Is the dark side stronger

>is the dark side stronger

So did the prequels retcon Yoda into being a complete fucking liar? Because I seem to recall him getting his ass kicked by the dark side in Revenge of the Sith.

It's not though, from a certain point of view.

Light side users can transcend into the force and gain omnipotence after Death...

Dark Side are twice as bright, half as long.

Light side people have the moral high ground advantage too

>gets the shit kicked out of him
>I won from a certain point of view

>Luke, tell you did I that I led surprise attack on the separatists on Geonosis starting a galaxy wide war that that raged for a decade and resulted in all the Jedi getting killed and a totalitarian Sith dictator taking control of the republic.

>A jedi uses his power for knowledge and defense, never for attack

Yoda only lost because he fell the wrong way and hurt his ankle

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

>that raged for a decade
4 years actually

Does that make Yoda a sith, since he absolutely, unequivocally lost?

No, that's just added on later. Yoda's statement is supposed to be like him, in that the light side is stronger, just like a small imp-like goblin like him can be an ancient mighty warrior

he had a lot of time to rethink things when on Dagobah

It's a franchise for (man)children.

It just means you have autism.

Just ignore the prequels.

>4 years
From whose point of view? Different planets have different rotations and revolutions, where is the galactic calendar?

He lost because he's a fucking 66 pound midget

His no remark was immediate, and without thinking.

The dark side is stronger. Yoda would never admit to that tho.

>Dark Side is supposedly stronger
>Sith get BTFO forever and Jedi survive
really makes you think...

There's standardised years, presumably based on the year of a main planet

There's more to the force than just combat

Oh please, the Separatists struck first, they were planning on going to War anyway, it's why they built all those battle droids.

>moral high ground

The clones were actually commissioned first.

A jedi (Sifo-Dyas) had been given false visions by Palpatine and Plageuis of the sith.

So technically both sides were never really two sides. It was one organization fighting itself to give the illusion of a war.

The dark side is like alcohol: you get a cheep easy buzz for a while but your addiction to it corrupts you as a person

The light side is like a stable relationship: it takes hard work and makes you a better person.

What would Palpatine have done if Anakin had died in one of the many occasions in the war where he almost died?

>So did the prequels retcon Yoda into being a complete fucking liar?

No, he was a fucking liar since the beginning. If what he said was true, the Jedi wouldn't have fizzled out and the Empire wouldn't have gotten as far as it did.

found another pupile, cuz if he died is because is a was not good enough

Probably corrupt another Jedi or youngling until he found a more powerful force-user like Starkiller.

like what?

he would have gotten to work on corrupting pic related to the Dark Side

exactly. Yoda was a stubborn, arrogant fool who after losing pouted on a swamp planet for over 20 years and then died

Like being an imortal force ghost for one.

but the Sith could do that too?

He meant to follow that up by telling Luke the dark side was a good friend of his.

Think of the Dark Side like a min Defense - max Attack type thing. You're more powerful than your opponent but you're also more likely to trip up and make a life endangering mistake. The Light Side is more even; giving its wielder less offensive capabilities but more defensive capabilities. More over light side users have better emotional control which protects them not only in fights but in general as it discourages them from making decisions based on emotion and irrationality. All Dark side users in the films: Maul, Dark side Anakin and Sideous all fell either in combat or otherwise because of their overconfidence and lack of emotional control - things that the light side keeps a lid on. Dark side users will therefore always fall on their own swords, light side users just need to wait long enough for them to do so.

Isnt there some angle where both Yoda and Palpatine were not going full out against each other....becuase they didnt know what would really happen if one of them was taken out. Upset the balance of the force etc.

They can't.
You need to be in a state of tranquility, peace, and acceptance to death that the Dark side doesn't offer.
Instead, you have Sith like darth plagueis that try conquering death instead off accepting it.

Only Marka Ragnos and Adjunta Pall.

And was another power

Ahsoka is shit, and I'm glad she's being kept out of the movies.

So they have time zones? What about on every other planet that doesn't have the exact same length day? Do they skip days to catch up or double up on days to slow down? How often is it the same date on two different planets?

Maybe the clone war was a test.
If Anakin is strong enough to survive the clone wars then he is strong enough to be Palpatines apprentice.

Do you think Yoda used the force to jerk Luke off on those lonely nights when he was sexually frustrated?


>kill kids
>do who knows how many bad things under the Empire rule
>kill people with no remorse
>gets redeemed

woah the Force is worse than Christianity

Seemed more like a tie to me.

>So technically both sides were never really two sides. It was one organization fighting itself to give the illusion of a war



Sounds like some retarded EU.

yoda was a liar just like obi wan

dark side is stronger and teaches better techniques.

Well... In the EU, the Sith can become force ghosts too, but are locked within regions, and areas they were buried in burials/tombs. They haunt.

Jedis literally become the force and can appear out of fucking nowhere like Don't know about the canon though. The only one I can recall was Darth Bane.

Common misconception about Christianity (and the Force) is that people don't understand the difference between being "forgiven" and being "justified".
Being forgiven does not justify your actions.

Except snoke, cause he's been around for ages.

And because j j hates starwars

wow it's almost like Anakin's force ghost will be a highly torn individual who wrestles with the guilt of his actions and the rage that is a core part of his personality

Aren't Sithbforce ghosts basically like Jor El' holograms where it's just a vary advanced AI that gives similar programmed responses. I don't think that was Bane's actual consciousness in the show.

>wow it's almost like Anakin's force ghost
>Anakin's force ghost
Thank god that shit ain't happening.

I assumed the Dark Side is a quick and easier path to being high tier powerful, but the Light Side is a much longer and more difficult path to god tier powerful.

