How to fucking find people to make experimental rock music with, I'm so fucking alone

I want to make music that is challenging and ambitious but everyone just wants to make more of the same and to follow the same trends everyone else does, I don't worry about what the genre of what I'm doing is I just do whatever the fuck I want to, everyone wants their albums to be a bunch of stiff songs that all sound the same and it fucking sucks. And also I know nobody at all. I'm so fucking alone and I'm a kissless 23 year old virgin and I don't have any life skills or friends to make music with that are worth a shit. I don't understand people and I'm always so nervous when I'm around them, and I'm either constantly worrying and trying to work up to their approval or I'm absolutely indifferent to them because I find some reason to write them off.

>go to shows
I only know like one or two places and they cost money to get into and everyone is in groups so I can't talk to anyone that looks interesting, and even then I don't know what the fuck I would say, let alone do something beyond just a one time conversation with no way of maintaining long term contact.

>go online and find groups
The people I'm looking for are people that wouldn't have this kind of trouble I'm having, anyone like me is the absolute last thing I'm looking for

I'm freaking out, someone please help me. Most artists already are doing shit by early 20s and I'm wasting all day doing nothing. This isn't even a life plan I just want to fucking make music more than I care about my actual life stability with jobs and shit. I don't know what the hell to do. I make my own shit sort of right now but I'm taking way too long and I need something outside of myself to make any significant progress with literally anything because I have no discipline

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hello OP. i've read your plight and my interest is piqued. i have a violin and i would love to make some music that's unconventional, to say the least. do you have snapchat or a way you'd want to communicate outside of this board?

well yeah, sure, is email okay?
you can email me at j . p . mccray [email protected] (remove the spaces, trying to make it harder for this to be found in the archive)

sounds like me trying to find people to play music with around my early 20s. i started recording everything on my own and put my tracks online and some other weirdos heard it and we became friends. just start making your own shit. we need some discipline in here.

hah well thanks for that, I feel like I'm taking way too long though, I record everything with like portable recorders and sync the individual tracks together on Reaper, my work ethic is shit though and I've got a million unfinished things because I'm too perfectionistic. Do you have any advice on how to go faster?

>look up experimental rock on wikipedia
>see avant-garde within three sentences
maybe because your music is trash

Sure, you can get a relatively cheap 4 track tape recorder or a usb interface. I find 4 track to be pretty quick and easy for getting down ideas and you can always transfer the recordings into Reaper, or record to Reaper through an interface depending on what kinda sound you want. Got any of your music online? Good luck to you

Alright, how exactly do 4 tracks work though? Like 4 separate recordings mixed together or what? What makes that faster than what I'm doing now?

And here's some stuff I've done that's mostly finished, but I still need to finish cutting and mixing them, they're brick walled here.

This one is two songs in one file, the idea was that this would be the first two songs of an album but I haven't gotten much else done for it over like 3 years now. There are also some added keyboards I need to lower the volume of.

This would follow that song, it's mostly done too but it needs some fixes and the long middle part needs shortened some.

this is legit good. ESPECIALLY the first 2 minutes with the noise. dude, i want to make music with you

hahah well thanks, that's like 4 years old at this point but I always liked the idea of an album with a cold open and then it like changes to that quiet thing, the way they don't mix is jarring in a good way I feel like.
I put my email in the post up above, feel free to email me if you want?

I think I'm gonna go to sleep in a minute but I really appreciate you guys reaching out

Go to Craigslist and type in "MATH ROCK DRUMMER NEEDED" as a starting place.

check your spam box just in case

Wait until you get into your forties & try to find band members.
There are hardly any to be found, I look at band ads, its 20 year olds wanting to start metal bands

>"We're 4 guitarists looking for drummer, bass,vox, for metal band,."

> Having to look up "experimental rock" on wikipedia
get out of here newfag

" I want to, I want to" Lmao OP is a fucking brainlet.

fuck off

Geez sounds just like me. No life plan playing music alone all day just wanna create. I even wrote some. But my struggle is worse cause im a chic

I still feel ya, you have anything to share?

starting a band sucks. but if you release music, sometime in the first year you'll probably find someone with similar tastes. (also if you need some experimental friends, hmu

You can record a track, rewind and record the next instrument without having to move them around and sync them up in reaper

> look up (...) on wikipedia

get the fuck outta here you clueless cunt, this is a MUSIC board