>The Hill reports that President-elect Donald Trump intends to eliminate the National Endowment For The Arts and the National Endowment For The Humanities, and privatize the Corporation For Public Broadcasting, the government entity that partially funds both NPR and PBS.

>Overall, the blueprint being used by Trump’s team would reduce federal spending by $10.5 trillion over 10 years.

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I remember this thread from earlier today. This is a good thing. Most people don't watch PBS, so people should not be forced to pay for it. If you enjoy PBS, donate to your local station. Just don't make me donate, because I don't care about British dramas (pic related) or government funded news programs.

oh man they're gonna cry bloody murder about this. I don't care because i'm not 90 years old

Trump is fucking based.

I'm just hoping his impeachment comes before 90% of the retarded shit he claims he's gonna do

>Donald Trump intends to eliminate the National Endowment For The Arts


Hopefully this clown will have a heart attack before he gets to do anything as president.

>reduce federal spending by $10.5 trillion over 10 years.
Holy fuck. Based Trump.
Remove govt propaganda and save trillions.

Pence 2018

ken burns is gonna be mad as fuck. he's hugely liberal.

>Most people don't watch PBS

They're missing out.

>so people should not be forced to pay for it.

The is is the problem with conservative thinking. "I don't need it personally, therefore there's no benefit to it." It's so selfish it's practically solipsistic. The government provides funding to PBS, NPR, and a host of other programs and organizations, because their existence is seen as a net public good, whether particular individuals see them that way or not.

>If you enjoy PBS, donate to your local station.

While the majority of PBS funding comes from local donors and charitable funds, without federal funding, those stations may not be able to close their budgets, which could impact their ability to continue operating.

> Just don't make me donate,

There's no real way to know whether you do or don't, because like a drop of oil in a pipeline, there's really no way to track a particular tax payment to its recipient budget once it's been taken in. Just tell yourself that everything that gets withheld from your paycheck goes to buy bombs to drop on brown people, I'm sure that would make you happy.

I just hope he's going to say it was all for the lulz tomorrow. The people he appointed to his cabinet couldn't possibly be worse choices and this all honestly seems like an epic joke or I'm dreaming


he's going to sell off everything to the banks. the madman

>>reduce federal spending by $10.5 trillion over 10 years.
the only way that happens is by gutting social security, medicare and the military.

I'm sorry I doubted you, Trump. You really are making America great again.

>The is is the problem with conservative thinking. "I don't need it personally, therefore there's no benefit to it." It's so selfish it's practically solipsistic. The government provides funding to PBS, NPR, and a host of other programs and organizations, because their existence is seen as a net public good, whether particular individuals see them that way or not.

Okay, pay for my Netflix. Thx.

What's selfish is forcing people to pay for stuff they don't want because you want it.

This is the problem with liberal thinking. "I want something personally, therefore everyone should fund it at gunpoint."

I'm sorry I doubted you President Trump.

You don't understand any of what you just quoted, do you?

Good. PBS are partisan hacks and the government shouldn't be funding your menstrual blood art exhibits.

>While the majority of PBS funding comes from local donors and charitable funds, without federal funding, those stations may not be able to close their budgets, which could impact their ability to continue operating.
just make people who want to watch it donate more then. oh wait thats called privatizing it. problem solved.

They need to gut NPR's funding

the gov doesn't really need to fund educational television anymore, it's not 1960. I know I grew up with PBS too so you don't want to see it go or change, but it's not that important really

It's 2017. Television is becoming obsolete.

Fucking god, I'd wish they did that here.

Government TV here is basically massively inflated welfare for middle class university grads with no applicable workplace skills who just pump out idiotic garbage no one wants to watch. On air Tumblr for an audience of their friends and family. Such a massive waste of money.

>the hill
>trusting a source with "hill" in it

If nova gets canceled I'm going to be quite sad.

Also when the government took over film production we went from films like Mad Max and Picnic At Hanging Rock to shit about transgender autisitic aboriginal muslim migrants that literally no one, even the crews working on them, want to watch.

