Why don't you listen to techno, house, breaks or UKgarage?

Why don't you listen to techno, house, breaks or UKgarage?

Attached: white label.jpg (600x600, 18K)

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I do.

Attached: 15206821163260.png (699x927, 466K)

I do
But still, drum & bass and jungle >>>>

Sorry, I only listen to real music, not synthetic garbage.


Attached: ben.gif (398x338, 1.77M)

anyone got some good recs for someone new to this music?

realize it's not an album genre
listen to eps, singles, and mixes

>Deekline - I don't smoke

Do you want normie tier, good tier, or autistic underground tier?

Attached: 'dora.jpg (700x525, 54K)

>techno was invented by guys from Detroit
>house was born in clubs in Chicago
>breaks were "discovered" by a Jamaican guy living in New York
>Todd Edwards

Austistic underground tier.

I do, I pretend I don't so that I don't get associated with the subhuman faggots that populate /bleep/.

Can't help you there then. Start listening to mecha-man OSTs I guess.

I can give you this tho. glhf.




>hurrrrrr we invented it so it's okay that no one in the US listens to it

>source - the Sup Forums catalog 247365

So breaks then.

Why are techno songs usually over 6 minutes long?

You realise a lot of the shitposting is just to bump the threads right

Still more original tunes posted daily than new albums discussed on the rest of the board all year

Anyone wanna rec me some good dub techno

Attached: flat_800x800_070_f.u1.jpg (757x800, 83K)

so you can really get lost in the rythm/the sounds. it mostly builds up very slowly and if you hit up a club it plays without any noticable breaks.

>no one in the US listens to it
Lads unironically believe this

dunno if this is what youre looking for

The first and last 30-60 seconds are so that the dj can mix into the next track. Also techno isn't really progressive. It's more like a sine wave that moves up and down for 4-6 minutes.

>source - the Sup Forums catalog 247365


because most of the drones here just wait for a positive review to come from p4k or fantano, that's why the only things imprinted in their memory are that jamie xx album and the new nicolas jaar release

Thanks for the replies anons. I do find techno a lot more listenable than house music but house is a lot bigger in clubs where I live.

>sitting around in the smoking room
>still feeling the beat still bumping
is there a cozier feeling?

really depends on the city you live in. don't you have any underground clubs where you live?

Makes sense. Both genres try to hypnotise you. Just different grooves.

If I listen to an album in these genres am I gay?

you're just limiting yourself

Unfortunately not, most of the clubs here play rap/rnb with the odd bit of house early. Occasionally you'll get a dnb or house set later on or so but no real underground style places here.

Anyone with a chart for these genres? Help a pleb pls

I'm limiting myself if I literally listened to an album in the genre but I still might listen to singles, or if I'm JUST listening to albums? Can you clarify which one you meant

the latter

This, any good drum and bass charts?

this is acid trance, not techno
most techno tracks arent this long, its just that this particular genre is focused on 'immersion'

Thank u

Tri Repetae
Boy In Da Corner


yw :D

>Austistic underground tier.
Are you kidding?

cause it sounded like shitty bait to me

Literally this