What's the last movie you saw that really fucked with your mind?

What's the last movie you saw that really fucked with your mind?

inception was crazy bro


Harvey tbqh

Bone Tomahawk was hardcore


Also probably Akira because it destroyed my opinion of people who praised the movie.

is OP's image making anyone else angry?

Damn. Haven't had a movie fuck with my head for a long time. Maybe Gone Girl?

I don't see what the problem is.

w-why are they on coasters

there is nothing difficult to understand about this picture because the total thickness of the piece is greater than that of the pegs. pretty easy to understand how it fits especially if you have legos.

what kind of subaru do you own?



Ghost in the shell 2.0 Innocence. I'm an idiot and I don't know what the fuck that cartoon was about.

pls stahp


the game

never knew a picture of redundant coasters would bother me


user, I...

this is the correct way of eating a kit kat

I make lots of lego and that pisses me off


god fucking damnit

Inland Empire?
The Lobster?
The Neon Demon?
Embrace of the Serpent?
DMT: The Spirit Molecule?

Speaking of OCD OP, I'll throw in Spider.

probably upstream color

Dogtooth is fine too.

Spider is great. Didn't even realize on first watch that the one character changed actors halfway through.

The nudity and realistic sex in Anomalisa is a bit unsettling. They're puppets.

>when you lowkey killed JFK

Where can i watch non-euclidean cinema?

Yeah dogtooth kinda made me feel gross

I think there was a time in my life when this stuff would have irked me, now it's just funny.

I am Walter White, on his back, laughing about the absurdity of the cosmos.

I tried to watch that.

Got 10 minutes in and dropped.
>rich old british guy depressed and irritable
>by the end of the movie he will have changed
>brought to you in claymation

No thanks.

what's wrong with this one?


Close enough. They were 3D printed puppets with detachable mouths.

The degeneracy in the movie really triggered me though. Even though they're puppets.

But speaking of claymation to fuck with your mind: Marquis (1989)

Oh good. This is now a Marquis thread. Been a while since I've seen one.

Seeing the spoiler image reminds me of Friday nights in my dads basement (furnished and pretty much a theater) watching these while eating pizza with the family. Where did the time go.

I'm a fucking newbee, didn't realize the spoiler images changed on here. It was the MST3K one.

Yeah I noticed that too. I deleted a post and it changed.

Oh good. This is now a Marquis thread. Been a while since I've seen one.



Stupid fuck

i have that set. i was so fucking pissed when i saw that, but that's actually a 4 piece

Yeah I forgot to spoiler. This is a blue board.

tell me how to get the red cylinder out of that piece and you 'll figure it out


How drunk and/or new are you?


I'm not drunk or new. I just haven't spoilered images in forever.

Although with all the porn spam lately it might not matter. Some people do read the site at work though.


you don't take the red cylinder out of anything. you use a second one.

Oldboy I guess. But the only movie that's ever made me question my sanity was Eraserhead

So you're just a dumbass

>Some people do read the site at work though.

They should be fired immediately for wasting company resources.

Nocturnal Animals really made me think.

How well do the masts stay up? I'd be so worried about them falling off, they look a bit unsupported. Good job though.

Really fucked me up? Well emotionally it was La La Land, made me think a lot.

Other than that I watched Gozu and that was bizarre.

Yeah, shoulda gone with these. Looks better and can be reinforced through the centers.

>he says gotcha

It's a tiny box. When you make post after post without checking it, it's easy to miss it.

Should I sperg out and mention how you don't have any periods, phoneposter?

Mulholland Drive

So spoilering images on blue boards is just a meme? Is that what you're saying?

Marquis is a weird fucking movie. It merits a spoiler image.