How do we stop genuinely good music being corrupted by turbo soyboys?

how do we stop genuinely good music being corrupted by turbo soyboys?
go on any music group on facebook and this the average member

Attached: absolutecringe.jpg (960x640, 57K)

>caring more about the fanbase than the music itself
>implying carseat headrest is genuinely good music
simply kys my man

that dude would probably fuck you up in a fight OP let’s be honest

not sure how you plan to avoid yourself op

doubt that

Music in general is a soy hobby.

How do we stop genuinely good music from being made?

Wait around for a few years or so

>approaches csh fans
>the band that literally wrote an album about being a gay furry
>gets mad when he spots "soy boys"
is this bait

>doubt that
not sounding confident or assertive enough, bugman confirmed.

You obviously don't know what defines a soyboy, pal..

Seitan soyboy conformed

it's about a lot more than being a gay furry :/

bump for serious reponses

I miss the old mods.

hmm looks like your average melt banana fan

>where are my serious response about how to stop people from liking things??

t.literally the guy in the op pic

>doubt that
>unironically doubtful
Stop being this insecure

how about you just avoid music you dont like and listen to music you like

post a picture of yourself

sounds like you're too big of a faggot for music. sorry

how can good music be corrupted by the listeners?

Did the pic hit too close to home, soyboy?

because people only care about image, not the content of the music
epik meme