ITT: Period films that made you feel totally immersed in the period

ITT: Period films that made you feel totally immersed in the period.

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>rock music during the fight scene
i don't think so, tim


The VVitch
Supposedly the director had a strict eye for historical accuracy, to the point of turning down actors he thought couldn't do the early American colonial accent properly.





Speed Racer

inherent vice too my tamie

The Duellists
Somewhere in Time



This will always > there will be blood

Absolutely fucking not. DDL is phenomenal in GoNY but no fucking way is it better than TWBB

this is so wrong lmao

Barry Lyndon

That movie was too goddamn long.

Wait, what? I don't remember that.

the first fight, like 5 minutes into the movie

Oh yeah I guess that did happen.

Came here to post this. Amadeus is fantastic, as well.

An user kept shilling this flick in the cinegrid threads so I gave it a try and I liked it a lot honestly

good choices



Holy shit this. Just saw it yesterday and I cant believe how short the movie felt for having a run time just under 4 hours.

Forgetting something bud?



