ITT: derogatory/joke charts that you've actually discovered good music through

ITT: derogatory/joke charts that you've actually discovered good music through

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I actually tried out that Panopticon album.
It's really damn good and I usually hate metal.

Like pottery

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5 albums on that chart are some of my favorite metal albums
a few other ones are p good
'trve' metal is pretty boring a lot of the time

That poesure core copypasta
Have it screencapped and always find great shit

California isn't even metal wtf

I felt personally attacked when this meme started

same here I like the majority of the albums on the charts.

the dead c are fantastic

Crack the Skye
Prove me wrong

mfw the best record of this whole "wave" isn't on the cart

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*blood mountain
>ironic "lol we're metal but not really" tier
the hunter
once more round the sun

I found 'altar of plagues' through that chart and 'teethed golry and injury' is one of my favorite records now. Very weirdly that chart I think has done a lot of people good. Everyone likes at least one record on the list, and it's so antagonistic, that people have to analyze why they like what they do and for validation will check out other albums on the list to see if it's soy. I genuinely think the intention of that list is to populate it with classic records and give it an embarrassing name to keep people with a fragile sense of masculinity out of these threads and force heated discussion.

it was made by hipsters that know all these records but don't want any le normies getting into them

I totally agree with this.

This chart is just popular hipster metal albums circlejerked by genre tourists honestly.

This chart is so well designed to rustle Jimmies. It's like they specifically researched well regarded albums from all corners in order to just piss off the widest variety of Metal fans as possible.


Trveshit is usually very orthodox and doesn't deviate much from the blueprint set down by older bands.

This is the worst kind of elitism because it kills creativity and discourages taking influences from other genres.

i'm going to listen to every album from this chart and achieve enlightenment

>genre tourists
when did exploring multiple genres and influences become despised and listening to the same creatively bankrupt, incestuous "trve" shit become preferred? In fact what's with the black metal community taking themselves so retardedly seriously when some of the most prominent figures like Abbath are actually decent, non-autistic, nob self-important blokes who see it all for the bit of fun that it is? Legit curious as the people who actually made the genre what it is seem like decent folk and yet their fans are some of the most autistic mouthbreathers in then metal community.

>fragile masculinity
Please just fuck off
It's a /metal/ shitpost that strikes a nerve because those are universally acclaimed but still mostly popular with backpackers.
Trying to Inject muh gender politics into everything makes you look like a schizophrenic tumblr user.

because black metal is the logical conclusion to music. once you get into it almost nothing else seems interesting anymore

You're not a genre tourist just because you listen to other genres you fucking idiot. A genre tourist is someone who develops little and basic knowledge in a considerable amount of genres. While there is nothing inherently wrong with this, it just shows that you are nothing more than a dilettante.

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Black metal has a surprising amount of self-awareness to the autism but is never ironic or tongue in cheek, which is why so many people mainly into irony-poisoned indie rock and trendy shit will never "get" it. The black metal community is tight knit and celebrates obscurity because they place great importance on obscure and weird releases being celebrated, meaning that backpackers circlejerking a few "essential" "metal for people who hate metal" albums should be avoided, lest discussion of kvlt Latvian demo tapes (like them or not) be overrun by r/metal "I normally hate metal and screaming vocals but this Sunbather album is amazing, more like this without those horrible vocals???" shit.
Metal communities strive to be exclusive but it's not, and never has been, because of pretense or toxic masculinity or any of that. It's weird music and we don't want tourists ruining our discussion of it. The general outlook is that anyone can get into the community if they don't ask to be spoon fed and step outside their comfort zone regarding the music. Basically "lurk moar".

Watch some actual imterviews with prominent black metal musicians. Your entire genre is founded by "dilettantes"

and kept alive by patricians

You sound like a hipster. Lol

can't really say you're keeping "black metal" alive when your entire creative ethos is completely out of touch with the creative minds representing the genre.

there is no "creative ethos" in black metal, it's all raw feeling. some people make this borderline classical compositions, some make autistic noise bullshit, some people make darkthrone clones, and it's all black metal. That's what makes it one of the best genres