/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General

How do I start learning guitar?
Guitar chords and inversions
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Hal Leonard's Bass Method:
Steve Vai's Ten Hour Workout
Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2
Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick
Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene
Mickey Baker's Jazz Guitar
Modern Chord Progressions: Jazz and Classical Voicings for Guitar - Ted Greene
Jazz Guitar: Single Note Soloing Vol. 1 & 2- Ted Greene
Impulse Response Pack
>mediafire.com/download/svtfxjtillrdwt8/Gods Cab 1.3.rar
>mediafire.com/download/4n28zkjw0zgmdj9/ASEM RECTO V30 L2.wav (embed)
The Beginner's Guide to Jazz Guitar:
Blues Guitar Lessons:

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any bongs wanna buy a Hughes & Kettner Statesman Dual EL34 50W amp head for £300?

got any pics? tried a H&K head in a shop and bloody loved it.

why are matamps so fucking expensive

i don't have any pics handy, but it's not like it has any scrapes or dings on it.
i bought it online in 2012, without properly researching appropriate wattage, thought "eh, 50W sounds enough" and got it.
turns out 50W is way too much for bedroom practice and i've never gigged, never intend to, so i've basically just stored it (in my bedroom, so not exposed to temp fluctuations of attic) for all those years.
been hesitant to sell it since they discontinued the statesman line and they're nice amps for what they are, but i've reached the point where i know i'm never going to get use out of it so selling to make way for other gear.
i reckon i've also got the footswitch that sold separately. original cover, and the box/styrofoam it sold in, never got a case for it.
i've got mounting braces, dunno if they were part of the amp or the laney cab i have, i'd have to check.

oh and it's one of the ones in oxblood tolex fwiw

ok i've just given myself a stitch because i've just eaten dinner and lifted the amp box up levering it on my stomach.
give me a moment.

More like a Cute-ana

Gramps just threw out his back, someone call the medic.

fallenangels posting. I'll start;


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When will it be mine turn for guitar playing qt3.14 ;_;


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>Ibanez RG

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k i've taken a few pics.
turns out the mounting brackets are part of the cab, and i only stored them in the amp box because there was space created by the padding, whereas the cab's box is like a sleeve.

i have the packaging, cover, user manual and footswitch for the amp. also have a warranty card but it's for 24 months, and i don't have the original receipt either so it's long past its warranty period.

lemme just... get the pics uploaded hold up.

Clearly that's a Herman Li signature S series

If these girls were guys they would be neckbeard douchebags

100/10 face
6/10 solo

front of the amp.

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back of the amp

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>matches the colour of my fender superchamp x2
oh boy you're not making this easy if I had 300 quid to blow I'd take it off your hands.

also i just realise i forgot to photograph the power cable. but it's there obviously.

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Fuck that's nice mate, I'd buy it tommorow if you were in the states.

u wot m8

shitty hair

user manual

i'm not actually in a huge, pressing hurry to sell it as i'm not too skint.
i can hold onto it let's say until end of summer before i bother putting it up on gumtree or w/e.
reckon that'd give you enough time to rustle the cash up?
i live in north notts btw. also have senpai near york and inverness if those were closer to you, for picking up in person. otherwise it'd be a shipping job.

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Correct link:


i didn't like it.

...is a good guitar


Dumb question imminent. Be warned.

I've been playing guitar for about 6 months now, but how do people just pick up a guitar and play licks? I mean, where do they learn these? Is it just little jams they've developed over the years, or have they practised these licks individually, or maybe they're that competent and skilled they can just generate something like it on the spot? Be easy on me pls.

I don't like the way it looks either.

mix of riffs from other songs and basic shapes + memory. You can also always improvise.

most licks are based on the practical learning and practicing of scales, the theoretical learning of modulation and functional harmony, and from then on, noodling, improv, jam sessions.
maybe some wizard knows better than me but that's how i've understood it.
if you're noodling about a scale, or a progression of scales, and something sounds good, then sure, immediately try and re-trace your steps to learn that.

you gotta play what you hear. and yes most people learn licks from songs and solos they learn.


It's all the same thing.

Find some cool riffs
Jam again
Try those riffs again, but this time you try something different
Jam again
Those riffs mutate again
Mix in all the songs, chords, and theory you learn in between your jams and there you go.

>Is it just little jams they've developed over the years, or have they practised these licks individually
Both. I think it's good practice to take a lick you like and move it throughout a scale, like this. This is a very short lick that Dave Murray plays on the solo of "Flight of Icarus" and all I've done is apply it to a G Major scale:



If you apply licks, ornaments, and patterns in such a way consistently in your practice, they can become second nature and you'll find yourself inventing cool lines in your improvs without really thinking about it.

