Ywn experience a love as intense as the one described in twin fantasy

>ywn experience a love as intense as the one described in twin fantasy

why even live

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theres an extrodinarily large chance you will dude

>Wanting to live twin fantasy
Did you even listen to the album dude

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He made it up, you know. The guy he's singing about doesnt actually exist, he's a figment of Will's imagination, so technically you very well could experience the exact same thing he did.

I recommend you relisten to Sober To Death and last three tracks (new High To Death, both versions of Famous Prophets, both of Twin Fantasy) with lyrics open, minding the context that all of the album is Will projecting a fantasy of having a soulmate onto another person.
If anything this is a nice cautionary tale of how not to toxicise your relationships

>That gulping noise in Beach Life-in-Death

don't worry, you and me won't be alone no more

the album is you its ok to be obsessed and love somebody but if you smother them youll ruin it.

this album is about projecting your fantasy onto your partner and romanticizing the idea of them to the point of disillusion. Not good.

Yeah I'd love to have a cute young relationship with a guy like me, where we're so emotionally intimate it's almost like we're the same person. But the one thing to take away from this album is that the perfect ideal is inachievable

What are you talking about? Cate Wurtz is a real person and their relationship was well documented

him and cate never even dated the whole albums about will having an unhealthy onsession with her

*breathes in*LASTNIGHTI

>>ywn experience a love as intense as the one described in beans in the aisle

why even live

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wait, are you saying they never even met irl?

If u want a gf stop posting on Sup Forums and go to the gym faggot

>ywn execute your special plan

why even live

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Bud, the kind of love Will painfully describes on this album is in it's own way a terrible hell. This album spoke to me as it felt like I had lived these experiences (straight tho) and it was nice to know another person had experienced the excruciating pain of it. You don't want this type of toxic relationship no matter how much it feels like you do.

i want to touch the pain star

>be ripped
>be at least 7/10 looking
>be moderately sociable
>hold a master's degree
>be a talented musician
>also be suicidal
>also be completely unable to establish any lasting meaningful relationship
>also be a kissless virgin at 21
sometimes life just doesn't work that way user

Yeah, you're right, i just thought that was the case because of the ending speech of Nervous Young Inhumans


why cant this album be discussed seriously on here

Any thread of TF I see there's some pretty nice discussion tbhfamalam.
I'm honestly salty that the only place to discuss this gay album is here. Thanks for that, Will and a bunch of discord morons