Friendly reminder that music is bad for you and lowers your T:

Friendly reminder that music is bad for you and lowers your T:

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Other urls found in this thread: lowers testosterone

someone tell Sup Forums, maybe they'll stop posting here

Scott makes the funniest comic strips on the planet but man does he come off like a pseud

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he said nothing about testosterone

Dilbert fucking sucks

>Taking advice from the author of an irrelevant comic


Assimilation is inevitable

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what a prick

>muh safe space

>muh off topic shitty political views

In time you will know what it’s like to lose. To feel so desperately that you’re right in your leftist views, that to fail all the same. Dread it. Run from it. Sup Forums still arrives.

jesus christ
imagine typing this
you sound like a bad anime villain

>music is bad because it stops you from focusing on other things
But what if I'm trying to focus on the music? Has Adams ever heard of a concept called art appreciation? You could make the same argument for never watching films because you could be doing something else instead. Dilbert is funny though but wew.

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Fun isn’t something one considers when balancing the boards. But this does put a smile on my face.

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How is this thread off-topic at all?


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No but that's true too: lowers testosterone

reading comics is mental pollution

if you guys want Sup Forums crossposters to stop posting here stop giving them reaction they want you fucking retards
the average Sup Forums poster is probably a high school junior with deep-seated insecurities and poor social skills and they probably sit at the lunch table with aspies, nerds, and that one weird kid who makes animal noises in gym
you're basically picking on autistic kids and it's not cool. if you punch too far down it's just mean. just let them have their fun 'til they get bored.

yep that's why you want to consume ''good'' music in ALL Levels

Everything about these studies seems flawed

Wtf so music is literally SOY

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Pseud sperg

Anything that doesn't involve you hunting and killing prey with your bare hands while naked is soy

Scott here, you can call me a pseud all you like but you'll never have these abs

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