Also I think these licks are worth knowing:


I've been playing a long time, and now those riffs just come to me. Sometimes it's stuff I've heard and I do it not even noticing what it is untill I've played it several times. Sometimes it's just familiar chord progressions The other day I started the inrto of Roy Orbison's Pretty Woman withot knowing where I was going. So much for that "new" song.

any bongs wanna buy a tc electronic corona chorus?

45 quid plus whatever it takes to ship.

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I've made an open source guitar scale visualiser where it's actually easy to change the tuning.
I've been wanting this tool since I started learning scales, so I decided to make it myself.

Please check it out & give feedback if you have any

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hey /gg/ newfag here. i'm really into shugazi and i wanted to know what amp i should get for that tone

any bongs wanna buy a laney lionheart lt212 cab?
if it's of interest to you they're loaded as stock with celestion g12h's.

cba to go into the attic to pull it out and photograph it so here's an image of one i found online.


250 quid. plus shipping if not picked up.

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Jesus just change this to bong bazaar general unless it's a samefag

you should definitely get a hughes & kettner statesman dual el34 50w amp, and a laney lionheart lt212 cab.
best shoegaze tone ever ;)

nahh but in all honesty, you're not exactly talking about the subtler element's of amp tone with shoegaze since whatever you get you'll be pumping with your signature mix of whatever trashy pedalboard your mind comes up with.

although... come to think of it, if you're in UK or Europe and want a HardWire RV-7 for that signature reverse or gated reverb that's so sought after for sheogaze, if you're reeeeeally convincing, i might just part with mine... for a price...

Can you overreact more

Can't you bongs get anywhere in your country within a day

Can you post more shit you're selling

"The wood of conifers such as spruce is not ideal for building
electric guitars for reasons of sound and insufficient solidity.
Equally, plywood or similar man-made types of board cannot be
recommended, either, because of their cross-grain structure (the
grain of each ply of wood runs at right angles to the next one) by
which the transmission of vibrations is weakened, resulting in a
poor sound"

i'm really cute nyaa~

does that suffice?

Not him but I play a Telecaster, is it good for shugazi?

>muh tonewood

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>how do I start learning guitar

Does that count for bass, too? I'm brand spankin' new. No musical history under my belt.

Oi any bongs wanna buy muh effex peduls an acoustical lute for 200 quid m8? Me nan said dis stuff is takin up too much space in er flat, needs me ta make room fer knittins of da queen mum

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Supply and demand

You have to stop for tea.

Not a bong, but I might get rid of my
Big Muff, Chinese DS1, Chinese DD2, Ditto Looper, Supra Distortion, Main Squeeze, Digidelay, and Geigercounter if someone will buy it for Reverb used price.

yes. i am obviously samefagging since i thought why the hell not, i might as well throw all of my unwanted gear out there and see if anyone bites.

kinda, but in practical terms there are limits. if you're travelling light enough, you can commute by plane between inverness and london. you won't be picking up a speaker cab though. at a stretch you could probably get away with moving gear on a train, but even then, we're a highly populated island and our trainlines are really stretched, and if you have to make changes, it can take a while.
there are a lot of return trips you can't possibly make in a day, and a few one way trips. if you're driving, you'll have a hard time driving to stornoway from plymouth in a day.

how much?

i don't think either of you get the idea of shoegaze. heaps of guitars have been used in shoegaze but the only reason certain guitars became emblematic with shoegaze is because they were going cheap in pawn shops. it's why alt-rockers all ended up with 2nd hand offsets in the 90's. you're going to be processing your sound through a fuck tonne of effects so again the guitar isn't a huge deal, although if you wanna cover mbv - only shallow, you might want a guitar with a whammy bar of some sort.
that's probably one of the biggest pluses for a shoegaze guitar, is having a whammy bar that you can just hold onto and fuck with as you strum.


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" An
electric pickup can never add anything to or improve a lifeless-
and dull-sounding guitar; all it can do is process and modify the
frequency range that is already there - and a body with good
resonant properties is obviously a better basis to start from. So
contrary to what one might assume the type of wood used for
building an electric guitar does matter and its acoustic qualities
do have an effect on the overall sound"

Literally nothing wrong, it's the same components in a smaller enclosure and without the gay boss footswitch

your cabinet there, user-sama

And at Reverb prices.

