Where should I start with these guys?

where should I start with these guys?

Attached: korn.jpg (810x490, 171K)

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Limp Bizkit

Their first four albums are kino Nu-metal
Follow the leader or the s/t first, then you can pick it up from there

It's really strange how a couple weeks ago I put on Freak on a Leash in the car ironically and I actually liked it. The guitar part in the pre-chorus just sounds so fucking badass. I can't believe I would ever say this but I'm starting to get into Korn.

There's no shame in listening to something you like, despite what Sup Forums says
Again, the s/t is pure headbang material, and the three albums that follow are just as great, just don't get too deep into to the point you'll wear stuff from hot topic and get deadlocks.
Here's my favourite track from the s/t

Follow the Leader was insanely popular for a reason, its pretty much the album that blew the numetal scene up. Their first 4 are legit good albums, if you can get over the cheesy teen angst. Theres plenty that Korn does that gives them a lot of personality imo and I unironically still enjoy them.

Be an angsty teen in the late 90's.

this sounds like something death grips would do if they were an early 90's band

what if im an angsty 30 yo in 2018

agreed, the first four are good albums.
just go chronologically

The s/t is unironically a 10/10

Issues > Self Titled > Follow The Leader > Life Is Peachy > Untouchables > The rest

Literally did the same thing like a month ago. I then realized the only lame thing about them are the dreads. I used to listen to them a lot, but I thought I probably couldn't get back into them because of the massive amount of metal I listened to. They're just a groovy band, though.

Attached: this.png (644x376, 17K)


From the start, there are a few albums that suck but overall this is a good band despite what soyboys metalheads might say


You shouldn't. Their song writing has never been interesting. Just see them live because they're surprisingly solid.

just an ebin r/TheDonald poster being #based as per usual

Start with the debut and go through their earlier albums after that, then go with Untouchables

They lost their touch after that record

This, they're really good when it comes to covering songs from better bands.

Their first EP (neidermeyer's mind) and first albums are alright

after that, they mostly focused on singles because the concept of the album became outdated, so everything they made after that isn't very good at all

>Their covers of Pink Floyd and Metallica weren't complete shit
The absolute madman

Start with this if you want some laughs

Attached: BGCDKN04.jpg (600x600, 206K)

Their cover of Word Up was fucking good, I'll give you that.

Life is Peachy is my favorite. But like everyone else said their first 4 albums are great. I'm a big fan of Untouchables and See You on the Other Side as well.