Most depressing movie deaths

most depressing movie deaths

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owen wilson is a shitty person irl so I enjoyed it


Probably the dude's son-in-law in Harikiri.

in all honesrty, this death chokes me up

I love that movie but Anderson's style is so devoid of emotion I didn't feel the slightest bit upset.

This, I watched it for the first time the other day.
>He dies
I'm not sure why but none of it had any impact on me.

you must not have any emotion then or you dont pick up subtlety well

Donny's Death in TBL makes me tear up sometimes.

I laughed

its not completely devoid of emotion

its like 20% there

I wouldn't say that. His movies have this cutesy vibe that just takes a lot of the humanity out of the characters. I'm not even saying its a bad thing. I'm glad movies like his exist. The Royal Tenenbaums and The Darjeeling Limited were the only films of his where the characters felt like actual people IMO.

>implying cutseyness isn't the most human trait

maybe you need a rewatch, life aquatic is dry and melancholic. only thing that's cutesy is the music and animals. but that contrast is what makes it his best film. behind the dry humor there is real character drama.

The airstrike scene was just pure kino


>The Royal Tenenbaums
>The Life Aquatic
>The Darjeeling Limited
>devoid of emotion

u wot m8? you must be a robot.

like nearly all the emotion in that scene comes because of Elliott Smith desu, not the acting or filmmaking

>Implying the score isn't part of filmmaking

Also, watching Luke Wilson stoically cut and shave himself before slitting his wrists in the pale blue light of that bathroom will always be intense for me.

i didnt get this movie at all until a chance watching with a comrade of mine who grew up in the USSR (i think i first met him in elementary school) watched the movie randomly at my house and became visibly upset and stormed out of my house because it was apparently just making fun of his childhood communist hero jaque c ousteu. hilarious.

>not getting banned for doing impressions of owen wilson at a cancer speedrun fundraiser

Wes Anderson's characters are obviously understated. It's only natural that the audience react to them in a similar way.

Do you have some kind of reverse autism that makes you see emotions where there aren't any?

Anderson's minimalist and archetypal style is intensely emotional but it's unsurprising that his subtly is lost on some people.

His style is an, one kind of, emotion. His characters are not emotional at all. That's what creates the dollhouse vibe of his movies. I have never felt anything but melancholy and nostalgia after watching Anderson. He can give you this feeling of detached sorrow, but he simply can't make you feel bad about a character's death in a normal way, and I don't think he really wants to.

>melancholy and nostalgia
>this feeling of detached sorrow

Those are powerful emotions user.

He was a good golfer


gotta be bait

It's my favorite Wes film, too. Great arcs, great framing, really really really fun sets. Goldblum saying
>crooked fuckers

And a the best movie shark since Jaws.

Uhh, yeah. I'd say it's kino.

Really made me genuinely sad. Loved Kurzel's take on the character.

I'd say I'd have to agree with you on all of that.

you gotta put a timestamp on that, bro. it's like 2 hours 15. where does he get banned

It's depressing because you realize he can't bring back his son, so he is the last of the mohicans, so he is the "last" to die. It's an unfilmed, implied death, but still depressing.


Donny dying was legitimately sad to me...there's just something so pathetic about seeing Steve Buscemi writhing on the ground, and it's worse that he spent his last moments terrified. That scene always gets me.


i caught the last hour or so of this on cable last week, the dad held his own, he fucked magua up good. i always thought he just hit him with a stick then fell of a cliff, but he actually impaled him with a rifle butt through the chest.


Felt completely the opposite way. Anderson's surreal aesthetic made the reality of the scene feel more crushing.

Your mate's a bit silly because it was an homage to Cousteau, not an insult.

I'm trying to read this now. It's somewhat old American colonial English, and hard to get through. It's still pretty good.

This is a very overlooked book-->film adaptation that was done very well.

oh, its great. the music underrated.. always seems to get me entranced in the story whenever i hear it flipping channels/whatever as well...


pfff dude didnt even die on camera iirc

It was way more sad and emotional in the book, but this scene still gets me

Bridge to Terrabethia.


It always tears me up seeing how ashamed he is of himself after he attacks Frodo and fails to save the others.

He has a very deadpan style. Holds audiences at arms length. He's very stylized too. People find it hard to connect.

That said, it's kind of like a jumpscare - there are moments in The Royal Tenenbaums, The Darjeeling Limited and even Bottle Rocket that hit like a ton of bricks. Perhaps because they're genuinely emotional, but I also think it's because everything else surrounding them has been so restrained.

I don't think it's a surprise that he's a huge John Irving fan. Very wry, ironic, detached humor and observational style, but dealing with extremely sad subjects that would usually be accompanied by soaring music and overwrought acting.

err what movie is this.

I thought he didn't actually die and that they faked his death since it'd be more dramatic and better for the film they were making. Am I dumb?

Well put.


28 Weeks Later

isnt this movioe about that retard that dies and then jim carrey goes to his grave when hes old fuck whats it called m8?


Deer Hunter has to be the most depressing I've seen.

Murphy's 'death' was infinitely more traumatizing

But he's on the boat alive at the very end and Steve staged things before for his films. Faking Ned's death seems like something Steve would do

>These young men gave their lives. And so would Donny.
>Donny, who loved bowling.

Good example here.

I think The Life Aquatic is a pretty tragic film overall. I like the characters, I think they feel human. The fate of some of them, and the tragic mid-life crisis, is handled quite well I think. It's about confronting your past and losing friends. God damn, it's sad.

I was watching a bunch of the GDQs a couple months ago and decided to watch this speedrun one evening. I never really thought Jak and Dexter would make for a good speedrun, but this turned out to be one of the best of the entire year.

The player and couch are absolutely hilarious, and the run was pretty good too. But their chemistry and jokes are just spectacular.

Also, , he didn't get banned. I'm p sure that's just a rumour.

Can women ever truly understand boatkino?

>devoir of emotion

How are characters in Darjeeling Limited and Royal Tenenbaums "understated"? If anything, they're comically overdramatic.

Am I a faggot for crying at the end of Dogville? All of those characters were decent at one point then just became assholes and they deserved to die but something about Kidman's character hit me.

Just kidding it was shit desu

His was hilarious if only for Ray Wise's reaction, god he really makes every movie he's in a notch better.

Poor Eddie Carr died a horrific death trying to save his unappreciative friends

That one always got me when I was younger, his dickhead friends didn't even mention it from what I remember.

The only one who does is Malcolm and that right after they get saved by the hunters, after that no mention at all.
Fuck Vince Vaughn's character in that movie, I'm sure he was probably cringing at all the greenpeace dialogue he was given.

ya but when the ride breaks down the pirates dont start eating the tourists


Too bad the movie is trash compared to the first one


He did actually, just not at the event itself.

i know he doesn't die, but this moment always chokes me up despite how bad the movie is. ewan mcgregor has some charisma.