>government cuts arts spending
>the American boxoffice has been surpassed by China's meaning Hollywood will cater to Chinese taste

Are gonna just turn into a war machine that boast about how great we USED to be like Russia, or do we just become self depreciating prudes like England?

Blatant troll

>massive waste of money
Pathetic bait

Has anyone here actually watched PBS of late? The majority of the time it's an opera playing or some pseudo-infomercial with Suze Oreman -- or whatever that chick's name is who talks about managing money -- or brain diets n shieett.

It's good for the very rare Ken Burns documentaries, but it's not like losing it would be a major blow.

We're laughing at you.

PS: A fucking leaf

Everything he wrote is true, marxist scum

I haven't watched PBS in forever, but NPR has become an absolute cesspool of SJW advocacy in the past couple years or so. Literally every other time I've turned the radio on, they've been talking about racism/sexism/xeonphobia/homophobia or some identity politics victim is 'telling their story'.

I swear to fucking Christ, after the the mass molestation attacks in Cologne last New Year's Eve, they chose to cover it by talking to a woman who claimed she was saved from the attacks by a Muslim immigrant.

>If you don't pay for it, it will close


Why would I care whether PBS shuts or not. It's a luxury service. It serves zero purpose for the maintenance and running of a nation.

Why should the government fund your hobbies?

The Hill is about as trustworthy as Buzzfeed. Or RT. Or the hobo asking me for money because he has 7 keeds.

go back to facefucking your dog, leaf

Killing the only good station on tv, can't wait for PBS Pawn Stars.

Sure regretting my vote now.

Good fucking riddance

Who the fuck watches TV in 2017?

How will society exist without This Old House?

>people should not be forced to pay for it

Cutting funding to stuff isn't going to reduce your taxes. It'll just put more money into the shit they're already spending 90% of tax money on. Like spying on citizens and the military.

>And yet the federal government appropriated about $445 million in fiscal year 2012 to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which supports both PBS and NPR.

That's insane. Let Bill Gates or some other bleeding heart billionaire pay for it instead if it's so important.

Yeah I pick up the upstate New York signal in Canada, and the quality of programming is down noticeably over the last decade or so.



providing free educational programming to poor children helps them grow up to not be murderous drug dealers, is the line of thinking

I admit it doesn't seem to work

I like how national security being bad is an axiom to you.


Where do you think that "saved" tax money will go?

>The is is the problem with conservative thinking. "I don't need it personally, therefore there's no benefit to it."
That's a problem for things that actually matter, like medical care and paying for food.

But PBS is not necessary for life. And anybody not rich enough to pay for PBS probably isn't watching it anyway

hope u realize impeachment doesnt mean he's fired

he doesnt have to resign if he's impeached lol

Sounds like they should be funding schools instead

Good, fuck NPR. I live in Minnesota and they're a fucking blight.

>leftists suddenly act like they watch PBS

good riddance

I still don't know why npr and pbs get any federal money. I really hope he does it. I listen to NPR basically everyday but I see no reason why even one cent of my tax dollars should go to fund them

god damn, cut it. I thought it was like 30 million. where the fuck does all that money go?


>$445 million


>itt people who think government spending works like their bank account

Oh, no, not PBS. I was totally still watching television.

>The Hill reports

best post

the original Mad Max was paid for by the Austrailian Government tho

Security and liberty, dog.

>literally inventing shit people didn't say so you can then "refute" it

This is why religious upbringings are abusive. If anything he implied specific conditions under which "national security" can be bad.

Literally not a single part of my post was b8.

When you are unable to provide basic infrastructure to service our largest city because of budget black holes, but spend over 3 billion a year on arts that have no audience and keep a minute fraction of the population employed at exhorbitant costs you have a problem with your priorities.

The audacity of middle class failures claiming the government owes them large salaries to produce products no one needs or wants, while whining about rednecks demanding the government utilize tariffs is amazing.

>>No one here grew up with Mr. Rogers

If only he was alive.

