Swagfags hate it because there are no bangers

>swagfags hate it because there are no bangers
>Sup Forums hates it because of the social commentary
>"patricians" hate it simply because its tagged as hip-hop
>contrarians hate it because Kendrick is famous and Fantano gave it a 10
>if anyone claims to like it its because of white guilt and nothing more

people who love this album get in here. stay mad Sup Forums

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>Sup Forumstants who liked this album hate it now cause of the constant shitposting

>swagfags hate it because there are no bangers
King Kunta

i like this album but untitled unmastered feels more refined musically
what does this make me?



>actually existing people like it

let's not be rude
but you seriously need to listen to tpab with more attention

they're from the same production cycle and some songs on UU are less refined, ffs a little kid plays the piano part on untitled 07

I sincerely hope not

GKMC is better but TPAB is still really good even if the discussion around it is a fucking pile of shit

>Runner Up
You Ain't Gotta Lie

How the fuck you think an album of b sides that's literal theme was having no theme or editing is 'more refined' is beyond me.

>no bangers
Alright, King Kunta
>social commentary
The album is a criticism of black culture in its current state.

>"patricians" hate it simply because its tagged as hip-hop
Actually patricians hate it because it is hip-hop.


tpab is more cohesive without a doubt
but theres just something about songs like untitled 02 or the more funkier tunes that blows me away.

Anyone with strong opinions on this album is a faggot. It's just ok, quit acting like it's either fantastic OR terrible.


Wesley's Theory
>Runner Up
King Kunta
For Free?

And before you go autist on me, none of these songs are bad, heck all of them are good. I just think Complexion was the most underwhelming one while Wesley's Theory is amazing.

>normies love it because they are dead on the inside

Untitled Unmastered is good but I don't agree. TPAB kinda felt more straight forward politically and better musically.
Agree with your list

Love this album and Kendrick, but I definitely understand the hate towards DAMN

I don't hate the album but I hope you're not unironically defending that sissy faggot Fagtano.

I wonder why people still pretend any of his shit after GKMC is good.