Left wing hollywood movies

left wing hollywood movies

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fairly bi partisan, faggut

The Searchers.
Pan's Labyrinth.

just off the top of my head

Nope, specifically anti-Reagan.

>Posts the definitive alt-right classic that started it all

>Reagan was a good president


It's blatantly anti-capitalist.

Putney Swope

They Live was part of a wave of movies satirizing and critical of the 1980s and Reaganomics

Walker, which missed the mark on the comedy imho - and for its critical view of Americas roll in Central America basically destroyed Alex Coxs career
They Live, aliens are doing to earth what the rich do the working class and the third world! the funny! Missed the mark like Walker.
Gremlins 2, the character Clamp is a combo of Ted Turner and Donald Trump and his business is used to make fun of a lot of the corporate culture of the time
RoboCop, the best of the bunch it savages Reaganomics


>Don't question anything!
>Only LIBERALS would question propaganda!


>movie about aliens taking over the world
>thinks it is about real politics

Are you one of those overunity fags that keeps posting perpetual motion machines on thinking it has anything to do with the real world?

>he doesn't know what an allegorical device is
John Carpenter said the movie was a political critique.

what does it say behind him? Oy vey?



I 'm giving you a choice: either put on these glasses, or start eating that trash can.


All of them.

You are literally autistic, correct?

everything KANGZ kino, obviously.

>what is metaphor and allegory

All of them, except Eastwood and Gibson films

Anyone who follows any political party blindly deserves Rowdy Roddy Piper's foot up their ass


You seen that Mandela-dick sucking rugby piece of garbage?

both parties are capitalist

what the fuck how was he implying that by purely stating what the director said the message of the film was

It doesnt matter what he said. Even if it's true that the movie was intended to be anti-reagan, does not mean that its message is inherently leftist. Its message is that you should not blindly believe the narrative that politicians and media serve you.

In today's political climate, it makes no sense to see the movie as leftist, as the left has control of the narrative.


Believe it or not politics doesn't begin and end within the parameters of the American two party system.

>anti-capitalists have control of the narrative

>there's only one form of capitalism