God tier band shirts

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>God tier
>Bands shirts

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I just ordered this

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hnnng i need this

kinda sucks honestly

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I really want one of these tour shirts but I feel like it's a dumb idea
somebody slap some sense into me

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I CAME HERE TO POST THIS. IM NOT EVEN LYING. im ordering this and a cap.


just google "the body merch"
on google
i want one too. just make sure they're at a good price. i see a few on grailed

Funny. I just ordered this one 10 minutes ago.

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This one gets me tons of compliments

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this is how women think and nu-males think. real men live a spartan lifestyle and shop for plain (not LE EBIN WACKY) clothes at a thrift store so as not to support the global jew and mindless consumerism.

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ITT: "I like the design more than the band"

>somebody slap some sense into me
lol you'd look like a gay with that on

Everyone knows it's Soy Division's Unknown Posers, why even make this thread?

Best t-shirts are ones with naked women on the front and a great big bush

>muh plain clothes
Lmao I bet your one of those bland fuckers whose entire wardrobe is solid color tees and button downs because you think graphic tees are “too immature”

He probably read some internet guide on “how to dress older”

wore it twice then it became cum stained and smells like sweat

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who the fuck wears merch from a band they don't even listen to?

maybe don't jerk off with your nice shirts on?

Attractive women

they are immature. once you actually understand that you're just investing in the enrichment of the global jew and destruction of our environment, it's natural to stop buying unnecessary bullshit like reddit-tier graphic ts. i wouldnt be opposed to wearing a band's shirt if i got it second hand, but actually buying new tees just so you can build your identity around the things you like it pathetic.

What if the design was good i.e. it worked apart from being a band tee?

any woman ever

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had this for years. Reeks of cigarettes and the collar is torn but I wear it all the time

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Or maybe just wear shirts you like. I'm sure you're very striking in a plain Hanes tee but I will continue to wear my metal shirts.

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Love this one. Swastikas is my favorite from David

i bet you look like the mustached nu male at my whole foods who wears DEATH shirts

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I own this shirt but it's a bootleg Redbubble version

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>t. subscribes to the art of manliness, charisma on command, and r/theredpill

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i don't wear it often though.

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Soooo all your clothes are second-hand?

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A classic.

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Can I get a cool Unwound shirt?

The computer/phone you're typing this BS on was made of minerals harvested from African mines where workers are slaved to their deaths. Then those minerals are assembled together in Chinese slaveshops where they work themselves until they commit suicide.

But hey, keep crying about a tshirt.

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These are all "fat greasy fuck wearing XXXL band shirt and cargo shorts at the concert-core". I seriously hope you don't wear these in public.

DBEAT bands have the best merch.

>buying band shirts supports the global Jew
I think there are more Jews that work with record labels than Fruit of the Loom so buying albums is actually more nu-male.

You're just a faggot who can't pull off a good look.

I said COOL

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MOST people wear band shirts simply because they look cool, like a good amount of those in this thread. Not because they subconsciously desire to signal fake personalities

Those shirts definitely can be, but not necessarily. It saddens me that pseuds like you browse /fa/ and tell people what to wear

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I love my Twin Fantasy shirt.

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Falsefag detected

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Good taste, user

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My niggas

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I unironically want this shirt

Ive bought from this guy before. The shirts are good quality i recommend

>tfw i wore this and my college professor said he thought it was cool and that he had a bunch of Neurosis shirts

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Eyeing up a few of them actually. I (legitimately) like how he doesn't reprint them once they're gone as well, keeps his stock going.

In all seriousness could you wear the Unknown Pleasures design or any variant? I've seen tons of different ones and it's obviously a good design but you just can't wear it now.

with tour dates on back

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I wear a Closer shirt instead.

my man, wore this TODAY

The only band shirt I have is a Burzum one and I stopped wearing it after some said to me "you know he is a neo-nazi right?", and I pretended to act shocked so I wouldn't have do deal with that bs.

>being this self conscious about something you like
Don't bend over immediately after a little confrontation like that user

I got a similar reaction from my roommate when we were about to go out for the night and I had a Smiths shirt on.

Should I get this one, the regular shirt or goo? I really like sonic youth I want to support them

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I'd like to have this

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was this from the us tour a while back? 2012 or so?

>the world world gives a shit about being a "real man" like i do
see a therapist or join a mens' group or some shit. or just drink yourself to death so you're no longer bothering other people.

I once saw someone wearing the regular at an arcade in New Jersey and complimented them

Don't get Goo whatever you do, that has almost as many redesigns as Unknown Pleasures

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close, 2011

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was there in LA. mind boggling hearing that voice live.

This is great

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good shit, chicago show here. truly unreal. i want to see them again so badly but who knows when they'll go on tour again

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What does that have to do with my question
Redesigns? You mean like bootleg copies or actual redesigns
That's uglier than the one I posted

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>You mean like bootleg copies or actual redesigns
People make like parody redesigns of Goo which saturate the original. It's a meme design, doesn't mean it's intrinsically bad or anything but I do see the design way too often.

What do you think of this shirt

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there must be so many burzum fans who are really just listening to his music to justify wearing his shirts. they're edgy as shit but i'll give him credit for having nice designs.

sup guys, there's this great site called "reddit" where you can express your love for pop culture merchandise with like-minded individuals.

only appropriate for dsbm bands