Pleb bingo

judgment-free edition

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"I don't care about lyrics" isn't a pleb opinion lmfao

>Dismisses entire genres

FRIENDO we need you.

didn't even notice that holy shit let me find it

Apparently I'm a pleb for dismissing electro swing and crunkcore

Musical Maturity Lesson #001: Introspect as a Means of Maximizing Success
(Discovering and accepting musical biases, and employing your self-knowledge in a way conducive to the discovery and appreciation of good music)

>example 1: "I really like 'x' (where 'x' can be a style, instrument, aesthetic, etc.) therefore I will seek out music with 'x' because I understand I am more likely to enjoy them."
>example 2: "I really dislike "x" (where 'x' can be a style, instrument, aesthetic, etc.) therefore I will avoid music containing 'x' for now because I understand I am less likely to enjoy them and prefer to keep my time as conducive to the discovery and appreciation of good music as possible."

It is perfectly okay (and even encouraged) to dismiss a genre of music if you hold strong bias against the prominent aesthetics that define that genre.
To imply that all genres are of equal worth, or that no genre is "devoid of good music" is a sign of both musical immaturity and unrefined taste.

>note: Accepting your musical biases does not mean to become complacent with them- quite to the contrary in fact. By pinpointing what you do and don't like, you can be much more effective in your search for good music by paying closer attention to the descriptions of and content within new musics.
>note 2: It is encouraged to be as specific and analytic with your musical biases as possible- dismissing large chunks of things merely because they fall under a vague or broad term can be a grave mistake, and putting too much on your plate at once with overly wide musical fetishes can be tiring.

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Kill yourself

Close one bois

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No need to throw a tantrum, my child. Embrace these words.

How dare you >:(

>he's not aware of the burgeoning Eritrean electro-crunk swingcore scene

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not as bad as I thought

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>can't name more than ten record labels
What the fuck is wrong with you?

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Phew. I was close to getting a bingo there.

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I almost hit the bottom row and right most column. Good thing I don't have any Swans releases and don't like about my favourite music

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Some of these don't seem right

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No bingo, but i guess im a pleb

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it's one happy face at the bottom and one angry face at the top (¦ |


what do i win

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no u

One soyboy meme

nothing you didn't get bingo retard

If you can't name more than 10 record labels, you should not be on this board.

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i can't really remember label names
ecm is bae though

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What's your favorite crunkcore album?


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Is that fucking shit in a toilet tank? Oh HELL NO. I'd fucking kill you if you did that to my toilet.

what did you do

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I just made little crops in them on irfanview cos i didn't wanna open paint
I guess it made them transparent hueehue

Who doesn't play any video games?

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C...can I into patricians?

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went better than i thought

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no fun losers

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Didn't get me this time plebs

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>Oh it's bad that I listened to all of Sup Forumscore because Sup Forums said Sup Forumscore is bad and doesn't want me to think for myself

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>Has listened to 90% or more of the Sup Forumscore chart
It's way more pleb if you HAVEN'T heard any Sup Forumscore. How is listening to less music patrician? Also, how is it bad to discover music on the internet, the biggest source of information the world has ever created? You expect me to go bargain bin diving and pray I find something good?

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Guess I'm a patrician

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you literally didn't win

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True. Anyone who didn't crossout the internet onet is obviously lying or just doesn't listen to a lot of music.

>can't name more than 10 record labels
you are literal normies

Ever heard of local bands and live shows?

Yeah usually through the internet, lol

>you took the time to listen to all of those records, not because you found them interesting, but because they are the recommended starter pack

Why would I care about some corporation?

>doesn't name 10 record labels on the spot
poor bait

>he doesn't look at the rosters of underground labels to discover new bands
literal normie

>You don't listen to albums that you don't find interesting
Nice one

>giving a shit about lyrix in metal/punk unless they're fun to shout

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>purposefully avoiding highly recommended albums because they're highly recommended

unironically agree

I do enjoy animal collective. The only Sup Forumscore I listen to

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>not thinking rock is the most diverse genre

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Honestly, most adults do.

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what is the most diverse genre in your opinion op?

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Polka, obviously

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One digit away from being correct, so close

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There's npthing wrong with dismissing a genre if you don't like it though. If you actually liked every genre then you'd be just as boring as the people who hate most of music. As for vinyl and EDM, the former only applies if the quality is bad and the latter makes no sense.

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The absolute madman


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that was close

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>doesn't listen to exclusively self released, unheard of music
pleb faggot

im surprised i didnt get a bingo

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>he listens to music
point and laugh

what do i win

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When I lived in DC I spent a lot of time going to shows just to go, and I found a decent amount of new music that way. Mostly recs from the people I'd meet since we always talked music. Not so much now, in a smaller city.

wrong pictuer soorry

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oof close to bingo but not quite

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what's with these dumb fags who don't want a qt shoegaze gf

When that pops into my mind it would just be someone obnoxious who has only listened to Loveless.

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[Citation needed]

shoegaze is garbage

Couple of close calls but I guess I'm not truly pleb?

Should the "dismisses entire genres" square count if I at least listen to a couple of artists in the genre before making the decision to write it off, or allow other bands to change my mind about the genre? I used to hate all country before I found New Riders of the Purple Sage, and I gave some of Future's albums a listen to try to change my mind about trap.

I may not be a pleb but I am a fucking retard. Here's my chart.

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