Update on this fued?

whats going on lately?

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they're both probably dead or homeless who cares

alice keeps saying shes glad other women accused him and that's why she won the case against him.

to me it sounds like the judge only let the defomation case go because there was a ongoing investigation into kath and after that case is over and hes found innocent (which he probably is the dude knew age of concent was 14 in Canada at the time) that he will sue her again and take all her money and ruin her and then continue CC once his name is cleared.

I just cant see it ending well for alice.

also the fact ethan hasn't said any thing makes me think hes waiting to sue her again otherwise if he actually lost the case for good he would post some apology thing.


interestingly the court documents imply that Ethan is Ghost producing for other artists because it mentions that he cant get work while he's a accused rapist. implying hes working on more than just CC

goofs any of you know any insider info from tumblr or facebook chats or any thing?

i have stuff butt im not a fucking snitch like you

Tfw I dont care about an artists personal life and 2 is still a 10/10 album

do tell

can i save alice, bros?

good luck mate. alice is a nutjob
she was always too far gone

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replace Jupiter Keyes user

should i see her and zola jesus in concert

you realize most of the info on her wiki is now faulse considering its been revealed Kath basically lied about most of the bands press.

Fetus Fatale maybe never existed
She maybe never rad away from home
She maybe never met kath in community service for the deaf because of crime

going off what alice has said about how she met ethan she met him at a club and he got her drunk with a friend and then she woke up in the back of a car didn't see him for months and then he showed up outside her school and talked to her.

basically ethan lied alot and controlled CC press to make them sound cooler than they really was. alice was probably literally just some random girl at a gig of his old band that he developed a crush for and just made up all this shit to make it sound dramatic.

alice said she was away from home so attending school was hard in a recent interview but its not clear if that's because she was living with kath or not.

also she mentions a band her friends where in that was not called fetus fatale it was called some thing els and according to alice she didn't sing for the band and wasn't even in the band but one time the lead singer was sick so she went up on stage and just mucked about. its not clear if that's the time ethan met her or not.

ethan made up the name of all the bands and all the weird storys to make them sound cooler.

*sits around shooting up waiting for ethan to finish the beats so she can wail over them*
good fuckin riddance she’s gone

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also alice says shes astranged from her mother and father but her mother lists crystal castles as one of her likes on facebook and alices sister says that alices current boyfriend (from 2012-now) doesn't allow alice to contact her family because he controls her social media but when alice was touring with crystal castles from 2008-2012 she was clearly in contact with her sister and possibly mother because her sister used to sell merch for the band at gigs.

basically after its become apparent that Kath controlled all interviews id be highly doubtful of any online info about CC or their origins.

alice practice for instance was said to be a song recorded by accident. turns out it was a intentional song and he only said that in the interview to make it sound cooler.

also Ethan and Alice didn't like run away from home and start a band. Ethan was a producer at the time and popular in his local scene and was developing a number of female artists helping them record music and edit it etc it wasn't just alice and he was sleeping with another girl artist at the time he was helping produce for.

when you actualy find out the true story of crystal castles it doesn't sound as cool at all and just sounds like ethan was fucking alice in 2007 and decided to make her his band mate after his instrumentals got posted on Uk blogs and then if we are honest about it Ethan befriended people Klaxsons and some how got crystal castles on that show SKINS in its first season and that's what really made crystal castles popular and it was only after that show aired that they got gigs at popular UK festivals

when you actually add it all up CC got popular for really lame reasons and both alice and ethan sound like really lame people and nothing like their personas at all.

like ethan pretends to be other people online he even pretended to be the cc forum admin a guy called "andy" he also makes fake facebook accounts to talk to fans.

do you have any sources for this information other than alice herself?

alice apparently isn't independent at all isn't a punk and only found out about feminism in 2013 or some thing by listening to grimes. Alices sister says alice was never independent always had a boyfriend never learned how to drive never had a job etc.

the same sister also says that while Ethan was manipulative to alice that alices current boyfriend is even more manipulative and has complete control over alice and she has no freedom at all and he makes all her posts on social media etc.

