What's his problem?

What's his problem?

Other urls found in this thread:


He's a large black child.


hes a fucking moron and a racist.

whites enslaving his ancestors and the the ongoing institutional racism stemming from it

obsessed with race/skin color

its literally the dumbest thing to be obsessed with

He is not a cuck and he doesn't like black people performing in servitude to white people

spike lee is a well documented racist dude

the dude publicly admitted that he hates interracial couples and mean mugs them when he sees them on the street. of course since he's a nigger nobody cares though


niggers are fucking obsessed with this shit

i've heard him speak and it's unlikely he has an IQ over 80. He once implied that blacks would be a majority in the country soon, missing the fact that we are close to being overtaken by hispanics, who are going to be worse to blacks than modern whites ever were.

>us black folk have to work together with our brothers and sisters to rise up
>woah wait you're a republican? you're fired bitch

wait is this the same spike lee that got shit on by most blacks for chiraq and its degrading of the black lives matter """movement"""

>performing at the presidential inauguration
>one of the most prestigious and respectable gigs a musician can get


It makes sense to be obsessed with it if being black means that you're most likely going to get shit on by the system and live a miserable life.


lol fuck off with your shit bait

>>one of the most prestigious and respectable gigs a musician can get
Lmao, that's why all musicians are lining up to perform, right? Oh wait, the complete opposite happened and nobody worth any salt wanted to sing.

no u

who cares? outdated director and literal who

>a Spike Lee Flick

I've heard Spike Lee speak on multiple occasions and I'm convinced he's mentally retarded. He just has this warped Afrocentrist/Marxist view on everything that doesn't make sense at all.

They were threatened with blacklisting.

he was probably raped by a white guy when he was younger

>discarding the opinion of most black people in America without having a good argument on your side
Let me guess, they think that there is a problem in society but there really isn't, their IQ is just too low to comprehend it, right?
Fucking alt-righters


>it'd ok when Sup Forums is racist tho!

god forbids other people have pride in their race, only white should be allowed!

why would anyone want to rape a black guy when they can get an asian one?

i never said it was only dumb for blacks to be obsessed with race

stop assuming things

Why are you talking about Sup Forums? You do know they like him because of the 25th hour right?

also being obsessed and having pride are completely different things

also having pride in your race is the dumbest fucking thing ive ever heard, am i supposed to have pride in the achievements of the french or the dutch, just because they're white too? fuck off

I dunno ask hollywood

>yet another trigger thin skinned trumpard thread


>muh democrats care about us

Our choices have consequences. Expect to see more diverse representations in media as time goes on. That's where the money is.

Because he'd prefer not to work with someone who choose to work for a man who likes piss. It's nasty.

No, it's their culture. African immigrants have absolutely no problem moving forward in American life, and even outperform whites in a lot of areas. It seems like only african-americans are actually affected by institutionalised racism.

>criticising Spike Lee for being an idiot
>hurr durr you are triggered
Anti-anti-anti-Trumpers are literally the worst. Use your fucking brain.

Spike Lee's career is already over. This is the last of his films to even make it to theatrical release. Since then he had to shill a movie on Kickstarter and write the script for a fucking video game

cry moar u mentally ill retard

>Trump's power level has grown so much that he can stump people retroactively now

>netflix series

Can we all confirm that Netflix or Amazon is the universal sign for garbage?


How does this dude get fucking work still though?

The bigotry of the left

No, you're a cuck

They may not be the only ones being oppressed in this system, but they still are oppressed, therefore their struggle should be considered as legit.
Should they just be okay with institutionalised racism? Shouldn't they fight it?

>omg everyone should like Trump but I can hate everyone that doesn't like Trump

t. pays $12.50/month for the country bears

Like this


Nah, someone gave me their Netflix to share, because people give a fuck about me

Why Does He Type Like This? Is He A Teenage Girl Or Jaden Smith

Are these rappers going to be blacklisted next?