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give me money you crossplaying weeb.

>gay boss
Wew, I knew this board was full of underage but dang

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>it must be true because an eBook on the internet said so

Post it on reverb or call up chapman to take it to andertons for you

I'm a jew, I'll concede on that.

Woah, why have Rickenbackers gone up nearly a grand over the past year in the UK? Mine was £1,500 new. Now they're £2.2k+

but they're way down south, why would i bother when richtone are within an hour of where i live
also, i don't feel like being ripped by some company wanting to turn my gear for a profit.
i reckon i could easily get more by making gumtree listings, i just haven't bothered yet.

>I don't feel like getting ripped off
>posts his gear for sell on Sup Forums

I feel this way too sometimes, I lowball gear just to be rid of it on ebay, I always get the email "why so cheap", and I say "it already sold while you were waffling, good luck next time".

any bong or yuropoor wanna have a shot at offering enough for me to consider letting go of my RV-7?
so far this is the only bit of gear i've posted which i'm reticent about selling.

let it be clarified that i, the bong, am not a jew. nor do i ever intend to be one, unless pretending to do so will get me a good price on my unwanted gear.

buy it

i'm not lowballing my gear though. £300 is the going rate for a 2nd hand H&K Statesman head.
2nd hand corona chorus' can fetch up to about £60 from what i've seen, so i guess £45 is kinda lowballing that but i don't care.

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I usally just lowball enough to get it sold in a day or two on a buy it now, you'd be surprised at how fast you can sell something 20 to 30 bucks cheaper than any listing, and you get more than if you turned it in for wholesale.

i make shoegaze rate my board

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The single pickup guitar. It's amazing how much you can get out of your instrument if you focus on getting to know it better and learn to actually play instead of using pedals...

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i'm not actually surprised at all, given i bought a 2nd hand strymon deco today.
i've owned both a bluesky and a capistan before. i auctioned them off at the same time, and when all was said and done, i sold them for an accumulative £30 less than i had paid for them new. amazing how strymons retain their value.
so you can imagine when i saw a listing someone put up yesterday for a 2nd hand strymon deco, a buy it now listing for £70 less than retail price. talk about lowballing.
can't pass that shit up. checked my bank balance and then bought it. i feel quite fucking smug, knowing how many people probably had their eye on it but weren't fast enough.

Disgusting sloppy technique


is that a mini humbucker?
deluxe or firebird style?

If you're not buying used shit for more than 25% off retail you're doing it wrong

Strmons are worth it my bigsky is on it's way from Strymon direct.

Are you factoring in sales tax though

i've bought new shit for 40% off retail before.

These niggas are fuckin jammin


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You're not getting Strymon for 25% off even used. Maybe $50 off retail.

But you didn't this time m8. Didn't your nan teach you how to get a good deal?

no. what sales tax?

>msrp says 2 thousand dollareedoos
>every retailer has it for 1000
Guys I got 50% off!


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I hate roman’s new britbong personality

"Every pickup produces its
own sound; one may have a pierc-
ing metallic quality, and another a
warm and mellow sound. Correctly
spoken: A pickup does not “have” a
sound, it only has a ”transfer charac-
teristic”. It transfers the sound
material that it gets from the strings
and alters it, every model in its own
way. For instance: Mount the same
Gibson humbucker on a Les Paul
and on a Super 400 CES: you will
hear completely different sounds.
And the best pickup is useless
when you have a poor guitar body
with poor strings. The groundrule is
always: garbage in - garbage out!"

Don't ever buy a new car.

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Just got this for $100, how'd I do boys

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nahh mate. one of my nans taught me how to be a passive-aggressive prick, and the other one taught me that parkinson's is bad.

kek. ok bud, what do i have to do to prove to you i'm not roman? i could timestamp a plug, a washing machine, a bathroom.

ye right as if anyone pays VAT on eBay commerce lmao, unless you're an actual business using eBay as a store-front, or are self-employed with eBay trading as a main source of income, the government doesn't chase people down for reselling a few hundred quid's worth of shit per annum on eBay.

He's not good. He's shit. His fingers fly all over the place and his playing isn't tight at all. You're obviously a beginner. Link me Holdsworth or someone actually instead of wasting peoples time.

pretty damn good. i'm waiting on a similar deal for an EHX super pulsar.

I'm talking about the two strymons you bought new you dunce, unless you bought those online as well

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Nice, been watching demos of the memory boy deluxe with a super pulsar through the effects loop, p damn cool

yes, give email.