alice is literally just some random girl... shes not a punk at all.

alices sister
fans that knew them well
some random guy that toured with them
some other random people from LA and where they live.
The other girl artist Ethan was producing in 2007 onwards. (he apparently kept producing for her even after CC was successful just never with the name Ethan kath.

also based on acusations against ethan kath he dated alice from 2005-2012

all the acusations of ethan sleeping with young girls are from after 2012 or before 2005 and the only acusation that he cheated on alice was with this other girl he was producing music for.

so yer effectively they dated for 8 years.

the only documentation of him being abusive towards her was in 2012 when he threw a phone out the window of a car and alice emailed the manager complaining that ethan was getting more and more aggressive towards her.

from the objective sound of it it sounds like they where mostly a happy couple and it just broke down in 2012 when alice presumably got into grimes or some thing started to rebel and ethan got annoyed at her and started telling her if she became a feminist she would get stabed at one of her shows. she then did the most predictable relationship transfer possible and started dating a guy from a fellow band that had helped CC get popular in 2008 with the remix of crystal castles by HEALTH.

when you add it all up alice definatly didn't have a very big social pool and made a pretty safe bet with her next boyfriend. if she was really a punk or some thing she wouldn't just date another musican she would have found some one she actually liked.

just seems like she bounced between two sucsessful people in a hope that her success would continue.

also according to ethan all of alices DJsets are made by her bf and alice herself has said that her new album is made by her bf and not her as she put it in a interview "he controls the mouse on the computer"

by listening to grimes.

god damn I didn't know that ethan's nose was that jewish
is he a jew? if he is I hope alice wins against him, it's a win win for every one. a jew loses his money, and alice would most likely be murdered by the powers that be

but yer alices boyfriend got kicked out of HEALTH around the time alice started making accusations against kath online in 2015 or some thing.

apparently people who see Alice and her BF out in LA see them always looking depressed and standing in the edge of some club all alone etc.

Ethan its not clear if he has moved on there is alot of acusations of him creeply hitting on girls in 2012-2013-2014 etc who where fans of the band. his current bandmate Edith was some model or some thing that was in the inner circle of the band and he just selected to be the next singer.

oh yer and Ethan dated a alice glass cosplayer for a while.. which is really weird and creepy. I think possibly after he broke up with alice in 2012.

also alice died her hair in 2012 after she broke up with ethan.

it really just looks like they are both normies ethan is just some creepy producer guy that has probably produced way more artists than he admits and likes juvi girls

Alice is just some random girl who isn't really a punk and just follows hipster culture like the rest of us and only started caring about feminism in 2012 (which is ironic because it sounds like ethan wrote the feminist lirics before then and said feminist shit like saying the madona punched face dawing was iconic for women etc etc and according to alice and one of the girls he produced he told alice what to wear and told her not to look sexy and look grungy instead because "sex doesn't sell any more" and all this stuff which makes alot of sense because alice performs in like latex dresses and stuff now and doesn't have the same style she had at all.

basically cc was a produced band that got popular because of a teenTV show got overhyped projected a image of being punks when they where not pretended to be hipsters and then fell apart when alice became a feminist and no longer wanted to be told what to do.

very ironic because the image they presented was being deep web cyberpunks that had rebelled their entire life.

alice won the court case. However its possible she only won in LA because their was a Canadian criminal investigation still ongoing at the time into Kath..

my prediction is once that investigation into kath is over that kath will sue her again for defomation and win.


a friend told me crystal castles was a overhyped commercial band in 2008 I wish I had lissend to him. he said they where simply made to fill a void and not a authentic band. turns out he was right.

Jesus user you've researched this too much. But that drawing was stolen from a different artist called Trevor Brown who did album art for Venetian Snares. He wasn't credited or paid for a few years.

they are like my fav band. even in their darkest hour when all their lies are exposed I still want to be able to say I knew what really went down.

>saving some dumb coalburner

you're a lost cause m8.