Wasn't Bane's spirit, just some bullshit voodoo vision by Sheev.

Bad guys don't get to be Force Spirit.

Is it impossible to be light and dark side user? Like does using lightning or force choke automatically turn into a bad guy or something?

but it already did happen, did you not watch RotJ?

I think Luke was a gray Jedi, toed the line between the two and was powerful as fuck.

>Anakin's force ghost will be a highly torn individual who wrestles with the guilt of his actions and the rage that is a core part of his personality
I missed that scene. Must be the special special edition.

Not, you are referring about the holocron siths.

Not in the movies, any stupid shit you can think is possible in the EU though.

>I seem to recall him getting his ass kicked by the dark side in Revenge of the Sith.
The fight with Sheev was a draw

>powerful as fuck

where? jedi in the cartoons from Disney have all done more impressive things than him


>Dark side isn't stronger
>Sheev successfully bamboozled every Jedi for years and killed 4 of their best warriors with a spin move and autistic screeching

This is actually pretty common and the first Jedi order preached balance between the two.
The only thing separating the Sith and Jedi is the core philosophies that lead to conclusions that make them dogmatically choose one side or the other.

is that an absolute?

Tell me about Darth Bane. Why does he wear the mask?

Yeah the accomplishments and feats of Force users has been thrown into the extreme in comparison to the original trilogy. I'm talking about in the now defunct EU Luke was a gray Jedi who was godlike. Comparing all canon sources now though, RotJ Luke would probably be eclipsed by an early Padawan.

>barely escaped crawling through the vents

Yeah, definitely too close to call.

that's because RotJ Luke had only a padawan's level of training

shut up, sith! REEEEEE

This. If you do something terrible, you can be forgiven, but it's not enough to just pray to god. You have to actually work at it. I think Vader was forgiven because he did all he could in that point in time.

Sheev had the high ground at that point, Yoda had no other choice

Gray Jedis.

But barely anyone has the ability to control both and have a will strong enough to not be consumed by the dark side.

The only characters I can even recall being Gray Jedis, even in the fucking EU, was Revan, Nox's apprentice Ashara, and Starkiller (but that's only because he's a Gary-Stu).

vader died for his sins.
really makes you think.

he's salty. but yeah, the prequels fucked a lot of things over. Yoda being one of them. all the Jedi in the prequels just look like fools getting played around by one old Jew.

How about Jolee Bindo and Kyle Katarn?

Kam Solusar

This is why Palpatine sat atop the Death Star II in his tower. Nobody could get higher ground than him.


but Sheev's plan was literally foolproof

>Kyle Katarn
I never understood why there werent more people like him. Trained as a Jedi, no interest in being a monk...or a dark as my soul rage monster. Just wanted to live his life, and sometimes use the force...and when challenged, kick some ass.

There should have been a lot more people like him around, representing the center

Kreia would be one, just leaned more to the Sith purely ideologically.

I just beat jedi outcast and jedi academy. Kyle is chill as fuck

As far as the prequels and it's ridiculous interpretation of the Force are concerned, yes. Viewing the originals as an island, the training Luke received put him on par with Vader.

Add in the prequels and all of a sudden the powerlevels of Force users in the OT look pathetic.

>(but that's only because he's a Gary-Stu

>everyone hates him
>constantly fucks everything up
>becomes a clone
>is too stupid to figure out anything on his own
>can barely even beat his brobot 3000 who was pretending to be darth maul

starkiller isn't a gary stu.

aren't light side users immortal after death, something dark side users have been trying to get at

I think he meant overpowered absurdly to the point it seems a parody of SW, not even Gedndy's cartoon is that cartoony

>all they had to do was stop being assholes and they would live forever

haha dumb siths

dark side is quicker and stronger at first, light side takes self control and patience to master but can match it
jedi try to cut themselves off from the dark side which represents passion but sith go to far and allow it to take them over

in the end if you are able to channel both but also have the fortitude not allow yourself to bend to the will of the force you'd be the strongest jedi

reason why the skywalker's are so strong is because they are or were connected to both the dark side and the light side of the force

darth vader mastered the light side before moving to the dark side

the whole bendu thing ,balancing the dark and light, is going to be an important thing in the future of star wars

I think light side users can become ghosts or something but can't actually interact with the world while dark side users want legit immortality and to just never die

Not all, so far only Quigon, Obi Wan, Yoda and Anakin.

Also how the fuck did Anakin learn how to Force ghost himself?

Also2, daily reminder the Dark Side is the natural path of Force users and that Light Side is unnatural.

>aren't light side users immortal after death
Nah. It's a technique anyone can learn. Darth Ravage (some Dark Side guy in the Tortanic MMO) becomes a force ghost because he felt like it.

not all of them. just a handful who know how.

as for the Sith, I don't think they'd be interested in that kind of immortality much where you can't physically dominate the galaxy. Exar Kun's force ghost did linger on Yavin.

Meant to say Darth Marr. Tons of other Dark Side ghosts in that game too and the other Old Republic games before it.

anakin died when he became Darth Vader

the force ghost of anakin is made from the force but only anakin's lightside force that's why its blue

vader's force is bonded to his helmet that kylo speaks to, it can't walk about because only the lightside can manifest as a force ghost

I was going to argue about Kyle Katarn and how it was all optional, but there was that one cutscene in Academy where he uses force lightning against some criminals, and he is a Jedi master. So yeah, he can be regarded as a gray jedi.

when they show the vision on Luke on the lava planet

that could be him taking the helmet to mustafar to destroy it

>this fucking thread
>Darth Coldsteel could become a ghost!
Boy am I glad Disney wiped out all this EU dumb shit.