No offense to Adam Sandler/

>No offense to Adam Sandler/
>But I had enough of this Jewish actor/

What did he mean by this? Is JPEGMAFIA /ourguy/?

Attached: JPEG.jpg (1200x1200, 390K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off Jpeg.
Fantano can't meme you hard enough to make us like you


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hey peggy, love your music but stop shilling for fucks sake

that is literally just MC Ride with worse tattoos

Why is jpegmafia trying to win over Sup Forums?

stop posting these threads jpeg,you dont even have half the artistry of mc ride so fuck off

hopsin the second

sage on sight btw

>that fantano interview
>hating on morrisey
>bad white men 4channers making fun of me :c
i hope peggy dies soon

i want to see Ride have a conversation with him and then see him beat his ass.

Mc soy

animal collective >>>> real estate and other p4k indiefag bands

jpeg mafia is decent
Production is good as it should be

he doesnt like drake

>liking fantano
>liking morrisey
>being white
>being white
i hope you die soon

you sound like shit peggy please stop trying

this is by far the most autistic comparison yet

i don't know what people's problem is with jpeg
he can rap, the production is good and unique, the lyricism is ok... so what's the fucking problem? it offends you?

nice trolleying, m8

its actually not though his voice is extremely similiar

his verses sound exactly like hopsin to me and his lyrical comtent is just as edgy and corny

he is hopsin with better production

this is by far the most autistic comparison yet

yeah nice try jpeg you hopsin wannabe

sage on sight if im honest

Literally Hopsin if he rapped over experimental beats

>What did he mean by this?
He was taking a shot at Drake, retard.

listen to baby im bleeding and tell me that isnt a hopsin tier vocal cadince

Listen to I Just Killed a Cop And Now I'm Horny and tell me Hopsin could (or would) ever make anything like that. Or listen to I Smell Crack, Death Grips wish they could make something like that. It's like Death Grips if they didn't sound retarded.

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wow... everyone in this thread is fucking retarded. fucking everyone
jpeg haters, jpeg lovers, hopsin fans, DG haters...
you guys know what music is, right?

its all trash. he does that weird thing with his voice where he adds this over centuated feminine sounding peak at the end like hopsin

if he stopped over rapping and over accentuating his boice he might be alright but i cant listen to this trash in this state. its literally 1 tier above hopsin

You're probably some butthurt whiteboy anyway.

jpegmafia raps like a white boy unironically

arguing on Sup Forums isn't gonna make your music any better peggy

shut up he's not peggy

ffs stop saying that everyone is peggy. Why would I even post here anyway? He has better stuff to do with his time.

You crackers stop comparing me with mc ride on internet. Come to my show and say that to my face you pussies

and he gets his lyrics from Sup Forums posts

Because they're the only people who know who he is

MC Ride with worse tattoos

Is this the new death grips record?

>H-hey Death Grips fans STOP COMPARING ME TO MC RIDE AND DEATH GRIPS, I'm nothing like Death Grips, OK DG Fans? Don't check out my music, I'm nothing like Death Grips!
his shilling and attention-grabbing is so painfully transparent

Attached: kanye east and west.png (1046x1042, 1.34M)

so much more shit than Death Grips.
Makes lyrics straight of a Sup Forums post

>listen to "I Smell Crack" (first time ever listening to this guy)
>first line is "You niggas delusional trying to vote for Bernie Sanders"
>I smell pussy
>I smell crack
>I smell weed
>What's up with that?
instantly fucking dropped 30 seconds in, jesus christ

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Is it only me that grew up not questioning whether or not someone was white or not? When i was a kid and saw a jewish actor i just thought they were white.

Kek underrated

>Why would I even post here anyway? He has better stuff to do with his time.

nice bait

it's ok to be white

He used to post his stuff here in the SoundCloud threads