Does music get any better?

Does music get any better?

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the live version is better

the album after this one

I had a friend that loved this fucking album one day he invited me and another friend of gim to a sleep over, when it was late night the third friend went back to sleep on his own house since he was a neighbor but i stayed there. Like 4 minutes later after we went to sleep he started masturbating and moaning really loud. I was awake and heard the whole thing.

We were listening to this album before this all happened and we didn't even finish it since his parents tolds us to finish it in the mornign and go to sleep, we never did.

Are you talking about My Father? If so then that is the trashest opinion I've ever heard.

MFWGMUARTTS is both the best swans album and the only good nü-swans album

> being this contrarian and wrong

whom quote

Imagine thinking that drone music has any merit. Swans is brainlet music. Listen to some Bach.

Bach was a pussy

Yeah, The Seer and onwards is all better than SFTB. Nu-Swans is better, sorry.

> Who said drone music have any merit ?

Yeah, music gets a lot better than Fisher Price™ My First Dark Ambient Album

You're an unoriginal piece of shit.

No it doesn't

At least I don't listen to Swans

It's literally the only dark ambient album worth listening.

So you're also a complete pleb. Maybe you should consider suicide if you're such a failure in every single aspect.

Listen to more music.

Not true

Take your own advice, pleb.

I'm constantly listening to new music, that's why babby's second "experimental" rock band doesn't really impress me very much.

cool yellowpost

Cool! Come back when you've listened to at least 10 albums in your life, kid.

Can probably name a few hundred better releases, but here's the pinnacle of music

Attached: miles davis get up with it.jpg (500x500, 51K)

The other guy may be going full retard, but youre just a prick desu

Maximum damage control kek

Not the best Swans album, but underrated for sure.

>The other guy may be going full retard
But you've replied to the only retard on this thread.

Jesus, you newfriends are so easy to spot.

Yeah, they're the ones who still listen to Swans :^)

>n-no, u!
Stop embarrassing yourself.

Whom are you quoting?

Your mom.