>tried to dox Zimmerman and send angry nigs to kill him
>posted an old Jewish couple's address
I would love to see him get a bullet between the eyes, desu

He's a nigget

>>tried to dox Zimmerman and send angry nigs to kill him
Forgot about that, what a fucking cunt

>-$28 million

shitskin bye

If you even so much as browse Sup Forums you should be shadowbanned from the rest of Sup Forums


You have to understand this user, black people are EVIL RACIST, blacks are evil humans that look for any excuse to terrorize others the most used if HURR I HEARD HIM SAY THE N WORD I SWEAR CRACKER. Blacks are the worst thing to happen to America, I pray everyday Mexicans kill all of them when they become the majority.


>that album cover


why do niggers lie so much?

>all white women and black men

to get out of trouble

problem goy?

I already told you they are evil people.

So he hates every single rapper that ever existed?

>New York Knickerbockers
He's such a black jew that he takes a backer to some minor league shit and not an actual NBA game?

funny how Hollywood is all "don't perform for someone you don't believe in" right now but they would have been screaming bloody murder if someone had used the same reason to skip performing for Obama

Fuck Donald (((Trump))) and fuck white """people"""

they can have her

Spike lee is a well known racist

everyone still likes R. Kelly though

Let's face it

Beyonce and Jay Z did a private concert for Muammar Qaddafi at the exact moment Obama was calling him a mass murderer and staging the invasion of Libya.

So it's cool to be into trannies in the rap community now?

not even your folklore is safe goyboy

it's almost like different people deserve a different treatment, how bizarre

i wonder if minorities actually think having a smaller percentage of white people in america is a good thing

>Beyonce and Jay Z did a private concert for Muammar Qaddafi
And then they do concerts for Obama. It's almost like "liberals" have no real convictions.

>do concert for guy who killed thousands of his own people, systematically abducted, imprisoned and raped teenage girls, blew up several airliners

>find it morally unacceptable to do a concert for Donald Trump

>i wonder if minorities actually think
let me stop you right there. No, they don't.

no the problem is that for both sides it only works one way. It's fine to boycott something you don't believe in but both sides completely follow party lines on it. Libs would have gone ballistic if Obama had been boycotted like Trump is being yelling "just deal with it you have to respect the office"

wew is right

see Why do you feel Trump deserves significantly worse treatment than a mass murdering Middle Eastern despot who ruled his country as an iron fisted dictator for 42 years and took pride in his involvement in terror attacks against Western civilians?

All europeans stem from the same forebears, so sure, look to them for inspiration. Admire them. Bring back your honor

damn, wish i knew about this song when he was elected

>liberal NY Jews and politicians pal around with Trump for decades and accept his political donations
>he runs for office as Republican
transparent lies from people who wouldn't last a second in the real world
let them live next to the refugees and immigrants they want to import by the boatload
let them take more gangmembers into their rich, private schools
make them buy things they can't afford, and then penalize them for not being able to afford it

he never said that

being proud of being white is just as dumb as being proud of being black. if you're a cool person you should be proud of yourself, not some group of people you "belong to" because of your heritage. shitty people cling to their race because they have nothing to be proud of.


This rhetoric pretty much puts an exclamation point on blacks being the shittiest people in the world though, since for instance not only did Barack Obama win 98% of the black vote over Hillary Clinton, Jesse Jackson won 98% of the black vote over Michael Dukkakis

been had that way for a minute cuz

>ITT: White Racists mad at Black racists for being racist

Keep this stupid "muh race war" Donald Trump garbage where it belongs.
This board is for shitty memes, not this faggot shit

there's a weird amount of rap songs that have lines about being tricked by traps

>All the people who never existed because they would have spoken against Trump

That's literally what shitty meems are doe

So how many people actually moved to canada?

These Lee discussion have been on Sup Forums longer than you've even known about this site

>"a spike lee joint"

how was his oldboy remake so bad, it was almost impossibly to fuck up and he fucked it up.