>not watching youtube instead

lol. what part of the mountains do you live grandpa?

NPR is a net loss to society. I'd gladly pay to have it taken off the air.

>remove federal spending
>put tax money in their own pockets

Both my parents are atheists and I'm not american but okay.

Republican idea of funding schools is cutting a check to partly cover sending your child to a private school and avoid the shitty public schools they cut funding to. Works great for rich people.

>PBS frontline had a disgusting hit piece on Trump
>lose all federal funding


you need to calm down

Yeah, this figure seems off. The Endowment for the Arts is currently at $146 billion (, and they are only proposing to reduce it significantly, not scrap the whole thing. How does this save $10 trillion over 10 years?

>What kind of accounting bullshit is Trump pulling?

muh freedumbs don't matter, lard.

>put tax money in their own pockets
you mean paying down debts?

I was just trying to explain how they try to justify it and I also said it didn't work. No need to be upset

American schools aren't underfunded. That's an outright myth to explain away why blacks consistently perform like shit in them.

It's called school. Children don't watch fucking PBS, certainly not the majority that grow up to be murderous drug dealers.

You'd be better off putting those millions of dollars into work training, law enforcement, social services, and public education than pissing it down a drain on a podcasts by upper class New Yorkers talking about a twitter feud or re-runs of the Disney corporations puppet shows.

What a deluded line of thinking you have.

This truly is the best timeline

Sorry, I mean the endowment is only at $146 million

It's so fun to see someone completely talk out of their ass and do their best to conceal it, all because they've signed on with a particular group or ideology and must do their best to defend it even if it means arguing for something they have zero vested interest in. Great use of words, it's a shame they smell like shit

>I still don't know why npr and pbs get any federal money.

Because in a capitalistic society, it becomes the government's responsibility to maintain anything with value that can't be defined in monetary terms and thus can't be maintained on a "for profit" basis (like education).

The reason the soviet union collapsed is because they kept sacrificing quality of life for the nation. Now trump is talking about sacrificing quality of life for the economy.

npr hosts make well into six figures. they make more than people who beat them in ratings and with bigger staffs. they are literally the one percent their listeners despise. and it's subsidized by the state.

Just imagine all the shit chugging adolescents who cant afford cable or sattellite posting in this thread about how useless PBS is.

Kids who are between the point of recalling the wholesome children's programming PBS provided to their drooling infant selves, and actually comprehending what a boon a network that focuses on fact-based thinking is.

Go walk around in the dark and kill yourselves.

they're overfunded just ineffective

>shit about transgender autisitic aboriginal muslim migrants

I would actually watch that.

>a system that is controlled by private bankers to keep a country in continuous debt
>paying down debts

>We should give rich people money so they don't have to get real jobs since we're already blowing money anyway.

Why not just take that 500 million and give each American a million bucks while we're at it?

NPR does literally nothing for my quality of life.

You should come to Kansas.

>Cut all income taxes
>Can't cover budget
>Cut school spending until the citizens have to sue you
>Pay for it by taxing consumption, mostly affecting people who aren't rich

Now instead of my income being taxed I'm taxed more on every dollar I have to spend to live.

>It's called school

Education is always the next thing to "privatize" after the arts.

muh nostalgia. stahp dude.

The private market will step up and fill the gap if PBS is anything of worth

The reason why you are an angry little faggot is because you know PBS is garbage and cannot live without tax payer money

He doesn't have to but he could be convicted and voted out.

Honestly it is not too far fetched because Pence is way more in line with the GOP orthodoxy.

In the end PBS will become anything but educational and cultural. What's the point for having another private TV channel?

>"I don't need it personally, therefore there's no benefit to it."

I don't use it personally, so I don't want to be forced at gunpoint to spend money on it

>implying Meryl Streep gets a single dollar from NEA

NEA grants are for painters and sculptors, not Hollywood actors, you dumb shit.

NPR is the last bastion of real journalism in existence. The main reason 99.9% of anything of value is ever on the AP wire.