No really, how do we shame him out of existence?

No really, how do we shame him out of existence?

Attached: anthony-fantano.png (1200x675, 778K)

He already proudly reviewed memes, so I don't know really.

By not talking about him anymore. You've just made him more relevant.

Way too late by now.


I have footage of him that could seriously damage his reputation, saying all sorts of racist shit, quads and I'll leak it.


#metoo will be his demise

Quit being a little cowardly nigger and just leak it anyway.



>I really, really don't like african-americans at all

you must first get the quads


how bout more dubs

quad a bit harder mein neger

Stop giving him damn views

youre a bitch

i can try to go for trips

dubs incoming



TRIPS please

Attention is his only currency. I'd wager 30% of his income comes from people who hate him watching his videos just to disagree with him. Same applies with Pitchfork etc.

It's funny, actually. You guys are so plebeian you know to dislike something but don't know where to look to find things you do like. It's why the majority of posts on this board are negative (x genre is shit, y artist is shit). You only know how to dislike things.


I hate this vegan hipster faggot


Attached: anthony fantano PJW.png (1095x829, 965K)

>posting literal soy boy's videos

Can't shame the shameless.

Also check my trips

Leak it faggot

>the truth about soy face
does he ever take a step back and think about how ridiculous these titles are?

And my dubs. Damn today is gonna be a good day.

I got trips and dubs in the same thread which is basically getting quints. Post it faggot

Don't leak it.

more dubs/

He's doing it for views.

He's just a dude doing his thing, if you want to do anything just ignore him

A man without shame is no man at all

that's not how it works, you must get the quads separately

It's subjective what people get ashamed over and having no shame is the goal for any healthy man.

Did he ever respond to his video? Seems cowardly to do something like that after he got burned so bad.

How do you even still give a shit about this guy?

no he didn't that's what makes it so great, of all the soyboy collages

Fantano himself has to stop making threads here everytime he posts a new video

bump to keep quads dream alive

Caught me.

hes likely op. trust me, no one in their right mind would make a fantano thread unless they were a) fantano b) trolling c) actually having something to say
obv not c


Plz be quads

lets see this quads guys

doing nothing shameful is the goal

Forgiving mistakes and moving on is also a goal


Fantano on suicide watch

Attached: fantono.png (580x92, 12K)

i bet you are a dirty liar faggot but im still gonna bite it


i need quad now


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while we're waiting for quads lets discuss

gkmc aged surprisingly well, especially compared to how bad tpab is aging musically

no it's right otherwise those experiences will ruminate in your mind. You have to let go and forgive yourself, and others. And also make amends


why not?

His girlfriend is black so I doubt that's true. Still tho rolling


Forgiveness doesn't exist

Attached: cce282195e87bbc51916df15a76e1a04cd7329ca_00.gif (245x320, 926K)

what did trump do this time

just catch him on the street, beat him up lightly and perform maliciously violent sodomization on his pizzaboi ass

explain why you feel it doesn't?

There is no difference between forgiving and forgetting. And you definitely should remember mistakes lest you make them again

>racist shit
don't be a little Jew, you cunt


>good day
fuck u

racist against whites

Damn I just realized I got back to back dubs after my trips.

user :/
you can forgive, and not forget. And learn from past mistakes

Has anyone ever been so blessed

>you can forgive, and not forget.

There,s poop in my buuuttttt


explain your stuff ddude

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here goes nothin


I believe.


Attached: Quads_main.jpg (650x360, 44K)

im the winner bitch. fuck the bald white nigger


You don't have shit. Gotta love all the 12 year olds falling for it.
Gotta REALLY love all of them rapid-fire posting thinking they'll get quads when the post count is 200 posts away from quads.

>inb4 off by 1

So? Kill all straight white men.


Fader and friends tried their hit piece and it didn't work. He admitted tons of times to browsing Sup Forums. He's fucking a black girl, the man cannot be stopped.

Sorry buddy. No luck. :(
1000 more posts until quads

LMAO you grew up hating your imperfections now you hate others flaws not realizing nobody is falling for shit, it's called speeding up the posts for the quads to come and getting dubs ie useless fucking fun as useless as your shitty comment.

jesus christ, im off to sleep, have fun being a cynical faggot who would likely have actually fallen for it like you're projecting

sorry that your parents were incapable of teaching you and you had to do it yourself

you remind me of the retards like fantano and martin shkreli, completely inauthentic faggots who will never understand true happiness and being able to breathe, in fact i bet you get scared and anxious irl whenever you see anybody being able to be themselves. "they must be idiots" lmao you're a fucking joke. everything you are is generic, just admit it in yourself, dont bother replying to the comment. try harder faggot

btw at least fantano and shrekli have gotten somewhere with their incredulous cynicism and completely plastic way of being, never looking like they can relax. anyways whats the point youre too autistic to understand anything about emotion, rot in hell faggot

my sides

holy rekt




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