Why does Mike wear ugly clothes?

Why does Mike wear ugly clothes?

because hes a fat old man from wisconsin

He is an ugly man

he's transcended fashion and other affairs of the mortal realm. he has his crystal head vodka, hot pockets, and a wisconsin 10/10 to cuddle with. try not to be too jealous user.

There is something disturbing and fascinating about how obsessed people are on here about these two people

This. Mike has no need to make himself look good. He's already amazing.

He's a 40 years old dud who doesn't give a fuck

>OP does not dress for maximum comfyness on movie night

He's the perfect human specimen. He doesn't wear the clothes, the clothes wear him

Fat schlubby body with a midwest sense of fashion

"fashion" is for women
anyone who even cares about things like that is an attention whoring normie.

they're just like ME!


Why do you care what some random guy in the midwest wears?

But Jessi broke up with him

sauce on that

>Reddit lives matter thread
Kill yourself.

Thats how heterosexual men passed the age of 30 dress



>cargo shorts

Classic look, casual suburban American. What should he be wearing on a show about watching bad movies?

this is fake

dude that's average midwest attire.

are RLM actually alcoholics or is it just a sthick for their show?

only ugly people think this

Why is RLM so deathly afraid of haute couture?

he's american

Attractive people don't need fashion to look good.

Sure, fag

Would RLM wear Rick Owens if I sent them some?

you creepers are fucking losers if you keep up with the personal affairs of some faggot who does movie reviews. stop being obsessed losers.

God, white men are so terrible.

He's a midwestern.

t. closet full of cargo shorts and graphic tees

What kind of pants do you wear Sup Forums?