I finally finished listening to all of these

I finally finished listening to all of these

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Nobody cares.

What a waste of time.

Good job man! Really proud of you.

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so what was your favourite of the bunch?


I've only listened to about 30 of those so far. I've got a long way to go.

Good job

you guys shouldn't force it but good job

How long did it take you to do it?

I guess the trick to navigating threads now is just avoid the first few posts

Favorite of the bunch?

Cool so has every other person in the world

hipster victory

>royal trux
does mu even post about them besides making fun of scaruffi for liking such bullshit

this is my first time seeing the new chart. It's improved so much.

What? How new is it? I don't notice anything different

>treating music like a chore

Are you an add for Soylent.
Like the photo and lighting and angle, etc are too perfect. You're a person, that is an advertisement?

>no CCR
>no ELO
what a fucking garbage chart. As expected of Sup Forums

How long did it take you to make that fancy chart... or is there some program that does it?
And... It starting to look like one bias person made this and claimed it was the Sup Forums/mu essentials...

As much as I'd like to think I'd try to journey into the same music, I don't like rap, nor do I care for jazz.

So that only reinforces my opinion that whoever made said essential list is bias.

Anyways, can't deny that's a fuckton of music Contrats on that. Nice fortitude and determination I suppose.

I'm only missing 6-7 from this chart. Just by chance because I'm old af.

What are your top faves my man?

Cosmo's Factory is on the full classics chart.

Right? I was thinking the same (in a more polite-r way)

this is the one I'm most familiar with. OPs chart is a new one.

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It isn't though? Neither is Rory Gallagher. Seriously that chart is some of the shittiest taste humanly imaginable.

time for level 2 :)

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>still no Screaming Trees
>there are other anco albums than STGSTV
>only two nick cave albums
>disintegration and turn on the bright lights that low
>only qotsa album is the meme album
>car seat headset
>only stones album is Exile on main street
>still no supertramp
Well, at least Ok Computer is no longer Sup Forumscore. We are on the right track

lmao, lumpy gravy and freak out are the mothers releases they chose for the top 10? were only in it for the money and uncle meat are better in every regard.

lurk more before saying dumb shit

If you actually did this you've wasted your time and you should probably find a new hobby.

Only the top 5 and the top half of the smaller section is actually sanctioned patriciancore FYI.

>neutral milk hotel and microphones
>no longer a masic Sup Forums bitch
>multiple albums from the same artist indicating very limited knowledge of the person making the chart

Oh I forgot about this. I haven't been on Sup Forums that long but I remember seeing it once or twice

Bad and outdated chart

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>"No Longer a basic Sup Forums bitch"