Starting nofap today and need some calming music

Starting nofap today and need some calming music

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>Starting nofap today
>and need some calming music
Moon Safari - Air

>Starting nofap today
why not improve yourself AND have orgasms?

some one please explain john frusciante to me

Masturbation is completely fine, just stop watching (((porn)))

To see if it will effect my depression/anxiety

Nice rec

Good goal, man. Good luck with your mental health.

(((le juice))) xD

Irony is the lowest form of wit.

Dieting/exercising would probably do more for you, but you could be in the percentage of addicts.
Wtf does that mean?

Pornography is unhealthy.

Everything that becomes an addiction is unhealthy, I wasn't arguing that either way.

Conspiracy theories are the lowest form of theories.

Masturbate to fantasies of fucking your friends or something, complete with whatever deformities your or them might have. Pornography with it's perfections or over-exaggerations turns you into an empty shell.

What did he mean by this?

>they can't draw their own porn.

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What about homemade porn?

Porn isn't good in any quantity.


[citation needed]

is it OK if the porn has deformed people in it?

it can get you into trouble though. an odd friend of mine got caught in elementary school drawing hentai of a popular girl

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>it can get you into trouble though. an odd friend of mine got caught in elementary school drawing hentai of a popular girl
Wtf does that have to do with anything lmao!

user's grandma might be looking through his room for guns to report and she would find it and report it to the proper stacy

>Jews running the porn industry is a conspiracy

What did this retard mean by this?

>is it OK if the porn has deformed people in it?
you're still losing the emotional connection!po=0.231481
Sad thing is there's not a lot of research on the topic of pornography and its affect on the brain and body. This study is pretty interesting, says that porn is a self-reinforcing activity, that it affects the brains reward system in response to stimuli and sexual dysfunction in adolescence can be cured by something as simple as quitting pornography.

I hope there's more studies on the subject because constant exposure to sexually explicit material from 12 years old onwards is bound to have an affect on people.

>some one please explain john frusciante to me
He's part of one of the greatest Alternative Rock bands ever, and is one of the greatest musicians/artists ever. There. Now fuck off and delete this post. It means nothing.

nofap is pointless if you don't then replace all that time with actually going out there and making yourself more worthy of tail

I started working out again and trying to quit cigs

stay strong bro

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>sexual dysfunction in adolescence
this exists?

you millenials are sooooooo fucking retarded