*shits out a 4 chord song in your path*

*shits out a 4 chord song in your path*

Attached: Ed-Sheeran.jpg (900x500, 100K)

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He seems like a nice guy
Not a fan of his music, but he's one of the few pop musicians who I'm glad for his success

he's an industry plant

Literally all top40 acts are
At least he's a chill dude

A carrot?

>dude he's cool and chill bc hes ugly i can relate xD

No, he's an idiot who writes lowest common denominator insincere 4 chord pop music.

So what

>dude so what if hes a trash musician its only a music board hes ugly i can relate xD

Go to bed, Ed.

This. Folk Pop in general is a failure of a genre, because it strips away the varied instrumentation of folk and replaces with the simplicity of pop.

>he's an idiot who writes lowest common denominator insincere 4 chord pop music
so no better than 99% of Sup Forums
that's what I'm saying

Are you actually so daft that you think this is the same as Pink Moon? ITAOTS? The Glow? Yankee Hotel Foxtrot? Get out of this board with your shitty pop music and stay out.

>No, he's an idiot who writes lowest common denominator insincere 4 chord pop music.
that's My Bloody Valentine.

woah calm down
I mean 99% of Sup Forums users, not Sup Forumscore
jesus christ dude
though this is a post-Sup Forums board so I realize I may be trolled

Most people just don't have the base for comparison I think. I'm OP and I hate Ed but if that guy truly wanted to talk about it I'd calmy explain all the reasons why, but he's just so defensive and refusing to think about it that's it's pointless.

As a music student and aspiring musician I'll admit, it makes me angry someone as braindead as Ed can get such recognition, especially when people praise him for playing instruments when his compositions are pure trash.

>jhaha he's better than u guys
You're really not helping anyone appreciate him on any level.

>utilizing multiple, delicately layered textures, a masterful display of wall of sound, creative usage of reverb and noise, and idiosyncratic vocals that blur the line between surrealism and fantasy
>lowest common denominator insincere 4 chord pop music
Pleb detected.

Surely 12 year old Christian boys who have nothing better to do than to aggravate people online are the final arbiters of taste and culture. And that's exactly what finally led to the slow, excruciating death of this board.

So many words and so little to say, quite amazing if you ask me.

It's a little late for that one and this is one of the reasons:

>implying that anything you said had any significant merit

...and yet where's your music OP? Where's your masterpiece? x

No seriously why care, people make shit music all the time

Ed's fans have such low IQ this is the best they can come up with.

Why are you posting on someone else's board? Where's your board?
And why on my thread? Where's your own thread?
Why are you using someone else's internet? Why not invent your own internet?
How come you watch other people's movies and like/dislike them instead of making your own movie?

It gets even better when you realize this argument completely falls apart if you, yourself, has ever disliked anything at all in your life. You can't dislike things. If you do, you must MAKE YOUR OWN IMMEDIATELY and surpass it. So, really, why are you even posting right now after we established you cannot have opinions?

more like a 4 note song. fucking industry-plant fuck

Hahaha Ed haters so mad that they got btfo

Just because you don't like him dosen't mean he's a industry plant

we aren't here to find musicians like us

never heard his music but i thought he was pretty fun on buzzcocks

Who hurt you?

I would eat someone's shit if their shit was a 4-chord song.

Attached: 11311667_1637251303172237_621521964_n.jpg (640x640, 75K)

how does one identify an industry plant?

very carefully

Careful examination of its root structure

I've already made a similar joke in this same thread, please laugh

I don't like his music, can't fucking stand it even, but he came across as a good guy when Howard Stern interviewed him. I switched off when he picked up his guitar though.

try writing a song as good as edd sheerans, and post it on this board, theres a reason hes one of the most famous people worldwide rn

What's wrong with 4 chord pop music?


For a quick answer - everyone's doing it. For a slightly longer answer - elements of songs with I-IV-V-VI chords are to human ears what fast food is to our taste senses. I don't think anyone should waste their time with a more nuanced answer than this.

He might be insincere and definitely appeals to the lowest common denominator but he's most certainly not an idiot. No one as successful as him is an idiot

Attached: IMG_3814.png (500x372, 220K)

How can anyone find this guy sexually appealing? He looks like the gingers have souls kid.

Attached: the-dude.jpg (500x281, 33K)

Ed Sheeran is 100% not an industry plant. He consistently shits out mediocre pop songs but he worked to get there.

There's nothing inherently wrong with a 4 chord song.

See: TVU

But idiots can easily be manipulated by intelligent people. It's happened countless times where the industry takes artists who don't know any better and exploit them for their small intelligence and lucrative talents.

Attached: phoenix-wright-objection.jpg (600x419, 135K)

>Yeah, well, that's just like, your opinion, man.

Except they employed guitar feedback, drone, noise elements, non-standard tunings among other elements.

*shits out a 4 chord song in your path but this time it's another piano ballad about a breakup so that means it's suuuper deep*

Attached: adele-25-packshot.jpg (800x800, 67K)

ITAOTS is shit

Attached: hotdogoverthesea.png (1000x1000, 2.87M)

That's not even a human being.

Attached: xs.png (486x515, 20K)

At least it's not trap/rap/hiphop

It's like pornography

You know it when you see it

fuck off

>theres a reason hes one of the most famous people worldwide rn

I can't believe people dumb enough to equate success with talent still try to discuss something as nuanced as music on the internet.

haha 69 XD

>he doesnt equate success with talent

wow you must be pretty young/like prog

he successful for being able to churn out radio hits, something most artists only manage once. i dont think people like you are should really be allowed an opinion on something as nuanced as music if you cant even appreciate that much

Except the radio plays the same fucking artists who are already established day in and day out and it has nothing to do with quality or talent.

Look at this fucking inbred moron talking about appreciating radio music L M F A O

>he doesnt equate success with talent
Yes, he doesn't. Make a case for why he or anyone else for that matter should. Michael Jackson's Thriller is hardly the peak of every style and human invention in music, but the numbers say otherwise to you, don't they?
>wow you must be pretty young/like prog
Yeah, every teenager listens to deliberately complex music genre and has for decades. Who are you trying to fool here?

That would make Max Martin and Dr. Luke the Bach or Stravinsky of today, which it doesn't.

A-Team is legitimately a great song. I listened to it on Acid once and it made me cry. After he started making all that radio pop shit, I just can’t man.

Also all the faggots arguing about how they have empathy for Ed because he’s not that attractive, that’s actually very thoughtful and considerate to find something nice about him.

*tosses it to the side and walks*

no haha thats drake,

but thriller is the peak of every style of human invention in music. Who are you trying to fool here?
but in all seriousness thriller sold beacause of the whole first-big-budget-music-video-lets-all-watch-mtv, in terms of music video the thriller singles video is probs peak

Haha, i just got the joke and i thought it was quite funny

well i can tell you never spent £40,000 and 3 years of your life studying pop music production at university huh?

You're right. I got a free scholarship.
