How could you NOT find this woman attractive?

How could you NOT find this woman attractive?

Attached: dde3072deae6da0f97019ef0e3cb1629--claire-boucher-chloe-sevigny.jpg (525x720, 69K)

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I find her attractive. She's like a 6.5. Like, if you saw her in a bar you wouldn't really put any energy in pursuing her because she looks like the type who probably eats her boogers, but if she was DTF and you were kind of drunk, you might go for it. But you'd crawl out of her bed at 6:40, and when she woke up, you'd nervously laugh and say "haha, well, that was fun! I'll call you later!" and then you'd run out before she could ask for your information. You'd block her number as soon as you got out of there, and you'd feel a little happy you got laid, but also kind of unclean. You'd never describe the night to your friends, but she was a solid new number in your fuck count.

this is probably the best picture of her i've seen
everywhere else she looks like an ogre

she's not hot but she's cute and i would would bathe her before i did anything

grimes is attractive AND talented AND nice
pretty much the dream girl

* welcome to realiti *


Attached: 5418674d3c63b.jpg (500x750, 51K)

This one do anything for ya?

Attached: grimes.jpg (529x529, 86K)

By having standards higher than a 4/10

fuck out my face you big eared stanky leaf. hairy bitch prolly smells like tim hortons and maple syrup.

ah the prince method. good choice

Clairo's looking hot .

I like and prefer Asian, Arab, Hispanic, and Indian women.

Honestly, I unironically enjoy her music and unironically find her physically unattractive. It's tough.


Who has worse BO, Grimes or Nardwuar?


Someone draw a picture of what that would look like so I can actually look and answer please

The fucking eric andre interview exposed that weasel and his BO

Holy shit I thought it was a meme based on his looks.
He told him not once, not twice, but three times

>am I gonna get bed bugs from this stuff?

She looks 12 so pretty damn easily.

Not a single comment on my story :(


Happy now?

Not really :/

This is the only picture I've seen here you could say she's attractive.

Was that actually her in the other thread?

Asian women are the superior race when it comes to beauty. But Grimes is the peak of white beauty. This is fact.

that hairy troll bitch? yes

>Directly at where her anus would be


Gonna be honest user, I voted for that option

i'd laugh but that's happened to me a few times, i was drunk and she looked more like an 8, she was a 6 when i woke up. luckily no one found out.

me too

>worshipped by Sup Forums for some reason
>annoying voice
>annoying personality
>probably autistic
>dresses like a fucking idiot
>allegedly smells terrible
>insists on being called a fake name
>makes stupid music as well
How on Earth can anyone like Grimes?
>pic unrelated

Attached: Nardwuar1-photo-rgb_NR.jpg (2000x3000, 2.11M)

you think this is some kind of joke punk


Attached: 1520205594510.gif (350x300, 1.99M)

well played

Attached: bfb.jpg (500x544, 53K)

I always found Grimey very attractive.

Attached: 14638241632470.gif (500x279, 1.41M)

Do you feel attractive user

no, but i feel very attracted

If you didnt get butterflies in your stomach while watching this gif, you dont know true beauty.

I feel completely used

I did

What happened to my face

she looks disconcertingly like a girl i friendzoned who was obsessed with me throughout all 3 years of uni
like grimes is a little better looking, but it's uncanny


grimes isnt always ugly. Its half and half for me.


if her hair was shorter she'd make a good twink

It only works if you compare them to something else

She makes taylor swift so boring
She's taylor swift with a lime twist

I used to made a good twink

how come that all other girls are not like her

Attached: 1495740392530.jpg (1280x1692, 917K)

la creatura...

I was always insecure

she's pretty ugly when she isnt taken angle airbrushed pics or wearing makeup. there's pictures where she has the complexion of a dead person and looks like a goblin

They don't have the Y chromosome.

What's Skin about

Are there nudes?

lame comment


lame comment

He's objectively right, you know...


about her being in love with someone who didn't care

Whats her best song about assaulting teenagers publicly

That's Mac Demarco

Somethings off about her jaw and the way she communicates with her eyes

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And I ain't beholding this ugly bitch.

I liked this old dog

u still can if u believe in urself C:

