My Collection

My Collection



I have a lot of Blu-rays, but I'd trade them all in if I could find love.

Do you fucking work for criterion?

Beautiful. Truly patrician.


My Collection
its bigger than yours

Got any animes OP?

No. I live with my parents, and all the money I make is disposable. I spend much of it on movies. I'm proud of my collection, but I'm starting to look upon it with scorn and contempt. I've worked so hard, but I've never taken a girl on a date. I'm a selfish manchild.

It's a pretty great collection though.

>Battleship Potemkin
How often do you really watch this movie?

It's a pretty mediocre collection, honestly.

Really screams "oh man, what foreign films can I buy from Criterion to make people on the Internet think I'm sophisticated?"

Also, that money you're spending on movies could be better utilized via investments and savings accounts. You could also move out of your parents' house.

Just the two Miyazaki films. I've not gotten into anything besides Studio Ghibli. I've been meaning to give Cowboy Bebop a watch.

More often than you might think. It's not the most entertaining movie I own, but I have legitimately enjoyed it in the past.

>Also, that money you're spending on movies could be better utilized via investments and savings accounts. You could also move out of your parents' house.

I know it. As I was putting these movies onto my shelf recently, I thought of all the money I spent, and I was thinking about this girl I really love and respect, and I thought to myself, there's more than these movies. I think I'm going to seriously cut myself off. Picking up a few here and there is okay, but I think I'm going to start saving most of my money now.

I really want some Lynch, I'm looking at the 3 film boxset. Excluding MD which has a criterion release, Lost Highway and Inland Empire are weird to buy. Those two are the ones I really want anyways, it doesn't bother me if MD is the best version available. Anybody know a cheaper way to get those movies? Or if a better version exists?

Judging by the ridiculous amount of criterion. You're a pretentious twat


You're a plebian nitwit.

I own quite a few criterion myself, but damn who can afford that many?

Relax buddy. I'm sure you see things like Fight Club or Interstellar and are just sure that my taste is inferior, but keep in mind I have friends that come over to watch stuff, and I certainly wouldn't pop Upstream Color in. I'm not denying enjoying those movies, otherwise I wouldn't buy them, but it's not like movies I own constitute a favorites list.

Someone with no real responsibility.

I'm feeling rather depressed tonight because I was putting more movies on my shelf and realized that my greatest accomplishment is a shelf full of plastic. I want to start a new life with a great selection of movies, and the attitude of a true adult man.

Why is Lost Highway weird to buy? I have MD, Lost Highway, Blue Velvet and Twin Peaks series. Lynch is infinitely re-watchable.

It's German, it's really not that weird, but Inland Empire is like Japanese or something and its cheaper to get the box set than it would be to buy IE and LH separately. I'm on the fence about Blue Velvet, I enjoyed it for sure but it seems like since the mystery is solved it wouldn't be quite as rewatchable.