "meh" album in my life



Never understood how anyone could 'meh' to SIlver Soul, fucking brilliant song imo

Anyway I really wanted to like Spacemen 3 but all I found was pleasant yet underwhelming synth drones that is probably only impressive to someone nodding off on heroin. So their entire disography left me saying "meh"

Every album by Grimes

if every album was meh why listen to them all?

how do you know if an album is meh if you don't listen to it?


I assume all the ones I haven't heard are at least competent cause they tried

Some artists have a bad album, others meh.
Listening and hoping that something would be: likable, based or at least better than meh. Unfortunately, nothing beyond meh.




I understand the progressive desire to include the mentally challenged in our ranks so as to be respectful, inclusive, and nurturing towards the deficiencies that special people are marred with from day to day, but I simply can't abide this retarded shit.

What is this?

Learn how to use Google.

remember when google reverse image search was good? I do.

Sorry guys, I can't give any info on the album.
I actually really love it, and I don't want it to get too popular on Sup Forums for obvious reasons.


user, don't get mad because other people don't acknowledge your 9gag-tier taste.

i mean it wasn't bad at all, but it also totally failed to get my attention. all of the songs just meld together and feel aimless, and there was hardly a memorable moment or a really grabbing melody throughout. i really wanted to like victoria's voice, but i couldn't the shake the feeling that it kinda sounded like "generic indie voice" to me despite her unique range. the production was just like "dream-pop-lite" to me in a bad way - it felt like it was constantly on the edge of being dense and beautiful and, well, dreamy, but never really got there.

silver soul was probably one of the better ones there but the only song i really liked was walk in the park

Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

Retarded opinion.

i listened to this stoned the first time and reacted the same. A year later I listened to it while taking a sober walk on a sunny august afternoon, and I realised how fucking good it actually is. Anyways, thanks for reading my blog everybody.


it's not a 10/10, there is nothing exceptionally very special about it, but it did what had to do REALLY well

Madvillainy is boring and overrated. Change my mind.

this but unironically

only liked Bum and O.J.

Montie is a retarded gay nigger.

I also think that madvillainy is fucking boring

If it's not for you, it's not for you. Personally I think his flow and rhyming schemes are great, I prefer rappers who use a character to rap as instead of themselves, and the madlib instrumentals are some of the greatest rap instrumentals out there, only topped by Nujabes IMO.

ITT: tripfag poster's that always makes you go "nah"


>still tripfagging

>hurrr im not going to contribute to the thread and instead complain because le tripcode and muh Sup Forums cuoture xdddddd

Do you feel embarrassed? You should be you fucking idiots.