Tfw you look at Clairos playlists on youtube and realize shes patrician and listens to Animal Collective, Elliott Smith...

Tfw you look at Clairos playlists on youtube and realize shes patrician and listens to Animal Collective, Elliott Smith, Pavement, XTC, Galaxie 500, etc. Is she one of us Sup Forums? Should we really be so hard on a fellow Sup Forumstant?

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Frick off Clairo

>baby's first college playlist
True patricians trash their entire music collection and listen to their being-in-the-world.

only one that's any good out of the artists you listed is XTC.

You have to admit, for a girl, it's impressive.

Is she proof that good taste =/= good music

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Nice try shills
t. Clairo's publicists trying to cover up the fact that she is an industry plant

an alt-normie listens to alt-normie music, wow

I really doubt she listens to xtc outside their biggest hits

Also ugly

I got my ex girlfriend into the same bands as well
anyways, what's up with the shills promoting garbage like Clairo and 69?

Either corporate shills or retards that shill them for free.

>implying a marketing expert didn't hand her a list of artists to "enjoy" to appeal to more alt-music lovers

Are we going to act like everything in her music career isn't a premeditated facade?

The problem is that she's not even that popular. So either she's not an industry plant or her promoters are shit at their jobs.

her music still sucks and she is famous based on nepotism

>idolizing Lydia Lunch

>not recognizing an extremely important and influential musician

yeah but she's annoying as fuck

how the fuck is lydia lunch still influential? she was rad back in the day but listing her as an idol just because she's a rad ass bitch is pretty shallow imo

look i'm not even trying to be preachy about feminist stuff rn, and it's too much effort to type out the whole thing, but she's got a lot of right to be rude and shit like she is. given her experiences as a female artist and musician in that scene, while doing things the way she chose to, got her so much unjust and stupid hate- and still does desu

>Animal Collective, Elliott Smith, Pavement, XTC, Galaxie 500
How the fuck is it 2018 and people here call someone else "patrician" for listening to that shit?

lol wut you know you can look up to people from the past right? her art, music, and the way she operated, both as a woman in that scene and as a creator in general are pretty impressive and it does not surprise me that other female artists might appreciate that as well

>adding a space after the word then '!"
why do people do this? it annoys the fuck out of me

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if clair-o has the balls to say AIDS was created in a lab, i'll respect her and understand.
but as it stands, it just looks like a namedrop in order to look appear cool.

>no joni mitchell

clairo does call out trump and white supremacists in the us government all the time tho on twitter

shes very woke

this board isn't ready for this type of knowledge yet

wtf i love clairo now...

lol jk, it looks like she takes too much advantage of her inherent white female privilege and that's like eewwwwww

Does she listen to Bach? if not she's not one of us /classical/

Pretty Girl has almost 11 million views. Pretty good for a """"""""""""""""bedroom"""""""""""""""" musician.

>very woke

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dude don't be throwing secrets out like that so willy nilly

Lol she coulda said anybody. If it was Lavren and the girl from paramore you would be all over this

I mean what you're saying is real about her possessing a lot of privilege as a white woman, but are you being serious or taking the piss here? bc you're falling back on the classic misogynist "oh no a woman could never AKSHUALLY like cool music, she must just be name dropping it for brownie points" lol, which makes me feel like you dont actually care all that much

she is namedropping for brownie points. that entire tweet is brownie point scoring. i don't go around tweeting (dont have twitter) my favorite musicians because it's pretentious and most importantly who gives a fuck.

that's not particularly revolutionary considering how so many celebrities and normies are doing that now

>tfw industry plant has a focus group curated playlist uploaded for marketing purposes and then her goon shill it on Sup Forums

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Once you graduate high school you'll realize everyone listens to shit like that.

You don't get Pitchfork coverage organically.

wow i forgot that everyone should live their life like a boring tripfag on Sup Forums

My music is better than hers and i actually record in my bedroom.

and yet no one cares about you or your music, says a lot really

yeah, that nepotism should be considered a deadly sin

i'm harder on fellow Sup Forumstants than i am on irl people

why should this talentless fuck be treated differently

go back to tumblr/twitter, faggot