The Worst Decade In Music History

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The notion that the 80s were bad is the definitive pleb opinion.

Yeah, the pop music was rough - bad pop metal, cheesy new wave, and synths taking ll the soul out of R&B. But in the underground you had anarcho-punk, crust punk, hardcore, thrash metal, black metal, death metal, grindcore, house music, industrial, goth/deathrock/darkwave, boom bap, alternative rock, jangle pop... there was so much going on, and it was so explosive.

would be any decade after the 1880s and before the 1960s.


>Spawned punk
>Digital synthesizers and sequencers replaced actual musicians in the studio
>That snare drum
>Pop systematically destroyed all of the progress that music had made in the 70s
>All the good musicians of the 70s sold out to line their pockets
>Saw the resurgence of the 3 minute pop song, and reinforced that as the standard format for success

The 70's spawned punk. 80's did post punk

Punk happened in the 70s.
Synthpop started in the 70s.
Please do your homework.

the underground stuff we care about now was fine but thats true of all eras of modern music and a kinda silly way to judge the era

No, post-punk happened in the 70s too. See: Joy Division, The Pop Group, Gang of Four, Wire, etc.

Hello Soyboy


I'm not a dumbass, the 80s were what solidified those genres as what we know them to be today.

You're right. I assumed that for some reason. They came in at the tail end of the 70's

2000s and 2010s were both far worse.

This is not up for discussion

No. The 80s solidified hardcore. When people think of punk, they usually think of the 70s London and New York scenes. Punk was, for the most part, more underground in the 80s.

>rock music
70s > 60s > 80s > 90s > 00s > 50s > 10s
>pop music
80s > 70s > 90s > 60s > 00s > 50s > 10s
>dance music
80s > 70s > 10s > 00s > 90s > 50s > 60s

how is dance music in the 10s better than the 90s?

OP are you high? The 80's produced the best and most animated pop music ever.

> only judging a musical period by it's top charts
what a bizarre standard you've come up with

DnB and Dubstep

such as?

Acid house alone puts 90s at the top for dance music

are you enjoying getting all these reply's OP?

Hating the 80's is the easiest way to out yourself as a pleb
Best decade for music

If you're a millennial who's fallen for quirky synthwave and vaporwave memes.

90s jungle and dnb easily tops any shite "drumstep" or jump up drivel u hear now u fuckin mong

pic rel

back to your containment thread

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t. gen z embryo nostalgic for nu metal and grunge


Anyone who thinks the 80's were bad is literally no better than a top 40 radio listener. The underground and alternative music produced in the 80's blows other decades so far out of the water it's ridiculous. You outed yourself as an ignoramus, leave the board and come back in a year when you've listened to something other than pop hits

pards shouldn't be allowed to discuss music that isnt hip hop they're hopelessly embarrassing at it

The top 40 of the 90's blows the underground and alternative of the 80's out of the water. Now imagine what the underground and alternative of the 90's was like.

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Case in point. You literally can't communicate without memes. The 80s underground was way better than the 90s mainstream. I do probably listen to more 90s underground, but it built on the 80s underground.
And I don't have to imagine, it's all been documented. We have the internet.

>The top 40 of the 90's blows the underground and alternative of the 80's out of the water
oh boy yep you're one of those

80s pop music was considered dated shite in the 90s, 00s and early 10s
literally no other decade in music has been considered dated so much as the 80s
80s fetishism didn't become a thing until drive and vaporwave memes made it trendy around 2012

>The top 40 of the 90's blows the underground and alternative of the 80's out of the water
Not true. The Top 40 of the 90s was great, but the 80s mainstream was arguably more receptive to alternative and underground movements than the 90s.

90s is much more dated than the 80s. Especially the early stuff.

Fuck off.

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Around 2012 music also started going downhill. Coincidence?

>Especially the early stuff
No shit since the early 90's were a continuation of the 80's.

>but the 80s mainstream was arguably more receptive to alternative and underground movements
If your definition for alternative and underground movements is AOR and yach rock.

Well, it's no wonder the 80s are being hated now. Kids who are now in their 20s (who are the ones who spend the most time on the internet) can't relate to it, because they didn't grow up in that decade, and weren't even close. At most, they'll have a bit of nostalgia for late 90s music.
Anyway, you plebs didn't listen to every single music from the 80s, you only know the Duckroll song and a few others. Don't pretend like you know about 80s music just because you've heard some fake 80s inspired vaporwave tracks.

My shithole of a country plays nothing but 80's music and 90's eurodance on the radio, dude.

Where do you live?

Eastern Yurop

Don't complain, I live in Latin America and there's only reggaeton on the radio.

It depends on where you're looking for. If it's pop, whenever disco was getting big is probably the answer. If you're more of a hip-hop and rock guy, then the only acceptable answer is somewhere between 2002 and 2010, with a HARD stop in 2010.

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Stop listening to the radio.