Journalist gives an opinion

>journalist gives an opinion
>some people don't agree
>"lmao this guy doesn't know shit"

>female journalist gives an opinion
>some people don't agree
>"go back to the kitchen you dumb bitch"

Is there a way to fix the sports crowd?

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yeah, women should know their place and stay in the kitchen

What has Romania ever contribuited to society? You've been in the map literally forever and still didn't do shit

oh boy this from argentina

Our country is barely 150 years old and we have more Nobels than you kek


Reported post.

>woman who's never played a game in her life
>gives her opinion.

It's like an atheist speaking out against religion and never studying any of the religion.

Who is this black cum bucket?

Argentina >>>> Romania

giv chocolate gf

this shit is annoying. there's a girl on youtube who makes pretty decent oldschool runescape quest guides and the comments on her videos are always "I want to fuck your ass" and a ton of shit like that even though she's not even visible in any of the quest guides. these are the same retards that probably deny the existence of sexism in modern society

Cum bucket? That's my wife, you asshole!

Romania's been fighting off Muslims and other invaders since forever.

They're the wall Europe took for granted and was allowed to develop in peace.

And now those ungrateful dicks let in the hordes from behind Romania.

They can't all be Jackie McMullen. Bitch is always solid. Why no show ESPN? You sexist fucks.

who gives a fuck. there are more important problems than muh wymen to think about

we need to end apartheid for one, slow down the nuclear arms race.stop terrorism and world hunger. we have to provide food and shelter for the homeless

>tfw no QT romanian gf with poor english but knows her place and will always serve you loyally

Muslims contribuited way more to society than gypsies and romanians in general

They were way more based than Christians for most of history, just because some of them went full retard in the last decades it doesn't mean Islam is bad

In my country sexism one of the top 5 problems

Life is a mistery

>german gives an opinion
>some people don't agree
>"go suck some refugee dick you nazi"

Is there a way to fix the sports crowd ?

it's not even a problem, it's just a difference of opinion

some think women should be equal to men in every aspect of life, others think women shouldn't be allowed to leave the house without her owner's permission

swings and roundabouts

no one view is more 'right' than the other. in the end every view finds its market value.

40 years ago homosexuality was an offense punishable by prison in britain, now a days it's almost a prisonable offense just to express distaste towards homosexuals

in another 40 years it might be an offense NOT to be gay, or maybe all homosexuals will be murdered instantly, who knows?

it makes me laugh when people think they are more right than others about things like this, like their view is morally superior or something, dumb twats.

World hunger? You want to sove it? Then stop sending food to niggers they will be half the world by 2100 and they werent able to even provide food for themselves when they were 200 milion imagine 2 billions

>no one view is more 'right' than the other

you ain't worth my time, don't @me again

Do you really believe that?
Islam was just an empire that cut europe from world trade for a millenia

>someone makes a retarded post
>about to write an essay
>see the american flag
>"tf tp"

España tuvo el auge cultural durante el dominio Árabe, si estudias filosofía los únicos autores de las Españas que vas a encontrar son árabes (Averroes, Avicenas, etc.), desde la reconquista el único pensador ilustre que tuvieron fue Miguel de Cervantes, el cual se mantuvo como único exponente hasta entreado el siglo XIX con Unamuno

Si no fuera por los árabes en Iberia el occidente no conocería las obras de Aristóteles y Platón, ya que los cristianos los consideraban herejes y los quemaban

Por algo los demás europeos dicen que África empieza en los Pirineos

No tienes puta idea te la han metido la mierda progre bien adentro.

Espera eres estudiante de filosofia?

Go back to being a racist, Jemele Hill

Lo leí por mano de Sarmiento, y él es lo que hoy consideramos "de derecha"

Como hobby

But how do your women do, then? There is no kitchen in a caravan.

>'lol, objectivity isn't a thing! everything can be boiled down to a difference in opinion!'

>What has Romania ever contribuited to society

slippy g threads

>some think women should be equal to men in every aspect of life, others think women shouldn't be allowed to leave the house without her owner's permission

And one is completely wrong, whilst the other is completely right. Women, when left to their own devices, cause some of the problems that you yourself mentioned Politics has been shifting closer to the left since women were given the vote. Now western civilsation has to take their women's feelings into account before making decisions. More sexual freedom, more immigration, more welfare, more power to government, etc.


Sarmiento era un politico argentino por lo que veo, tan solo intentaba justificar su antiespañolismo para justificar la independencia de España.
El apogeo de España vino luego de la expulsion de moros y judios
La españa musulmana fue hasta invadida varias veces por otros musulmanes
Y si el islam tuvo un apogeo fue porque invadieron civilizaciones ya establecidas como persia o egipto
El islam era un imperio mientras europa habia sufrido las invasiones germanicas y cortó a Europa del comercio con asia y el mediterraneo
Flotas de piratas árabes destrozando la costa, guerra permanente, reduciendo el comercio a zero.
Eso fue el islam.

Igualmente contribuyeron más a la ciencia y el pensamiento que los ibéricos. El Islam contribuyó más que el catolicismo, recién con los primeros escépticos se avanzó (Descartes como máximo exponente), la mojigatería del catolicismo no permitía la evolución, y España era de las partes más supersticiosas de Europa, y en el único lugar donde la inquisición duró

Lo único que "hicieron" fue "encontrar" América, y fue por casualidad. Ni al morir Colón supo que había descubierto un nuevo continente, seguía pensado que había llegado a la India

>just because some of them went full retard in the last decades it doesn't mean Islam is bad

If a murderer didn't murder anyone up until the last few decades--does that make him a good person?

The problem is NOW, idiot.

Also, FYI: Muslims have been trying to invade Europe since ever.

>American likes an American sport for Americans
>German inevitably come son to call everyone cucks and fat

You start, Hanz.

>yeah, women should know their place and stay in the kitchen

What movie are you quoting here? It’s on the tip of my tongue

Y porqué coño iba a saberlo si nunca hqbía estado? Sabes lo que es un explorador? Alguien que explora, que va a un sitio que desconoce. Se jugó la vida, cruzó un oceano por un camino que nadie habia usado.
Y son tus ancestros los que invadieron y conquistaron, no los mios.
Quien crees que eres? Tu eres español y europeo, hazte del islam si tanto te gusta.
La evolución dice, que evolución si todos los edificios romanos se mean en los musulmanes que copiaron a bizancio.

La mojigateria el islam no claro con los harens y todo.

Based reference. I did this once in a bar perfectly, coked up to the gills and everyone just looked at me.


american psycho im pretty sure

>si estudias filosofía
