What do bi-racial women listen to?

what do bi-racial women listen to?

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melanin is so powerful!



the sound of my balls slapping on their asses

the sound of my ball
you fuckin beat me to it

t. never fucked a biracial woman

Thanks a lot OP, my boss caught me looking at this and now I'm CEO

ive only had sex with one girl and she was a mixed dominican girl

i might be a shitposter but I find biracial girls easier since I'm biracial and that's an easy conversation starter for sex

>t. never fucked

>ayone in this thread has been intimate with a female

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>im a virgin so everyone else has to be one!

we're Sup Forums, not Sup Forums. As long you as you get into your local scene getting a gf should be ezpz

>the prospect of getting laid is so alien to him that anyone else doing it must be lying

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take your brittany venti shit to

Nice music thread fags

This all the way.


im in a band and i still get no pussy cause i'm a self-pitying mental case haha

>scene girls
so you're into non-monogamy, user?

I know what the expectations are, no need to fool myself. I'm looking for something casual and it's what I get

>tfw too good for black women

feels good being white

Why would you want to fuck a lightskin girl? I'm pale as fuck, I only fuck with darkskin women.

I feel bad for you man.

stop doing this to yourself, mate. get a nice non-white trad gf

not my fault i was born with the seed that built the world

really high quality posts guys

fuck up pussy

This is straight up me except i'm a black dude. I would never cuff a black bitch, it's strictly snow bunnies for me.

>born with the seed that built the world
fuck me Sup Forums has deteriorated

under man tier seed carrier detected

goddamn those are some nice titties

milk truck just arrive

>everyone left the thread
like clockwork

put yourself out there more.

t. never fucked a woman nor been in a meaningful relationship

why, user?

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how do you talk to strangers without being overwhelmed by your inner voice telling you that you're worthless and have no business wasting other people's time? what drugs should i do? alcohol and weed make it worse, and doing it sober is still awful.

perfect fodder for racists who think we dont care about our women. you're white tho

I bet OP is the Finnfag that is ruining Sup Forums with his nigger spam

have you tried inconditional self love? that's the craziest high ever brose


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>mfw mods are waiting for sauce

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i can't form coherent sentences and i'm quiet around women

Pls be into Nurse With Wound list/Brainwashed-core and pls live in the UK.