Daily reminder user is cancer and that tripfriends are the way forward

Daily reminder user is cancer and that tripfriends are the way forward

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am i doing it right fren? :0


good thread

Tripfriend evangelism when

tripfriend alliance right here

haha nice :) thanks!

How though

>tripfags literally spend minutes making ms paint comics

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I could get down with tripfags if they’d do their part to bully subhumans like montie and Brandon off of the site

>on an anonymous imageboard

Attached: hey fuck you.jpg (777x932, 58K)

is thread even tangentially music related? mods?

y tho?

I'll bully you off this site before you bully me

Reminder tripfags should be shot dead in public

those two are still tolerable, even if montie is constantly making the most retarded threads. the true cancer lies with friendo and avant-math god

what music are you into?

i like britpop

I quite literally am making retarded threads at the moment to counter this shit ass soyboy meme Sup Forums is pushing here. Everyone should be posting either more serious music threads or shit that goes directly against the soyboy shit

why dont you make some serious music threads then

just cause they're retarded doesn't mean i don't think they're far better than all those Sup Forums cancer threads. do your thing montie

im gay

This is absolutely a psyop.

i keep entering my email but i dont see a place for my password how do i login?

sent instructions to your PM box OwO

Fuck you, names are what kill forums. Anonymity makes it about the argument your making not how many points you have. Fuck off and die faggot tripfag.

I posted a few last night.

yeah allows you to be an edgy 14 year old

Did Quentin actually dislike The Brothers Karamazov?
Such a shame, I actually liked him.