What music do they listen to?

What music do they listen to?

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tunak tunak tun tunak tunak tun tunak tunak tun da da da


Street sitar players and shitty Americanized pop

mostly educational


i listen to prog but mostly around here it's this: >shitty Americanized pop

each and every thing

Manic Street Shitters.
New Kids On The Plop.

Manic Street Shitters

Bollywood music and other poo in loo shit.
They do have some good musicians though but I would understand if you hated the language.

Indians are some of the most desperately normie and collectivist people I know, so my guess is mostly mainstream American music and whatever is popular from bollywood

Checked out The whole "The Union" and it's unirinocally pretty good, still think your a shill tho

do indians even visit mu

there's a few

Attached: 1516182208639.png (500x1333, 44K)

Bollywood crap, mainly

Poo fighters
Rage against the latrines
Charli xcx

>Hurrrrr It's ok to be racist as long as it's not against black people


tunak tunak tun is a legitimately great tune you dingus

T. Poo in loo

Don't worry, I hate niggers too.

non-white """"""""""humour""""""""""

Indians in India: mainly bollywood music

Indians in UK: Drum & Bass.

gangsta brap

a flock of seagulls

oh wait its india. literally bollywood soundtracks

>Manic Street Shitters
fucking kek


No one is racist against hindus. But come one. You are weird little bobbly head brown people who shit everywhere and listen to shit like this


You make white people giggle

>as long as it's not against black people
that's the default setting. Don't be a retard

This is fucking good music. Get taste lol. Golden age bollywood is pure pleb filter.

Yes we do come here !
We are everywhere user

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old indian funk is fucking awesome

Yes. I'm pretty sure 95% of the people just listen to songs made for movies

These guys are Indian


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you know, typical stuff


is that americuckia's national motto?

Apparently so because I guarantee all of the people in here making fun of Indians are Americans.

(I forgot when beiber moved to india and painted his skin but.._)

no one here is justifying the sins of lil pump and xxxtentacion user. we're just talking about india here.

lol why do indian dudes have like no game at all


L Shankar is a violist, his music is something of a blend of East and West: youtube.com/watch?v=ZDsjQvt2g6o
NFAK, powerful singer, youtube.com/watch?v=3AcN6YNFxX4
Look into Tyagaraja's Pancharatna Krithis: youtube.com/watch?v=W6TeyBzP4KU
MS Subbuakshmi is also great: youtube.com/watch?v=nJRZQRVR2Uc

this all sounds the same

Icy P and the Funky Bunch

Indian classical music is really good stuff, Nikhil Banerjee, Pran Nath, Amjad Ali Khan etc

But when all of the music is centered around a tambura drone, it all becomes homogenous. There is no variation.

Yes user most of the people here listen to music from movies. All music has to be upbeat and music that you dance to or cry to. If it doesnt do these things no one considers it music. Indian have shit movie music too. But im better cause i listen deaf grifs.

>cause i date deaf girls


You do understand that ragas are centered around the tambura drone and the tablas correct? The sitar is tuned in coordination to the raga.

No, of course you don't. This is Sup Forums, where high school students think Tame Impala and MGMT are acceptable. You think Animal Collective is listenable. You're all fucking clowns, and I have zero respect for your lives as humans.

It's boring and all sounds the same lol


Agreed, 6ix9ine, Animal Collective, M83, and Tame Impala are all the same bullshit act

It's just such a shame we have a thread dedicated to shitting on Indians when shitty sand niggers have contributed absolutely nothing.

The most significant thing theyve contributed is a fucking wedding singer named Omar Souleyman, and Muslimgauze, who was some bullshit british faggot who died of testicular asshole cancer in 1999

uh no that isn't true. Amr Diab from Egypt? Plus Middle eastern classical music rocks!

>Amr Diab
Holy shit fuck off.

Either stop posting or take off the trip because you're just embarrassing yourself

Cmon do some tiny research

indians seem more keen on the art of film than music

Bollywood is really more important than pop music to them.

My music knowledge is encyclopedic. I've been here since 2009. I play all the instruments mentioned ITT. Not really concerned with some bullshit faggot who listens to Animal Collective and The Flaming Lips.

Your entire life is fuck all

that fucking explains it
go back to r*ddit you edgy teenager

I've been here since the year you were born

oh shut the fuck up namefag

He's better than most curry niggers. I hate sandniggers but fucking Indians are disgusting.

my knowledge is expansive. encyclopedic. i'm well versed in the teachings of aristotle. its nothing a rural, uneducated pleb like you would understand.

in this moment, i am euphoric.

repressive society

oh please
dont remind me
*FUcking sings it 24/7

go back to
/back/ go back

Kinda mean of her.
But I know these feels too much

Who could forget The Curry Fart Clan?


I am a sitar.

I am the sounds you gay nerds imagine you
could create in 2018.

I am a sound lord. I transcend your existence.Crown me right now. I created Mercury Rev in 1989 by looking at a stock Fender Jaguar (sunburst finish) and they ripped me off.

Have you noticed how Sonic Boom is holding a Sunburst Fender Jaguar on the cover of Perfect Prescription? I created that guitar in 1963 (I was born in 1989). Spacemen 3 owe their entire career to me.

street shit

Go to bed, Anton.

Its 2018

Racism is an awful look. This isn't 1998

Rainting outside. Take heed. This isn't 1998. Bob Mould is in hospice care. Lou Barlow is in hospice care. J Pierce is in hospice care without having finished his album with liver cancer.

Things are not good right now..

I am a sitar.

June 16, 1997:

Thom Yorke just asked me if the backing vocals were finished for Spacegirl Revisited. I said yes they were and they have been since I finished the synths in 1993.

He gets uppity at Parker Lawrence's parents house circa 1996. I had already recorded 3 albums by September and released them via Bomp Records via Greg Shaw, who I owned financially and artistically.

I was living in the upper Haight in 1993 and had recorded spacegirl & other favorites and half of methodrone on the otari 8trk sempti with six da-88s all in the control booth at the compound

On the methodrone title track I recorded it by screaming into the pickups directly...ive seen threads specifically about that here..