What is the best kevin smith film?

What is the best kevin smith film?

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all downhill after clerks

Skype Footage of my Suicide -- TBA


Dogma or Zack and Miri Make A Porno. Clerks II will always have a special place in my heart though.

Chasing Amy

Mallrats is the funniest, but that's virtue of Jason Lee's natural charisma.

Chasing Amy is the worst, due to Jason Lee's terrible acting.

Yoga Hosers

Zack and Miri Make A Porno

Whichever one has the shortest runtime.

Correct answer.

Jersey Girl

Red State, honestly


everything before jay and silent bob strike back but I like jay and silent bob strikes back because it's a fan film


Red State. Go in blind. Even Joe Rogan loves it.

correct answer

jersey girl was cute

Soft boy.

Mallrats is the correct answer
Anyone who said Zack and Miri should be euthanized

Yea I really loved Red State and I am not its target political demo.

Mall Rats.

Zack and Miri for sure. Dogma is 2nd best.

no troll
tusk is underrated

great cinematography, the DP has a future

Red State

Zak & Miri
Yoga Hosers

Cop Out
Clerks II
Jay & Silent Bob

Red State


Chasing Amy

>Cop Out
You shouldn't even joke about something like that.


After five years of posting on Sup Forums, I have never seen a post more incorrect than your list. You have destroyed my faith in this site. Please drink a gallon of bleach as soon as you read this, user, because you have no right to live any more on this planet

t. stupidest retard in the solar system

this or clerks

If someone explained the plot of it to me, I would say it sounds remarkably dumb. It’s something of an enigma; how can something this stupid be this good?

But it is. Well, as long as your definition of good includes LOTS of d*ck jokes. It is marvelously juvenile. Not just in its somewhat typical situation comedy and sight gags, but from its ability (even desire) to frequently bring its plot to a shuddering halt so that its characters can engage in a few minutes of quiet ridiculousness.

Which really shouldn’t be funny. Almost nothing is worse than listening to actors riff on each other unless they really know what they’re doing. But for the most part they do.

Intentionally annoying characters are very difficult, they have a tendency to succeed too well, making it hard to care about the comedy. But somehow Scott pulls it off through a constant up-beatness. It is the beneficiary of a strange alchemy that way. Everything in it should be awful, but isn’t, probably because of some actually witty–stupid but witty–dialogue from Robb and Mark Cullen, not to mention a few hilarious turns that you don’t see coming.

Because it’s funny, and that trumps all. It’s a pretty good fit for Smith’s first piece of work-for-hire directing. It doesn’t sound like one of his movies, but the underlying structure is much the same and it gives him the freedom to expand on his visual story-telling – usually the weakest part of his particular style of films.

By God, the man knows how to tell a d*ck joke. It is very much a movie for 10-year-olds who never grew up but that’s okay, they need love, too. No one else will like it much but they’re not supposed to. It is what it is, a fun, stupid comedy that works far better than it should. There probably is no real explaining why. It’s funny, and that’s all that matters.

What shitty review is this copied from?

what would you have done in this scene?


It's from my my IMDB page, I gave it a 7. My usename is TheAmazingFilmSnob2

Can someone explain something in Chasing Amy for me? Why in the fuck did Affleck propose a three way near the end? It's been years but I've never been able to make any sense of it.

It's autobiographical and it's portraying how one time kevin smith suggested a 2-dude threeway and was turned down because he was too fat

when you watch the film you should be imagining that ben afleck is fat

because he was incredibly insecure about his sexual experience compared to Amy

Yoga House

All you motherfuckers are gonna pay. You are the ones who are the ball-lickers. We're gonna fuck your mothers while you watch and cry like little, whiny bitches. Once we get to Hollywood and find those Miramax fucks who is makin' the movie... we're gonna make them eat our shit, then shit out our shit, and then eat their shit that's made up of our shit that we made 'em eat. Then you're all you motherfucks are next. Love- Jay and Silent Bob.

I give the dialogue an 8/10 but the acting a 7.9 out of 10.

don't even joke, man. Yoga Hosers was seriously the worst movie i have ever seen, and i paid to see the shaq genie movie in theatres. The only thing that wasn't atrocious was the girl who wasn't kevin smith's daughter, she was extremely cute

It's actually really good. And both of the stars are cute. One's tiny and cute and the other is THICC and cute. That makes it more tolerable than Transformers 2 or The Avengers.

Yoga Hosers is only bad if you're literally gay.

I just watched it asshole. The movie is horrible, they do the whole thing with awful fake accents and none of the jokes are funny.
>they couldn't even find their buttholes if they had a butthole finding app on their phones to find their buttholes
that's something a five year old with down syndrome wrote.
Just because you like jacking it to jailbait doesn't make it a good movie

The Flying Car

spotted the gay

Sorry you feel you got robbed. It's still not the worst movie you've seen. It's pretty good in its absurdism. Stop whining. I don't jack it to jail bait or even porn where the girl places a student etc.

clerks is the only good one

Yoga Hosers:
0/10 movie, 10/10 cuties
