Why do you watch movies if they're all made by Jews and you hate them?

Why do you watch movies if they're all made by Jews and you hate them?

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Because there's nothing else. Also I only watch kino.

Wait a minute, how is he taller than them?

he's tippy-toeing right

Is that parker posey in the middle?

I don't, I just come here to shitpost about stuff I haven't even seen.

Nah some random cosplayer

But I love Hershlag!

I don't hate Jews.

This. Top QT.

Lucky bastard.

I wonder what my chances are of snagging an Israeli as a non Jew.

They're small girls.

How can you not?

>mfw goyim try to make movies

You really should

u delete this

Nat is 5'1''. Even RDJ isn't that small.

because i don't hate them

>being that close to Herschlag AND Litwack

you just know

I need more Kat, stat!

It's ok. Just one more day and then our guy can start to deal with the (((problem)))

sure thing buddy

WTF is this? Why are the dogs photoshopped in

i heard some jewish guy say that the jews of the early 20th century were so successful in Hollywood because they study the Talmud as boys and have to memorize large amounts of information, this helped them when visualizing stories and committing the smallest details to film

You lost, libtard. better start dealing with it

What problem?

sure thing buddy


It's just that Jews have better verbal intelligence mixed with a healthy dose of ethnic nepotism

but i love jews. btw i only eat kosher now

I'm a good goy.

And I also like big jew tits.

Breastlin is jew?

post more jewesses

this is an imageboard for fuck's sake

How do I get a thicc jewish gf like Kat? I'm a goy

>not posting best jewfu

I thought this board was kosher, I guess NOT.

Fuck! He tricked us?

who is it?

>I'm a goy
Get cut.

sign up to JDate like i did

Jews created the Hollywood film industry.


Today I will remind them



>pic related
an ashkenazi jewess i met on the site


>Get Chosen

so thicc 4 my dicc


Breslin's Jewish?

>"look user, i'm sitting on the marketing tool we created to dethrone your god, take a picture!"

>tfw no ryry realdoll

I would be okay with marrying a jewess if it wasn't for the fact that they don't celebrate Christmas

>tfw you live long enough to see the entirety of humanity uploaded into fully functional RyRydolls and Malinadolls

Jewish influence in film is actually severely overblown. Go through your head of all the GOAT film makers. A tiny fraction of them are Jewish. Maybe there are a lot of Jewish owned production companies or something, but I only care about who the creative minds behind them were.

>tfw jewish fetish is strong with ryry

why settle for dolls when you ca get bots?

damn, thanks for the tip m8
there's some hot jewesses in my area
pic related

I'm torn between being strangely attracted and viscerally repulsed. Dem DSL's do.

What's that website that shows the percentage of Jew-ness a movie has?

I'm pretty sure my favorite movie is at 0.00% so it's all good.

jesus christ, how can someone so rich dress so horribly?

To make him look taller. Like in the Simpson's when Bart was trying to look taller to get that role in that movie

>redhead jewess
nice user, you hit the jackpot

i like my jewess like ryry, thick brows and pouty lips with a heavy rack

I don't watch movies

JDar i don't know if it's still up


>implying I watch Jewlywood trash

>Also I only watch kino.
Oh so you're a faggot.

>Sup Forums


Don't lie user, we're all friends here..

I hate what you are 10X worse

you tricked yourselves

He's standing on two milk crates.


The last "new" movie I watched was The Raid 2
I'll admit that I like The Mentalist and Castle as background noise though

for you


Trump's mentor was a Jew

He also called them all filthy kikes

Hitler was a Jew

You need a Jew to kill the Jew, as only Jews are evil enough to do what needs to be done.

Why do they need to change their names?

>"omg, is that dirty goyim looking at us?"
>"ikr? how dare he look at us, the master race!"
>"lets insult and humiliate him for the filthy worm that he is!"

I dont pay for any of my movies, so why would I give a shit about who made them

Y-yes please

>Why do you watch movies if they're all made by Jews and you hate them?
I'm able to minimize the amount of money movie jews get from me.
There might be one movie every 2-3 months I'm interested enough to see the first week, and if I do, I buy a ticket for a movie that's been out 3-4 weeks and 60-80% of my ticket price is kept by the theater (compared to 20% on opening weekend).
This way I am supporting the local economy.

All other cases; I pirate, watch on Netflix, or go to the cheap theater which keeps just as high a percentage of my tiny ticket price.

If you're smart, you'll be able to stick it to the kikes and enjoy the garbage they produce.

>filename isn't ovendodgers.jpg

Hang your head in shame

Because they star Jewesses and the heart wants what the heart wants, user.

what the fuck these bitches are 1.6m tall? wew

Don't be so rude, Mel

>I don't know if it's still up

Those fucking Jews.

Does he have an excuse for those shoes?

Like, does he claim he has some sort of leg/back issue that requires unique podiatry treatment?

Most polniggers probably don't even know what a Jew is.


do they fugg with goyim tho?

>you will never marry a jewess and have a harem of half-jew daughters who grow up to trick goyem and steal their seed

Don't know about that, part of Jewish study for boys is Pilpul, which is basically the art of arguing and persuasion. Helps with being a lawyer, maybe he helps with being a writer and marketeer.

I think the truth is that Jewesses are 11/10 and as such they can corrupt the most powerful and important Goyim men and run the world.

that's where you're wrong. i'm marrying my jewish fiancee this july to be part of the master race. my children will have the good life and i'll be a good goyim


well i wish you luck with your inlaws, user
i don't know how jews accept wasps into their fold but i imagine it would go easier than if she brought home a black or arab man

you should ask ryan newman's father for advice on goy/jew relations

hint: don't talk about a two state solution in israel

Sup Forums knows more about Jews than most Jews do.

They also have a strange obsession with Jewish women.

It's almost like Sup Forums is to Jews as American blacks are to American whites.

Deep jealously at play.

why would I hate Jews? They're great!

>tfw I already married a Polish/Russian Jewess.

I already told her she must produce girl childs, so we can trap some rich and powerful Goyim men to help give our family a head start.

I don't hate Jews. I just hate idiots, and anyone can be an idiot.