DC on suicide watch! All jokes aside how can they even compete with this for real?

DC on suicide watch! All jokes aside how can they even compete with this for real?

Really makes you think

I sincerely believe Warner Bros is making their super hero movies so shitty on purpose. I think they want to kill the syper hero frsnchise to atop the marvel train and not have to front $100+ million for each movie and can get back to making them super cheap for maximum profit.

nigga please one 15y old idiot from compare this to that and now every sheep on the internet is posting it
can you explain how are this 2 related ? oo i see its a Man with a lil girl. 10/10 logic

Pretty shitty that they already gave away the x-23 reveal in the trailer.

First trailer did enough to set the tone of the, introduce the setting and characters, and gave just enough of the main plot so you get the idea of what kind of movie it is without ruining it.

This trailer is just littered with action shots and more 'Mad Max meets TloU'

because no one knew she was x23 at the 1st trailer........

Its not about whether you knew or not, dumbass. Its about whats being shown in the trailer.

Everyone and their mothers knew that Batman and Superman were going to teamup somehow and become allies. We all knew it, uet we didnt know how or why. Trailer #2 pops out and we get shown how and why.

Normie here. No clue who x23 is

you did this post and call people dumbass
time to buy rope fagget

How anyone has any faith in this is astonishing. Each of the Wolverine movies have been steaming piles. The last one just a bit less than the first. You just can't beat the brilliant idea of making Deadpool a complete mute. But wow now he's gonna get upstaged by a little girl?

They even have her reading comics.

yea shes the only one reading comics 10/10 give me more please ? w8 w8 i have one they have a car boom nailed it

try again in English please.


it's one of the multiple feminist comic appropriation.

>old man and little girl have an adventure

My favorite trope.

It's a bleak gritty road movie about an old man and a little girl. How many of those can you name?

TLOU was the first thing I thought of when I saw that photo.

virgins pretend they wont love watching lil savage girl gut people pretty sure this board will be fill with x23 threads
Kick ass hit girl flashback

road movie because they have a car in the trailer
so no other movie have this it must be video game related then kek
just go back to /vg/

so what about Leon little girl and a man
Last of us confirm?
is Lolita also Last of us?

As a DCEU fan, I always felt that the Fox movies were allies in our fight against the blandness and forced quips of the MCU crap.

I'm still mad about niggress iron man

he didn't even mention a car. Are you retarded?

Wow you are butthurt as shit

making an observation = butthurt?
You sound more butthurt that people are taking jabs at the movie. Did your cousin work on it or something.

you think this will be a road movie and im the retard cool story faggot

I have a hitgirl tattoo

I'll watch it but only for my Daddy, Hugh.

How does the helmet fit on the sheboon's head?

When did I say anything about the movie? I was merely saying that you got awfully defensive about people making comparisons to Logan and the last of us. I couldn't give to shits what people say about the movie.

What's up with you Last of Us shills pretending The Walking Dead doesn't exist?

Looks like trash though

Two shits*

>>you think this will be a road movie

I never mentioned thinking it would be a road movie, so yeah. Pretty much every post you've made in this thread confirms you have about a 50 IQ.

Thats a cartoon. Last Of Us is literally art.

>It's a bleak gritty road movie
ok /vg/


Pointing out the girl is reading a comic sounds butthurt how? That was only one comparison btw.

>literally art
the only ART in video games is Silent Hill 2 every other answer is wrong

you're literally the only person calling it a road movie. I should know pointing out to you won't help since you have brain damage.

man that game gave me so much hope for future video game kino

what a disappointment

He can't he's retarded. Making up things is the only argument he has.

hes not defensive about people making comparisons
he letting them know how stupid they comparisons are


>road movie
Would that be the road from his flat to a shop?

faggot back to /vg/
>It's a bleak gritty road movie about an old man and a little girl. How many of those can you name?


>road movie
Would that be the road from professor xavier rat hole to the store?

*blocks your path*

I don't know, haven't seen it yet have I. I'm just going with the picture on top of this thread that shows a man in a car.

>implying a character from 1959 is a part of the millenial feminist agenda


Ha Ha Ha who triggered the DC cucks so hard kudos to you sir
this same people will defend this cast kek

pleb 15y old tier shit GTFO not even close to Silent Hill 2 KINO

Holy shit rekt'd hard. Fox shills will never recover

>Small towns
>Real America
>big landscape with a lot of greens
>dark, gritty, yet ironic at the same time
>great cinematography game
>Johnny Cash starts playing
This is literally what Zack Snyder would've make, I don't see how this BTFOing DC.

>he thinks it's not a road movie
It is, son. In the trailer they're shown driving in the desert, going into a gas station and fighting in a hotel. I can bet money on this being a road movie. Of course only half of this would be a road movie since having an actual genre is too much of a risk for capeshit.

This vs Logan
I wonder which one will do better kek the only thing going for DC is people love Batman

so every movie with driving in the trailer will be a road movie?
also they are in Texas not in the desert
also this is not a hotel its where x-23 is dunno what it is tho

This looks pretty good.

Yet Man of Steel made more money than all Wolverine movies and Dr Strange, and there was no batman on sight

Really accelerates the synapses in your central nervous system ain't it?

I would say that every trailer focusing on gas stations, hotels and drives in the desert is trying to promote a road movie, yes. Again, this being capeshit, they're not going to stick to one genre, but the implications are clear.

>I wonder which one will do better kek the only thing going for DC is people love Batman
People loved TDKR. Fuck what "people love".

>cuni kino

Why is Cyborg a manlet?

He's their Iron Man

I liked the one where he went to Japan. There wasn't anything wrong with it.

Texas is a dessert tho

just because it's old doesn't make it less lame lmao

because was the 1st superman movie if im not wrong and since then? suicide squad killed the box office

who care about TDKR
lets talk about Suicide squad and batmang vs Supermang or the incoming wonder womanz that was pretty kino shot KEK

Learn english shill

DC cuck triggered

I am super curious wtf happened with WW's face in this pic. That is clearly not Gal Gadot.

not sameguy


attacking someone's spelling error
even though you know what they meant

you butthurt mayne?

She looks kinda like Linda Carter here to me.

I was correcting myself


If Lynda Carter had dead rat eyes and a face like a goon from popeye, sure


the fuck are you smoking? I wanna get that stupid

Of course a video game or whatever the fuck that was is what you thought of first.

They are.

Will it break the threequel curse?